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Cherry Cola

Quiz about me
 Ok now I have a $5 gift certificate to give out.  We are having a quiz.  A quiz about me. lol.  All the answers will be in my profile or gallery.  The first one with all the correct answers wins the gc.  Good luck

1) What year did I start paper scraopbooking?
2) What are my cats names? There are 4
3) When did I really start using eyelets?
4) What are my cousins name? You need at least 2
5) What object did I do a page interview with?
6) What is my favorite scent?
7) What was my college minor?
8) What is my least favorite color?
9) What is something listed on my bucket list?
10) How did I decorate my pumpkin this past year.

Now get going and PM me the answers.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Quiz about me
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Quiz about me
 1. 1996
2. Little Bit, Stormy, nala, oliver
3. when the cropadile came out
4. Maggie and Josh
6. vanilla and cucumber melon
7 photography
8 pink
9 to be a mother
10. with paper
~*~ Marlene ~*~
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Cherry Cola

Re: Quiz about me
 And its gone. Thanks for playing.  Hope you are all enjoying the crop!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Quiz about me
1) What year did I start paper scraopbooking? 1996
2) What are my cats names? There are 4 Stormy, Bluebelle, Little Bit, Cassie
3) When did I really start using eyelets? When the cropadile came out
4) What are my cousins name? You need at least 2 Maggie & Josh
5) What object did I do a page interview with? Pizza
6) What is my favorite scent? Vanilla & Cucumber Melon
7) What was my college minor? BBA in Business (Minor - not sure, dance?)
8) What is my least favorite color? Pink
9) What is something listed on my bucket list? Go to Hawaii
10) How did I decorate my pumpkin this past year. Altered it with Paper
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Cherry Bing

Re: Quiz about me
 okay I'm a little slow....just finished.nice to meet you....thanks for the great quiz!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Quiz about me
 1) 1996 (your bio says 1996, but one of your pages says 1997 so not sure correct answer)
2) Little Bit, Stormy, Stuart, Blue Belle
3) For Cropodile
04) Josh & Edyn
5) Pizza
6) Vanilla & Cucumber Melon (you are crazy -- those are my favs)
7) BBA General Bus)
8) Pink (but I didn't see you use much black so maybe that is another)
9) Be a mother
10) Spooky Town and Sandy Lion hand made essentials
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