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Cherry Bing

Fitness Journal/Journal about ME
I just recently picked up another Smashbook for a personal book. I am having a real hard time making it mine. I am worried what I doodle or write will be stupid or ugly. LOL Anyone else have scrap fright about their own self and their thoughts/musings? I am frozen solid here. Thanks. 
Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

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Cherry Tart

Re: Fitness Journal/Journal about ME
There are so many suggestions I could give, but I think the easiest is this.  Start with something you feel that you are "good" at.  If you are good at stamping, start there.  If you write well, start with some journaling.  If you have a favorite picture, that's also a good place.  You could even start with a favorite embellishment or a sticker that has a quote you like.  In other words, start with the comfortable, and work out from there.  And don't be so hard on yourself.  We are usually our own worst critics.  Oh, and you don't have to show that book to anyone.  It's for you, so you are the only one who is going to "judge" yourself.  Let go of the judgment and have fun!  Good luck!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Fitness Journal/Journal about ME
Sky_Scrapper wrote:There are so many suggestions I could give, but I think the easiest is this.  Start with something you feel that you are "good" at.  If you are good at stamping, start there.  If you write well, start with some journaling.  If you have a favorite picture, that's also a good place.  You could even start with a favorite embellishment or a sticker that has a quote you like.  In other words, start with the comfortable, and work out from there.  And don't be so hard on yourself.  We are usually our own worst critics.  Oh, and you don't have to show that book to anyone.  It's for you, so you are the only one who is going to "judge" yourself.  Let go of the judgment and have fun!  Good luck!
^^^Love this response! Perfectly stated. :)
- Jillian

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Cherry Cola

Re: Fitness Journal/Journal about ME
Kari, you are not alone!! One of the best suggestions I've received is "don't start with the first page" There's so much pressure that we put on ourselves to make that first page perfect. Open the book to an inside page and start there.
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