Hey Cherries! It's a BEAUTIFUL day out there today!! When we woke up the water was completely still in the lagoon and was like a mirror! SO pretty! But now the wind has picked up and it's cold. But if you can stay out of the wind it's really nice! Steve and Joe - I've been corrected he's 11! - went to town to get packages, a few groceries and Joe wanted to go to the thrift store to see if they had something he's been looking for. So I'm home alone for a couple of hours!

I got this layout done last night. I have another almost duplicate one to do today. It's from 2018 when my DD Michele brought her sons Garrett and Noah to Seattle for several days. I met them there and then she had to go back to work in North Carolina but the boys came with me and spent about 8 weeks here with us. It was a lot of fun!
I got the cut file from the Silhouette store.
I've been chasing hens off the deck and trying to pick up after Steve and Joe. Ladies, PLEASE teach your boys to pick up after themselves! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Hope you're all having a great day!