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Alison S.

Cherry Tart

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
I'm the same way! For some reason I don't care for scrapbooking holidays. I even failed at December Daily.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
letumom wrote:
MacSarah wrote: Maybe I will scrapbook Christmas in July...

Hmmm....I smell a challenge coming on from one of our newbies....:winkb: :winkb: :winkb:
I was thinking the same thing. :-D
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Cherry Addict

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
few of us are 'current' - and I don't think anybody went back to their 'beginning' point and got caught up to their current point - that would be scrappers nirvana, right :winkb: Christmas is something I rarely scrap too - because I take hundreds of pics throughout the month of December and for Christmas! For three years now I put things together to do a December Daily album, plus I have special (Creative Memories) albums just for Christmas and I started all the way back to my first Christmas when I was an infant - I am only on my 7th year - I now have grandchildren!!! I have about 8 12x12 boces of Christmas scrappy stuff alone!!! That is why I avoid Christmas - I will start working on it and it will turn into a HUGE project!!! I am curious to see how many albums I end up finishing by the time I am done, thoough :winkb: I guess now I should be grateful my mother did not take lots of photos when we were kids the way I take tons of photos!
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Cherry Cola

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
At first glance that seemed puzzling to me, but then when I thought about it, not so much.
I'm primarily a chronological scrapper so each year of scrapping, Christmas always rolls around and I feel overwhelmed by all the photos and I don’t enjoy scrapping Christmas that much, not like I would expect myself to.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
I have been scrapping since as long as I can remember. Even in high school (and that was a loooooong time ago), the only club I ever joined I was the historian for... I took pics at all of our events and then made a scrapbook of what our club did the whole year. Boy I would love to see that scrapbook today, but I'm sure it is probably in scrapbook heaven.

I have always been the family paparazzi. I have pics of my sister and my cousins going way back to the days of polaroids! My dad would get a new polaroid camera and I would confiscate it and take the pictures. Back in the 80s when my kids were born my picture taking exploded. I literally have boxes and boxes of photos and negatives of everything that went on in their childhood. I would pull the best and most important photos and put them in photo albums, each of my kids having their own albums. These albums are so precious to me. Then I found out that the old "magnetic" sticky albums are very bad for photos, so little by little I have been transferring their pics into new albums. I have to literally stop myself from actually starting over... I just tell myself that I just have to transfer them as they are. It would take me forever otherwise. Those albums are chronological, and I don't think I got past middle school on either of them. Sigh. Then in the late 90s we got our first furbaby, and I have tons of photos of him. I started a photo album of him too, but when Boomer came along in 2000 he spilled a glass of iced tea on it and it got all sticky. Well, I wanted to scrapbook Cider anyway, so I scanned all the photos in the book and started a scrapbook of him. By the end of 1997 I got my first digital camera, and it is so funny because I didn't "trust" it at first and have many duplicate photos both on film and digital. LOL I had to be sure this new way of taking pictures was going to work! So now I have thousands of film photos and a gazillion digital photos, and of course I could never scrap them all. I pick and choose the best photos and the best moments... and I am so far behind. Grandchildren and more furbabies come along and there are more and more photos. I am so overwhelmed that I wish I could just sit and scrap all day long! And I often wonder if even that would be enough time.

As for Christmas scrapping, I've only done a few Christmas layouts, and all of them are digital. I definitely have the Christmas stash though!! My problem is that when I paper scrap, I have always scrapped chronologically, and that just takes forever. I was driving myself crazy because if I kept doing that I would have no pages about anything recent. Digital scrapping really helped me out here. When I digi scrap I just choose a picture or a subject and just scrap it. When Maddie would do something cute, I'd digi scrap it. The same with the dogs... I have many, many, many digi pages of them, but their paper albums, not much at all. And again... I definitely have the supplies. What I need is the time.

Recently I actually scrapped a paper layout of Cider for his album... out of chronological order! That was a biggie for me. And it was one of the challenges that got me to do it. When I saw the challenge I knew right away what papers and photos I wanted to use, and I pushed my OCD aside and told myself that I could still PUT the pages in the album chronologically, but I didn't have to scrap them that way!! They can be inserted anywhere in the album! Just pull then out of the page protectors and put them wherever they have to be! That was a real "duh" moment for me lol! And now that I have broken that big barrier, I plan on doing more paper scrapping. If I could just get this desk cleaned off lol.

