Scrap a Day, July 28th

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by blbabe1234 »

Charleneanne wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:37 pm
Nice here too. Today through Tuesday only going to b 90 but then back comes the heat. By Friday back into the 100’s for 5 straight days. We are breaking weather records right and left. Last time I can remember a summer like this was 1960 and I was in high school. Got in trouble for trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk and not cleaning up the mess! lol. My dad was not amused!!

Going to make an annniversary card for my DD/SIL. Trying to decide whether to go with lovely or amusing. Today is one of my younger brothers bday and his card was funny but then that’s what he prefers. 62 today and somewhat of a cynical lad. lol

Well I need to get off this sofa. lol. Pretty lackadaisical as usual. Hahaha. Have a serene Sunday.
😂 Thanks for the laugh!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by blbabe1234 »

suewho372 wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:18 pm
Hi Cherries!!! Humid and sticky here--- keeps raining off and on since early this morning. I got the bathroom painted !!!!! WHOOOOO so it is drying!   Got a new phone and finally got a mintue and transferred everything -- smooth! so I have several things knocked off my list of to dos! I also finished up my progressive step 4 layout!!!
whew! I might just lay on the couch and watch TV (i hardly do that.... I am always all over the place....ugh) we will see. I need to put away laundry and put the sheets on my bed!
Have a great day Cherries! 

This is absolutely GORGEOUS! LOVE the colors and clusters and layering!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by blbabe1234 »

pawprints wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:34 pm
I did this layout for the CAS and the 1-3-5-7 challenges.


Gorgeous! LOVE the tiled looking border!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by blbabe1234 »

Ran my errands, unloaded dishwasher, made lunch for DH and I. Finally back in my scrap room. BF sketch

Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

pawprints wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 9:38 am
Hey Cherries. Lazy Sunday morning. I have a layout on my screen that I hope to finish up today once I shake off the lazies. No other plans but to scrap and cut invitations.

Have great day Cherries.
Sounds like a great day Barb!  Enjoy!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

VickiR wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 9:41 am
Gorgeous morning here too!  It was only 64 this morning.  I can't remember the last time the temp was below 70 at 7 am.  No plans today but to enjoy the sunshine and no humidity because it will be back tomorrow for the next 8-10 days.  I finished 2 LOs last night and need to get photos and post.  I'm hoping to spend the day crafting.  Tomorrow I have PT for a frozen shoulder and not sure if I'll be crafting tomorrow.  But I'll be glad to get my shoulder back to normal.
YAY for the weather!  OUCH for the frozen shoulder Vicki.  Worst pain I've ever had!  Hope the PT works!!! Have fun crafting!!!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:37 am
Good morning y'all. Easy morning here. Made a batch of hard boil eggs for the week, made breakfast and started up the dishwasher. About to head out to PetCo and Beall's, then back home to start scrapping.

Finished up the Progressive Challenge last night and uploaded it this morning:

Awwwww!!!  I LOVE this!  Especially the title Brandy!!!  :)
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

MTCanuk wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:09 am
Cool to start the day here with temps in the 50’s and cools our house right down if we open the windows!

Curtis is off to the fair each evening manning the photo display. I won’t be going with my knee recouping.

Enjoy visiting with my sister. No scrapping going on for me.

YAY for Sister time Leslee!  Enjoy!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 12:16 pm
Hey Cherries 😊
Humid here, and we did have some rain this morning; probably more coming out way! 😂 Besides Bible study and catching up around here,
I'm gonna finish up some layouts today and get them posted!
I can't believe July is ALMOST over! I didn't get much scrappin' done yesterday, but I worked on a mixed media collage and some art journaling. Good times! 😁
Stay blessed, Cherries! 😊

Have fun creating Holly!  :)
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

Art_Teacher wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:04 pm
Hot and more humid here, today, but the last 2 days have been lovely. :)  Going to do some boating and floating this afternoon, for sure!

