Scrap a Day, September 3rd

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Cherry Bark
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Re: Scrap a Day, September 3rd

Post by blbabe1234 »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:40 pm
blbabe1234 wrote:
Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:53 pm
Hello cherries. Wow...already passed noon here. I've had a really stressful morning and boy am I glad that I don't physically work with pooples. I knew it was going to start stressful as there has been some...changes...going on with my client's IT providers. Her current one for the last 7 years is a total waste of technological space and they get a big fat 'ol middle finger DAILY. Not just from me but from everyone. She informed me back in May that she was on the search for a new one. Cool beans. Good riddance!

Last Friday, my client informed me and her supervisors that she got a new IT provider and the "switch" will start "sometime this week". They would wait until Sept 3rd to start the process, wrapping things up by the 6th. Makes sense because you're flat out stupid if you choose to switch over during a long weekend. I still needed to verify that her email reminder system was working properly. I always log in first thing in the morning to just make sure. Every day. Well, I logged on on Saturday and my user name/password was invalid. WTH. Weird...didn't worry too much about it since it was the weekend. Tried again on Sunday and Monday. I also noticed that the emails stopped going out to staff on Sunday afternoon. Hhhmm...wonder what happened. So I checked again first thing today and still nada. So I email my client, and she puts me in touch with her new IT peoples. (1) the computer that runs the email reminder system isn't listed on their list of machines that previous provider gave them :greenmad:  and (2) found out that previous provider shut down access on Friday! :greenmad: :greenmad:  DUDES!!! That is not how that works!! You give the new people access and then once they got it up and running on their end, THEN you shut down YOUR access. OMFG!

See, that is why she got rid of her previous IT people. They are sooo incompetent, it's not even funny. So now the new IT dude in charge is trying to track down everything I NEED. UGH....Not mad at the new IT people at all...well..not yet..but I'll definetly give them a chance. But wow....

And then on top of this mess, of course her users need help with stuff so I'm doing that. Then I called my optometrist to schedule my annual vision exam, then moved on to my gyno for that annual exam. The latter though...I think their phone lines are down as I kept getting "call cannot go through. try again." I verified that I do have the right number (you never know...I could have had a number wrong). But no, got it right. I tried 3 more times, but nothing. I then emailed the receptionist just to say they need to call me so I can get that scheduled. Oy!

Anywho....thanks for letting me rant. On to putting together my bingo boards and send them off.

Hope y'all have a great day.

Brandy, first of all, lol at "pooples"! 😂 I certainly work with some of them 😂 😂 😂 😂
I hate that you've had such silly stupid tech issues! I mean, I don't understand why there's so much I competence sometimes!
Hoping it gets better for you! 🤞🏻 😊 

LOL Holly! Aaaahhhh word for "$hitty people"....Pooples. Everybody loves that word. Feel free to use it ;)
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bark
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Location: Corpus Christi, TX

Re: Scrap a Day, September 3rd

Post by blbabe1234 »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:47 pm
Hey Cherries 😊 taking my lunch break and reading the posts lol it's gotten cool enough for a jacket here but supposed to warm up one more time before it dips again lol we'll see.
I started a layout yesterday and maybe I can get it finished this evening? We'll see lol back to work I go! 😉 Stay blessed, Cherries! 🍒❤️

what's a jacket?! j/k...I won't need one for another 3 months!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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