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A Cherry on Top

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
JillinIN wrote:At first glance that seemed puzzling to me, but then when I thought about it, not so much.
I'm primarily a chronological scrapper so each year of scrapping, Christmas always rolls around and I feel overwhelmed by all the photos and I don’t enjoy scrapping Christmas that much, not like I would expect myself to.

I think the problem with Christmas scrapping is that we take SO MANY photos, mostly of opening presents, and the thought of scrapping them all is overwhelming. Add to that that when the season is over no one wants to even see another Christmas embellie, and I can see why many don't feel like scrapping Christmas.

I think the best way to handle Christmas is to pick out the best photos, or the ones that are most memorable, and just scrap those. You can always just put the other photos in a photo album, or you can do what another Cherry suggested in another thread last week... put pocket pages in between your scrapbook pages and fill them with the rest of the photos. When I put my kids photos in their albums, I used to pick out my favorite Christmas photos each year and put those in. The rest are still in the envelopes with the negatives, but at least I still have them. And they of course are all labeled with the date and year.

Speaking of pocket pages, I recently picked up a bunch of them. Since we have done our kitchen over, it made me want to take out all the before and after photos I have taken in our house since we moved here in 1987. I am so proud of all the improvements we have made, and I literally have a stack of film photos, and a ton of digital photos, of all the before and afters that I have wanted to scrap over the years. I KNOW that this would take me forever and a day, but this whole pocket page idea I thought would be the best way to do this. Much faster, since I am such a slow scrapper there wouldn't be anywhere near as much fussing for me on the pages. It's like a photo album but also a scrapbook. I love the idea and added it to the numerous projects floating around in my head!

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Cherry Addict

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
alisonleigh21 wrote:I'm the same way! For some reason I don't care for scrapbooking holidays. I even failed at December Daily.
I did a December daily once. Of course it took me until mid way into January to get it done lol.
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
I like the idea of adding the pocket pages in between scrapbook pages for extra pics. I too am the family papparazzi, so there are lots of pics. I have always loved looking at pictures and taking them. I think the thing with me with scrapping Christmas is like others have said, there are so many. so that's why I'm trying to do a 1 or 2 pic page each year of a family picture. Otherwise, I think I'm going to get all my pics printed in wallet size or smaller (4 pics to a 4x6 maybe?) and just scrap in a grid and do some that way. I haven't figured out how yet I'm going to do books, either just have one 'family' book or have a family book, and one each for the kids, which means a different scrapping method - either 2 pages with lots of photos of each kid - which I would prefer - or that, plus a page for Olivia and a page for Owen. I don't know what these kids are going to want when they get older! I'm not thinking about that now - I'm just enjoying the hobby of doing it all.

I can't get any more pics printed right now, but I definitely will start scrapping soon - I have some cute pics from this Christmas since owen was 1 year old that are great pics and will be fun to scrap.

I say we all make it a challenge to ourselves to scrap 1 or 2 Christmas pages next month!
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card. 
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags 
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)


My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
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Cherry Cola

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
I HATE making Christmas layouts. However, I include them because I think in 20 years I'd be mad at myself for not including those moments too. Yes, the photos are similar each year but I have young kids and it's nice to see their progression. I think I'm going to buy a Christmas collection this year and hopefully that will make it easier to put a LO together and the collection should last for several years. And I want to take some more nontraditional photos at holidays too.

Glad to see I'm not alone!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
Scrap in order. Never gonna happen. I'd be bored out of my mind. And would never scrap again.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: True Confessions of a Late Blooming Scrapbooker
letumom wrote:
MacSarah wrote: Maybe I will scrapbook Christmas in July...

Hmmm....I smell a challenge coming on from one of our newbies....:winkb: :winkb: :winkb:
I just posted that on another thread - we need to all jump in and get some of the holiday photos done.

I know I take more then than anytime, because we are all together. But since it's the busiest time of the year, I go from Christmas photography to SNOW and then do other layouts in anticipation of spring, and then there sit my Christmas photos. I really want to finish the ones I started doing in an 8.5 x 11 horizontal album - WHY? I've had a lot of issues arranging horizontally on a smaller album. UGH. And that's from Christmas 2010. SAD.
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