Boating and floating sound heavenly Laura!!!  Enjoy and be safe!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

Charleneanne wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:37 pm
Nice here too. Today through Tuesday only going to b 90 but then back comes the heat. By Friday back into the 100’s for 5 straight days. We are breaking weather records right and left. Last time I can remember a summer like this was 1960 and I was in high school. Got in trouble for trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk and not cleaning up the mess! lol. My dad was not amused!!

Going to make an annniversary card for my DD/SIL. Trying to decide whether to go with lovely or amusing. Today is one of my younger brothers bday and his card was funny but then that’s what he prefers. 62 today and somewhat of a cynical lad. lol

Well I need to get off this sofa. lol. Pretty lackadaisical as usual. Hahaha. Have a serene Sunday.
Enjoy that nice weather while it lasts Charleneanne!  I got a giggle out of you trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk and getting in trouble for not cleaning it up!  :)  I hope you've scrapped that story!!!  :)  Have fun creating! 
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

suewho372 wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:18 pm
Hi Cherries!!! Humid and sticky here--- keeps raining off and on since early this morning. I got the bathroom painted !!!!! WHOOOOO so it is drying!   Got a new phone and finally got a mintue and transferred everything -- smooth! so I have several things knocked off my list of to dos! I also finished up my progressive step 4 layout!!!
whew! I might just lay on the couch and watch TV (i hardly do that.... I am always all over the place....ugh) we will see. I need to put away laundry and put the sheets on my bed!
Have a great day Cherries! 

Sue, your layout is AWESOME!!!!  LOVE that big sunflower with the pics!  I hope you're just vegging out and enjoying your day!!!  :)
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

pawprints wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:34 pm
I did this layout for the CAS and the 1-3-5-7 challenges.


I LOVE this Barb!  That background paper is PERFECT!!!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:57 pm
Ran my errands, unloaded dishwasher, made lunch for DH and I. Finally back in my scrap room. BF sketch

Great layout Brandy!!!  :)
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by GinniG »

Hi Cherries!  It's foggy and drizzly here today.  Quieter today because it's Sunday and most of the local planes don't fly on Sundays. But the guy working on the new next door neighbor's property is making a lot of noise.  Steve says they've spent more just on getting their ground ready than we did for our whole property to this point!!!!!  OMG!  We were so very blessed!!!  Two of his high school buddies had an excavation and road building company and they gave us some great deals on the work they did for us!  They've since retired and it shows in the work quality and the cost.  PLUS the property next door has some HUMONGOUS bedrock that will have to be blasted out.  Who knows how much THAT will cost!  My poor cabin will REALLY shake when that happens!  So we are very grateful and definitely counting our blessings because other than a bit of credit card debt we paid cash for everything here.  No mortgage and no rent!!!  :) 

I'm home alone today.  Steve went over to Ketchikan to get youngest grandson Joe.  He'll be 11 in October.  He LOVES being here and he's usually not TOO much trouble.  They'll be back around dinnertime.  I'm going to spend the afternoon scrapping unless I decide I'd rather have a nap.  :)  I scrapped last night and made this for the Make the Cut challenge.  This was our first winter in over 20 years when we moved here in 2016.  That was FROST!  It looked like an ice storm or snow!  We soon realized that the humidity is so high here this happens a lot in the winter.  :)   That's Steve scraping the window of the van we had back then.  We brought everything we owned up here in that van and trailer behind it!!!  :)  Good memories!


Have a wonderful Sunday Cherries!!!
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by suewho372 »

GinniG wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 4:34 pm
Hi Cherries!  It's foggy and drizzly here today.  Quieter today because it's Sunday and most of the local planes don't fly on Sundays. But the guy working on the new next door neighbor's property is making a lot of noise.  Steve says they've spent more just on getting their ground ready than we did for our whole property to this point!!!!!  OMG!  We were so very blessed!!!  Two of his high school buddies had an excavation and road building company and they gave us some great deals on the work they did for us!  They've since retired and it shows in the work quality and the cost.  PLUS the property next door has some HUMONGOUS bedrock that will have to be blasted out.  Who knows how much THAT will cost!  My poor cabin will REALLY shake when that happens!  So we are very grateful and definitely counting our blessings because other than a bit of credit card debt we paid cash for everything here.  No mortgage and no rent!!!  :) 

