Messy or Neat?

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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by sdwhru »

I start neat and it gets messy QUICK!!
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by Celticrose »

Messy... but I'm hoping that finally having a dedicated craft space (almost finished) with proper homes for all the supplies will encourage a little more neatness.
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by 1grandma »

I am messy in general, but I can not scrap like that. I put everything away between LOs, then start over.
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by jrrah4903 »

i always start neat and end up messy. But I will come back and reorganize... a week or so later! :0
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by suewho372 »

Neat to messy -- doesn't take long

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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by DolphinSoul »

Mine is a Messy Neat... does that make sense??? It looks like a mess.. but I know where everything is and right where I need it!
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by Charleneanne »

totally messy. No doubt. I do try to pick up some when I am done, but still looks like a hurricane blew through.
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by Ayla »

Mess, definitely. When playing with paper, I often end up with the products I've pulled for 3 or 4 or 5 projects out before I get them all put away. And because I often work on 2 projects at the same time, there is double stuff out on a routine basis anyway!
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by writerlady »

Messy, but I clean up afterward.
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by Kiestler87 »

Oh I'm messy! I'm not sure its possible to me a neat crafter. lol
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by scrapy1967 »

I am a very messy scrapper. I am like you I have to start with a clean surface but after that look out!! I do have to clean up after each page I sometimes even put the scissors away even though I know I will get them right back out. I may be a little OCDish!!
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by joannie »

I too start off with a clean slate but somehow by the looks like a tornado struck!
- joannie

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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by stateless »

So, so messy! I'm lucky if I have enough room on my desk for the layout itself because I have so many supplies, embellishments, scraps, etc. strewn about. I tried to clean up a little last night for the crop but I know it's just going to get messy right away...
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by sherelm »

Messy - it's a sign of creativity. But I'm also Type "A" - every last piece of paper and photo has to be put away before I quit for the day - even if I'm going to start afresh in the morning.
I think that comes from my mother's teaching "You never know if you'll be returning to your home -you don't want people to think you lived messy."
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by mgehrke »

I have to start from a clean surface and then I mess it up. If I have time to do a second LO, I have to clean up and then go from there.
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by SherrieLynne »

I have to admit that I am MESSY!!! If my scrap area is clean when I start I have a hard time getting motivated. If it's messy it is so much easier to scrap. I wonder why that is????
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by love2stamp »

I start out neat, but by the end of a layout it's a disaster. I may straighten up after a layout, just depends if I am on a roll and know what I want to do for the next layout or not.
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by sherelm »

I'm thinking the messy, leave it out people don't have cats. CATS will actually help you become a neater scrapper, IMHO :winkb:
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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by blbabe1234 »

MESSY!! After one project, I can manage to take up two tables and the floor too!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Messy or Neat?

Post by blfonty »

Creative = messy. I clean up after each completed layout. LOL!
blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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