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Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:45 pm
by Laura Fiore
 I am known for being a little kooky in my family...hardly ever think before acting or saying. Therefore, I have quite a few "SHINING" moments :?!

One of them, is that if you put a Karaoke mike in my hand...I will hog it for the entire night...and I don't sing well!

Tell me one of your shining moments!

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:47 pm
by scrapin4me
I don't know that I really have any...

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:48 pm
by cynderellaj morning I got up and got all dressed to go to church. At the time, it was a pretty nice church and people really dressed for church. SO I put on my really nice cream and dark green dress, my nylons and my shoes and headed off to church. I talked to all sorts of people that morning, then sat in the sanctuary.  It was about time for communion when I happened to look down and I was wearing one green shoe and one blue shoe.  When it was time for my pew to go up for communion, I went the other way and slipped out of church and straight home!!!!

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:49 pm
by scrappinchic
 I'm that way with dancing.  My ds just turned 12 and won't let me chaperone any of his fieldtrips because he is afraid I will do the Soulja Boy with his friends. :-D

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:51 pm
by SarahA
Where to start???
Probably when I was looking at our dog (I never had one before) and noticed his lips. So I say to my husband, "I didn't know dogs had lips." And he tells me only male dogs do. So I BELIEVE him, and then later (like way later....days later), I realize that is not true!
Like what was I thinking anyway? Why would only boy dogs have lips???
I can't believe am telling anyone this!

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:51 pm
by Wendy-Gale
 I sing all the family hates it cause well I suck and they dont mind telling me!

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:51 pm
by Shanscraps
 I can't think of anything, but I know I'm a dork, cuz my kids said so.....

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:52 pm
by MLee
 I used to be a pianist for a rather large church but I've also been well known for having panic attacks. One Sunday morning we were almost finished with a long and rather lively song when the lid to the grand piano fell down flat. It caused a huge crash, the organist - who was a hundred years old at the time -  just kept playing louder and louder and I had a panic attack right there and fainted dead away!! :waiting: Needless to say it took a years to get me to play the piano again in front of anyone but the cats!! :?

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:53 pm
by davsar
 I grew up in a really small town (not a lot of traffic or anything).  During one of my high school years I traveled with my parents and my older sister to take her up to college.  In front of the campus there was a "Xing Ped".  I asked my parents "what is a Xing Ped?"  They had no idea so I pointed it out to them - it was right there on the road in big yellow letters "Xing Ped".  They about killed over with laughter.  I still can't live that down!  Every time we come to a Pedestrian Crosswalk they ask me what a Xing Ped is.

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:54 pm
by lewisbaby
One Easter, my DH and I were being silly, and I put an easter basket on my head with the handle under my chin (like a bonnet).  I was dancing around being goofy.  Well, when I tried to take it off, it was stuck.  LOL.  DH had to pry it off my head.  Every Easter he reminds me of that.

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:58 pm
by lewisbaby
 Oh I remembered another good one.   We were out at my MIL's and there was a chicken walking across the yard with her baby chicks following her.  I started following them cuz I wanted to see the cute little chicks.  Well, mama chicken didn't like that too much.  She started running at me squawking.  I ran away screaming for DH.  He had to fight the mama chicken off cuz she kept following me.

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:59 pm
by CrazyKar
 I'm sure there are many to tell but I can only think of one blooper off the top of my head!! My son's ex gf was named Jenny and he brought his new gf over for us all to meet and her name is Jordan but guess what I called her??? Yep, Jenny!!!!! Not good!!! But hey, she must have forgotten or forgiven me because they are getting married in June!! :-D

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:59 pm
by -Shannon-
 I'm a klutz and am known to trip or walk into something...say like a wall or table. :greenlol:

***WINNER***BUILD ME A Layout #2

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:59 pm
by Laura Fiore
WOOHOO! Thanks for playing ladies!

25 points to fanoftigers

OK ladies--you have until 10:20 to show me what to use to scrap this photo:

ImageIt belongs to do it up right!!

I want at least five know I throw alot of stuff on my layouts!

25 points to the random winner!

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:00 pm
by mkokopelli
 I went to the mall with a friend to go see her husband.  We walked around a bit then sat down outside waiting for him.  He walked up and immediately asked me why I had 2 different shoes on.  I leave my sandles and clogs on my floor board in the car, so I put on the wrong one.  How do you walk around a mall for an hour without realzing one shoe has a opened toe and the other doesn't???  Mommy brain!

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:07 pm
by beachlover
 I had a really bad cough one time while at my niece's birthday party coughed so much I actually was chokin, couldn't breathe and endd up throwing up.  Of course, since I had been drinking, my whole family choe to say it was the alcohol.  The following year, same friggin thing happened!  Seriously!  We were outside in the fal, so the coughing must be an allergy, but of course my family has got this to use to make me look the fool whenever they want!  :( 

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:10 pm
by Flapdoodle
 I'd have to report my life 24/7. I'm that dorky!! :-D

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:11 pm
by ncokely
 We went camping once, which I hate, and ended up sleeping in the car because of the rain.  The next morning I stepped out of the car and slid down an entire muddy embankment on my behind!!!

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:15 pm
by Laura Fiore
 aren't families fun Ann??? :?

Re: Time for Sharing

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:19 pm
by DaisyLou
 Well, I just got back from the store with my almost 2 yr old. While I was perusing the bras she grabbed a hanger with 3 pairs of xxL panties on it and decided to race through the store at top speed waving them over her head and laughing maniaclly while I, juggling the pack of smokies, tin of formula, and the bra which I had pulled out of it's box, chased her up and down the aisles. How is it possible that a 2 yr old can move so fast?!?!? That was pretty shining - well my cheeks shining red anyway :?