I'm home alone today.  Steve went over to Ketchikan to get youngest grandson Joe.  He'll be 11 in October.  He LOVES being here and he's usually not TOO much trouble.  They'll be back around dinnertime.  I'm going to spend the afternoon scrapping unless I decide I'd rather have a nap.  :)  I scrapped last night and made this for the Make the Cut challenge.  This was our first winter in over 20 years when we moved here in 2016.  That was FROST!  It looked like an ice storm or snow!  We soon realized that the humidity is so high here this happens a lot in the winter.  :)   That's Steve scraping the window of the van we had back then.  We brought everything we owned up here in that van and trailer behind it!!!  :)  Good memories!


Have a wonderful Sunday Cherries!!!
Awwww I love your layout Ginni and the story behind it!!! Eeeeek at the frost!!!! That’s frost on steroids!
Enjoy your scrappy afternoon!

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by suewho372 »

pawprints wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:34 pm
I did this layout for the CAS and the 1-3-5-7 challenges.


Barb this is gorgeous! The tiles look just like the tiles at our high school when I was a kid! Tooo cool!

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by pawprints »

VickiR wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:54 pm
pawprints wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:35 pm
VickiR wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 9:41 am
Gorgeous morning here too!  It was only 64 this morning.  I can't remember the last time the temp was below 70 at 7 am.  No plans today but to enjoy the sunshine and no humidity because it will be back tomorrow for the next 8-10 days.  I finished 2 LOs last night and need to get photos and post.  I'm hoping to spend the day crafting.  Tomorrow I have PT for a frozen shoulder and not sure if I'll be crafting tomorrow.  But I'll be glad to get my shoulder back to normal.

I had frozen shoulder a while back. Good luck with the PT.  
Thanks...I'm not looking forward to it.  LOL!  I took my mom for it and stayed with her and hoping it helps me like it did for here.
I had PT for it too. And it did help.

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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by pawprints »

blbabe1234 wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:57 pm
Ran my errands, unloaded dishwasher, made lunch for DH and I. Finally back in my scrap room. BF sketch

Love all the VB Brandy! So fun!

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A Cherry on Top
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Re: Scrap a Day, July 28th

Post by pawprints »

GinniG wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 4:34 pm
Hi Cherries!  It's foggy and drizzly here today.  Quieter today because it's Sunday and most of the local planes don't fly on Sundays. But the guy working on the new next door neighbor's property is making a lot of noise.  Steve says they've spent more just on getting their ground ready than we did for our whole property to this point!!!!!  OMG!  We were so very blessed!!!  Two of his high school buddies had an excavation and road building company and they gave us some great deals on the work they did for us!  They've since retired and it shows in the work quality and the cost.  PLUS the property next door has some HUMONGOUS bedrock that will have to be blasted out.  Who knows how much THAT will cost!  My poor cabin will REALLY shake when that happens!  So we are very grateful and definitely counting our blessings because other than a bit of credit card debt we paid cash for everything here.  No mortgage and no rent!!!  :) 

I'm home alone today.  Steve went over to Ketchikan to get youngest grandson Joe.  He'll be 11 in October.  He LOVES being here and he's usually not TOO much trouble.  They'll be back around dinnertime.  I'm going to spend the afternoon scrapping unless I decide I'd rather have a nap.  :)  I scrapped last night and made this for the Make the Cut challenge.  This was our first winter in over 20 years when we moved here in 2016.  That was FROST!  It looked like an ice storm or snow!  We soon realized that the humidity is so high here this happens a lot in the winter.  :)   That's Steve scraping the window of the van we had back then.  We brought everything we owned up here in that van and trailer behind it!!!  :)  Good memories!


Have a wonderful Sunday Cherries!!!
Really great winter layout Ginni!

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