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Cherry Jubilee

Ideas for Baby's 1st Christmas pages
I have two more board books to make like this -


Only one says "AEROSMITH" and the other one says "REMINGTON".

Remington is a very close friend of mine's new grandson - he's 6 months old - and I want to do a baby's 1st Christmas album for him - I have tons of fancy little stickers for baby's Christmas -but I need help with coming up with pages. Like one can be "Photo with Santa". Then "Wrapping paper from first Christmas gifts". A list of who was there, to celebrate with Remi, and gifts he received. I'll have "Dee" (my friend) add the stuff after the holidays. WHAT ELSE? Please help me - my mind is mush right now. LOL

Aerosmith will be done the same way - photos, ticket stubs, etc. It's for my SIL - who rarely misses one of their concerts no matter which coast they are playing. Any ideas for individual pages for that? Thanks!!!!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Ideas for Baby's 1st Christmas pages
A picture of baby sleeping in Christmas pj's -waiting for Santa

Holding an ornament

Have them take a picture of the baby sitting in front of the tree with the lights off and then turn them on - and snap the picture as the lights come on - Title that one Merry and Bright
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Ideas for Baby's 1st Christmas pages
Queen Mum wrote:A picture of baby sleeping in Christmas pj's -waiting for Santa

Holding an ornament

Have them take a picture of the baby sitting in front of the tree with the lights off and then turn them on - and snap the picture as the lights come on - Title that one Merry and Bright
Oh my gosh - thank you so very much - they are awesome ideas!! I'm going to use all three!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Ideas for Baby's 1st Christmas pages
How about:

Looking at the tree light

Playing in the tree/or out of the tree

Playing with the Siamese while playing with the tree ornaments

Wrapping gifts (himself)

Making cookies

Eating cookies/turkey or whatever

Christmas outfit

Opening gifts

Celebrating with family

Baby's first ornament

Christmas activities
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Ideas for Baby's 1st Christmas pages
1grandma wrote:How about:

Looking at the tree light

Playing in the tree/or out of the tree

Playing with the Siamese while playing with the tree ornaments - (HE WON'T BE AT MY HOUSE - I'm the one with the Siamese cats (although his grandma has three cats and three dogs)

Wrapping gifts (himself) (He's too little for this)

Making cookies (He's too little for this, too. He's just 6 months old)

Eating cookies/turkey or whatever (He doesn't eat cookies - the "new" mothers don't feed them anything but cereal yet)

Christmas outfit

Opening gifts (Maybe with a bow on his head - or playing with his new stuff?)

Celebrating with family

Baby's first ornament

Christmas activities
I noted things above - but the hardest part is that he's so young. But he's a cutie!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Ideas for Baby's 1st Christmas pages
These are some good ideas. Will have to think on it. for AEROSMith too.
Loved the idea of christmas tree with baby feet-- wonder if my puppies feet would work LOL just kidding...maybe

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Cherry Addict

Re: Ideas for Baby's 1st Christmas pages
cherrycupcake wrote:
1grandma wrote:How about:

Looking at the tree light

Playing in the tree/or out of the tree

Playing with the Siamese while playing with the tree ornaments - (HE WON'T BE AT MY HOUSE - I'm the one with the Siamese cats (although his grandma has three cats and three dogs)

Wrapping gifts (himself) (He's too little for this)

Making cookies (He's too little for this, too. He's just 6 months old)

Eating cookies/turkey or whatever (He doesn't eat cookies - the "new" mothers don't feed them anything but cereal yet)

Christmas outfit

Opening gifts (Maybe with a bow on his head - or playing with his new stuff?)

Celebrating with family

Baby's first ornament

Christmas activities
I noted things above - but the hardest part is that he's so young. But he's a cutie!!

Sinced he is so young, maybe you could do it from his point of view. Like, I am watching the cat play with the tree ornaments and I think....
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Ideas for Baby's 1st Christmas pages
OK. I'm not listening to Bibi anymore. She seems to think I've more talent than I do. LOL I'm only going to slap some paper and stickers on this - a few titles - and then give it to her to fill in. Not making a production out of this - not that I could do that if I wanted to!!!

PS: The mother of this baby is a jerk. If my friend gives it to her instead of keeping it for herself - I'm choking her. lol BTW, I gave the little boy that John Deere tractor I made.
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