Do you love chipboard?

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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Re: Do you love chipboard?

Post by sarahwhithers »

lilkoala3 wrote:
scraptag wrote:LESLIE....are you going to give us points for all this sex talk. I know you like it!
If I had points, I'd give them to you. If I had money, I'd probably give that to you, too. But only a dollar. The economy's bad and my thong has been full of ones, not fives and tens like the good ol' days.

You should be happy you're not in Canada. If we were giving you ones, your thong would be full of coins! haha!!
Although because of that our strippers get at least 5's, so maybe you should come up to canada, might make a little extra moolah. :winkb:
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Cherry Cola
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Re: Do you love chipboard?

Post by JeanG »

>> ps. I won't be vulgar and talk about my sex life like some people. They say those that have to talk about it are probably not having it. <<

Wow! Talk about RUDE!! Leslie is hilarious and brings a lot of laughs and life to this board just by being herself. I see nothing at ALL vulgar in what she says!! And, for the record, I believe every word she says.....except that she's everyone's favorite cherry, because she can't be everyone's...just mine!! :-D
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Re: Do you love chipboard?

Post by AnnOminous »

I wondered why this thread had hung around for so long......

Yea, if I had been here in the beginning and clicked on the link and it required me join, I would of been po'ed :x and probably posted something really snarky.... because when you ask me to join and give you my personal information, you really are asking me for something big. (Newbies, please read my userid again and get the pun if you haven't already - I'm a bit of a privacy paranoid.:winkb: )

And yes, there was this one time that I probably would of hit Leslie if we had been arguing in person :x .... and that would of been stupid because Leslie definitely could take me.... unless somehow I managed to sit on her first! If it's a sitting on fight Leslie's cute little a$$ is a disadvantage!

Some of us unlucky gals do live vicariously through Leslie's sexcapades.... though I was on the phone with a good friend this morning who finally got some action. And boy did she get action and get her freak on - even doing it on the washing machine while it was running :? !! Top that Leslie!! :winkb:
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Cherry Cola
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Re: Do you love chipboard?

Post by Janshotgun »

I was just thrilled to come back this afternoon and see that this thread was still going!
Jan - trying to find my way

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