OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

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Cherry Jubilee
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by nun69 »

I scrap because I LOVE it and I really enjoy that my family likes to go back and look through my books {spelling errors and all!} and really enjoy the work I put into them....so I do like to come back and see what people have to say about my LO's {good or bad} and since I don't know what people really like {personally}....I want you to go to my gallery and pick out the LO  YOU like the BEST, tell me WHY and post is back to this thread...I'll leave this open until the end of my shift.... ..here is one of my current fav's and why... my DD {Sam} is not quite a teenager yet and actually enjoying having a baby brother around....I LOVE the photo and how she is TRULY enjoying trying to entertain him to get their picture taken...she is not so enjoying have 2 more younger siblings {Abby & Peyton} at this point in HER life {almost 15} and being a freshman in High School...hopefully one day she will enjoy them ALL....  100 random points to Joy...and thank you guys for all your participation!
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Cherry Cropper
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by dianagirly »

I love every day moments and you really captured that with this one! I love big red cookie face and this is one of my favorite color combos. Plus it is whimiscal and I love that!
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Wild Cherry
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by -Tracy- »

 I love the layering and title work you did here. I also like how you combined the doodle with realistic looking papers without it looking funny. I can't seem to get that technique down. 
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Cola
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by MLee »

Even though you're digi I have several of your pages in my faves! I adore your work! There are two that I always come back to though. This is my all time favorite - I love pages with heartfelt journaling and with this one you really poured out your heart. The photos and elements are wonderful but it's the journaling that is so important.

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Cherry Bomb
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by corriekate »

I love this LO because of the colors but because of the appearance of love between the two.  Abbey Looks like she loves to be with him and he doesn't seem to mind her being there either.  I look forward to watching them grow together and see their relationship bloom!
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Cherry Garcia
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by Joy »

 The colors are awesome but the thing I love most is the photo makes me smile!!
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by MOM2SNOX »

I LOVE the tender moments between a Daddy and his child!! You captured this one beautifully Angie!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by milmomma »

I actually have this one in my scraplift folder, I love the pictures down the side, and the film strip look fo the big one. We love 4th of july. Specially since dh is in the military and supports our freedom. So this one really touches me.
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Cherry Cola
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by cynderellaj »

I love this one because you showed the contrast in the moods by changing the colors of the photos....and the pics are ADORABLE!!
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Cherry Jubilee
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by ScrapGoo »

I love this one... the photo and all the elements flow together so well I have trouble figuring out where one ends and another begins.  It is an awesome photo and the stars around it really pull you in.
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Cherry Cola
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by MLee »

I know... I'm posting twice but these two really are my very favorites of yours. The design and color on this page are so fantastic! the pink and the green seem to symbolize their relationship. I love to see older and younger siblings together and you have captured that beautifully here. I adore this page.

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Cherry Jubilee
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by emarie803 »

I Love the photos (especially the look of concentration in the big one!) and how you separated the big one from the 2 smaller ones with the ribbon. I love the stitches throughout and how  the bright colored flowers pop in the corner!
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Cherry Cola
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by Henu_Nea »

This is such a precious LO! The pics are adorable! I love the colors, layering and journaling! Awesome LO!Wunnea
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by lewisbaby »

This one is absolutely gorgeous.  I love the color combo.  It goes perfectly with the black and white pics.
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Cherry Jubilee
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by nun69 »

Brittney...if you haven't read my bio I am also in the military{Navy Corpsman same as MOM2SNOX{retired)}...been in for 17 years this past Jan
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Cherry Tart
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by tstar »

I love the summer time photos and the way you utilized them in a neg. strip is very creative. Tanya A.
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Cherry Blossom
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by mom2boyz »

First off, the picture is gorgeous and i love, love the colors you used. and the title is great too!  It looks like you've definitely captured her personality!
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Cherry Berry
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by Heatherj81 »

 I like the simplicity of this LO.  It has just the right amount of embellishments to add to the page without taking anything away from the pictures.
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Cherry Cola
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by Janshotgun »

I love the bright colors and the grid on the main picture, the angles on the other 2 pics and the cluster of embellies in the lower corner!!!
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Cherry Jubilee
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OK..Let's Change It Up..WINNER

Post by deerewife »

I love how the picture is broken upJenna
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