May Goals

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May Goals

Post by pawprints »

Well I bombed out last month. I had a goal of 8 and only did 4. I was so busy most of the month that I didn't really get to do any scrapping until the last week. My mom had the tendonitis in her wrist act up and she couldn't do anything, not even drive. So I spent some time getting groceries for her and going over her house and helping her. She is mostly better now and able to drive again so that is good.

I am hoping to do so much better in May, although now we are finally having nice weather and I'll be outside more. Still I am tempted to put my goal at 8 again. Ok I will. Lol.

How did everyone else do last month? And what are your goals for this month?


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Re: May Goals

Post by beachlover »

I bombed too!  I had a goal of 10 but only completed 4.

This month I am setting a goal of 10 again, but really hoping with iNSD that I can surpass my goal ImageImageImage
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Re: May Goals

Post by stateless »

I only managed a few last month - I think 4 layouts and a couple of pocket pages.  I hope to accomplish more with NSD this month - I'm going to say 6 layouts and 4 pocket pages.
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Re: May Goals

Post by emmapaige »

I did great in April - my goal was 20 and I completed 20.

So I'm going to be daring for May and say 25.

20/25 layouts
2/2 cards

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Re: May Goals

Post by Monroe1218 »

I bombed - measly goal of 4 and did 0!!!  BUT - since I took days off for iNSD, have found my mojo and my room is almost ready to work in....  I'm going to set a lofty goal for myself....10! 

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Re: May Goals

Post by blbabe1234 »

I thought I was gonna bomb with all my health issues, but I came back strong at the end. My original goal was 15 and I did 19. With NSD and only having to host Mother's Day, I'm going with 20!


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Re: May Goals

Post by Berta R. »

My goal was 20 and I finished 33.  Setting my goal at 20 again cause I know with the nice weather I will be busy.

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Re: May Goals

Post by DN in MN »

April was a total Image for me... Lots of out of the home activity which is great but I want to finish some albums to move on...ugh!  So, with iNSD and my month looking less active, here are my goals:

15 layouts
All iNSD challenges
5 Monthly challenges

I am purposely putting my layout count low so I feel AWESOME if I succeed at the latter, lol.
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Re: May Goals

Post by CarrieG »

i hit my measley 10 goal   sadly im gonna have to set it at that already off to a slow start......and we have tons going on this month

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Re: May Goals

Post by sweetsour »

Going to try this this month for the 1st time !  Playing along with iNSD, have 3 design teams so there's a few pages, but only 3 weekends free...
I am going to say the goal is 15 pages.

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Re: May Goals

Post by joannie »

I'm going to say only 5 layouts and 2 cards this month! It's a busy month and I'm feeling alittle drained from last month! I got 21 layouts finished and 6 cards in April!

13/5 layouts
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3/2 cards
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Re: May Goals

Post by keatonsgtgram »

May is a VERY busy month for me with spring clean-up on a large corner lot and both inside cleaning & the garden to plant. I'm going to try to UNretire and take a part-time job. My scrap goals for May are to celebrate NSD and work on the monthly challenges as much as I can but the most important goal is to enjoy myself scrapping my stress away. Have a great time this month, everyone!
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Re: May Goals

Post by Barb Van »

I scrapped 10 last month and I hope to beat that by 20. Twenty pages....I better get busy.
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Re: May Goals

Post by Barb Van »

I have so many pics, 20 is my goal.
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Re: May Goals

Post by karensay »

I need to set a goal....I am going to say - 10 pages!
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Re: May Goals

Post by Barb Van »

I did 14, but the thing I really am impress with is that I can post without getting frustrated. :)

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Re: May Goals

Post by Barb Van »

I did 14, but the thing I really am impressed with is that I can post without getting (too) frustrated. :)

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