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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 4th
Charleneanne wrote:
Tue Mar 04, 2025 1:19 pm
Cold, grey, and chances of rain today through Thursday.  Meeting a friend for lunch today at Mel’s Diner.  I love that place.  Food is good, atmosphere is wonderful and they don’t seem to mind if you sit in your booth and chat for 2 hours. 

nothing else on my agenda so far.  Thinking when the boys come to dinner Friday maybe get some vanilla bean ice cream and make peach cobbler. My older son’s fav dessert.   The weather seems perfect for warm cobbler and ice cream.

have a good day. 

Enjoy your lunch with your friend! Sounds like a great place!!! And I’m with Brandy!!! Peach cobbler sounds amazing!!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 4th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Tue Mar 04, 2025 1:23 pm
Good morning y'all. I was woren out by 4pm yesterday and had to result to the recliner and taking it easy. Boo! I was also a little sore. When my alarm when off this morning I wasn't in the mood to get up. Turned it off and slept for another 40 mins. Woke up at 6am. Felt better getting a little more sleep which DH doesn't think I'm getting since I've been waking up with my alarm ever since my surgery. He suggested this at the beginning - I just sleep until I wake up on my own. Did I listen? Nopers. So I'm going to give that a try tomorrow. Maybe a little late for that, but I'm trying. As of today, I'm officially off the restriction of not pushing/pulling/carrying anything over 10 lbs and as excited I'm about that...DH...eh..not so much. He wants me to give myself a few more days to do some stuff. Sigh.... He thinks that as long as he's home, I should still let him help me with stuffs. So I'm trying....

I worked a little bit from my laptop while drinking my coffee, then showered, and walked a little bit. Not as far as I wanted to. Had a quick breakfast and been working the last 2 hrs at my desk. I think I'm going to need to get up soon and stretch my legs and walk a little bit before sitting back down and working. I'm hoping I can last longer than 4pm. This working 5-6 hrs a day just doesn't cut it...IMO. I'm used to working by 7:30 am and putting anywheres 8-10+ hrs/day....Funny..I've never had to TRY so hard in my life.

Anywho...back to work. Hope everyone has a great day.

Brandy, it’s super hard learning to let others help us independent women! But there always comes a time in our lives when we realize that we can’t do it all all by ourselves. It’s all part of growing older. You’re still young and not used to having less than full on energy. Your husband is right. Turn off the alarm and let your body tell you what it’s ready for. This won’t last forever!!! {{{HUGS}}} and prayers for! 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 4th
Hey Cherries! 

I found the meme I lost!!! I went through my phone pictures several times and it wasn’t there or I missed it every time. But last night I was looking for a couple of pictures to print and there it was! So I quickly emailed it to myself, saved it to my computer and printed it out! But I still haven’t found the original one I printed. lol! Crazy!!!

Today, tomorrow and Thursday I’m house and kitten sitting for my BFF.  She loves her animals so much she doesn’t want them to be home alone. And she’s got a gazillion plants of all kinds so she has me stay here to keep it warm. I don’t mind. I get to live like a normal human being for a few days! Lolol! 

I brought several things to scrap so I’m hoping I can get some done because my youngest grandson will be coming Thursday night and it won’t be so easy to scrap while he’s here. :)

Hope you’re all have a great day!! 
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