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Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 5:21 pm
by pawprints
I'm Barb and I've been here on the boards since 2008, although I was shopping at ACOT long before that. I have been crafty for as long as I can remember, and scrapbooking since I was in school. My DH and I have 2 children and 3 grandchildren, and 2 doggies, a yellow and a black lab. We will be married 47 years in December. I scrap both paper and also digital and enjoy both immensely. I don't think I will ever catch up as I love taking photos and have been doing that since I was a kid too. I will never run out of photos, or scrappy supplies for that matter. I'm a scrapaholic shopaholic lol. I am a retired graphic designer and love designing my own layout pages so don't usually do sketches. I am also a fussy, slow poke scrapper. Most of my layouts are of my 3 sweet grands and my 2 labs. They give me so much joy and I just love getting all the memories onto a scrapbook page. It's all about the photos and the stories for me, so I normally do a lot of journaling on my pages.

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 5:26 pm
by Toocooltina
Hi, I'm Tina
I am in the suburbs of Austin Texas 
I have been scrapping since 2006- 15 years
My style is best described as basic with embellishments. 
i found ACOT a few years ago while shopping for scrapbook paper.
Happy NSD!

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 5:42 pm
by Yankeegirl
Hi everyone!  I have been scrapping since the early 90's, and actually started by buying tons of stickers from Stickers Galore, the precursor to ACOT.   I've been posting to the ACOT gallery since 2009, and it is my go-to spot for inspiration.  Love to do as many challenges as I can, although I have been MIA this entire year after a total knee replacement.  Still can't sit or stand for long periods but I am trying to get back to participating on the site again.  I miss my friends here!

I am a retired nurse, will celebrate my 49th wedding anniversary next month (yikes!), have two beautiful daughters, two cherished grandkids, and my mom and two brothers who live in New England.  DH and I live in an 'active adult resort community" in Lancaster County, PA.    I love travel, photography, crafting, and all things Disney!  

I love two page layouts, mixing lots of patterned papers, almost always use a sketch for inspiration, and like to try out new techniques and styles.  But I think I am a pretty linear scrapper.  I also like to make cards, and teach a card making class to neighbors once a month.  I dabble in my mixed media journals, and am trying to create a traveler journaling for my vacation photos. I own way too much patterned paper, tons of stamps and dies, and spend more time organizing it all than using it, it seems!

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 6:02 pm
by SandyJay
Mommyof5 wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 3:34 pm
I found ACOT Last year during NSD and loved it.  I am 44, and about to marry the man whom my soul loves.  
He and I were both married once before...I call it our "trial periods" lol.  we both have 5 kids each and together we have the Brady Bunch on Steroids. 
We live in Texas...20 minutes north of HOuston.  I work at the 2nd largest airport in the US...and we are definitely starting to get busy again...FINALLY!! 
None of his kids live anywhere near us, and all of mine live WITH us.  Well, my 20 year old daughter moved out the rest are at home. 
I have been scrapping for almost 25 years...since I was pregnant with my oldest son, who passed away in 2016. 
After spending almost two years n a fog after my son died, 
I met a man who includes my son in everything, and acknowledges that I am a mommy of 5 kidz...not just 4.  AND THAT is the man that I will marry in August. 
Wishing you the best. I am glad to hear you have a man that will accept all of you and all of your children.

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 6:24 pm
by niecey62
I'm Denise, nickname is Niecey.  Shopped with ACOT for many years, just never participated in an online crop here.  When I lived in Georgia I got together monthly with a group of ladies, since I moved to coastal Alabama I haven't met any other ladies that do papercrafting.
Never had children, never could, so my critters are my kids, spoilt rotten all of them! 
I mostly do crafts as gifts, rarely do anything for myself to keep, I just really enjoy doing them.  I'm what you might call a super hoarder, so this year my goal is to only use what I have, just buying tape, glue or solid cardstock as needed.  I did recently go through my stash and donated a large box to an art studio for kids summer craft days.


Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 6:41 pm
by Linda P.
I have been scrapbooking for years. First with my mom then with a friend from Louisiana. I am a retired foster care supervisor. After my husband passed away I moved in to take care of my mom for eight more years. Mom had dementia so scrapbooking things like sorting letters or just giving her things she could do like cutting out items or clipping corners gave her something to do. After mom passed scrapbooking with my friend over the phone and ordering things from cherry for our BFF and one for us. Spending time on the phones hunting down cherries kept me going in the right direction. Now I’m have a group of little grands so pictures are often sent to auntie so each have their scrapbook. I’ve also taken an interest in our family tree and have started a book that can be passed on to the little ones. Surprised to see their mom and dads as little children. i live in Michigan.

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 6:55 pm
by sherriscraps
I'm Sherri from East Texas.  Mom to 2 grown sons, 2 DIL and 3 grandkids (who just went home today so I can play now)  Been here since NSD either last year or the year before.  Partiicpate every month.  love it here. Great products too. 

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 7:21 pm
by Jolly Holly Scraps
I've been on ACOT floor less than a year, but I'm here to stay!

I've been scrapbooking for about 20 years. I did have a few years where there was a gap and now I'm making up for it! 😊

I would say my style is eclectic. Sometimes I want to do something new or want a different type of feel. Thus, I would say that most of my layouts look relatively different.
I'm experimenting with a new format right now- 81/2 x 11 and am gonna give pocket pages a go.
I rarely ever sew on my layouts, but I don't sew much at ALL lol I also do some mixed media art and spend some time making my own embellishments, tags, etc... HOWEVER I LOVE EVERY thing about scrapbooking and THIS is what I want to do most of the time these days 😆😆😅
Anyway I enjoy being here at ACOT and getting acquainted with all the other cherries.

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 7:25 pm
by javalove
I'm Lisa and I've been a scrapbooker for about 12 years, although it's been too long since I've done anything. I found out about ACOT through a friend a long time ago. I live in western Pennsylvania, and the youngest of my four kiddos will graduate from high school next month. I've been divorced about 14 years, so it will be a truly empty nest for me in the fall. I hope to spend quite a bit of time traveling, and I'd like to become a snowbird within the next couple of years.

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 7:40 pm
by MacSarah
I am married. I have 4 daughters aged 27, 23, 16 and 5. I have one granddaughter. And, a cat has us.

I started scrapping on a whim about 13 years ago. My daughter and I were headed to a midnight showing or DVD release (can't quite remember) of one of the Twilight movies. There was a local scrapbook store hosting a crop, so we killed some time there. It qas a wonderfully welcoming group of people and I was hooked. I never scrapped at home when the store was there, but I cropped almost every Friday and Saturday night. The store closed. The clearance sale significantly grew my stash. And I carved out a scrap space in my basement. My daughters have all gone though a phase where they scrapped with me, but so far it hasn't stuck with the older 3, and the jury is still out on the little one.

My original craft is sewing. I have done that since I was 5 or so. I particularly like costumes. Occasionally, I enjoy a wedding gown. I never under any circumstances want to hem pants, even if it to finish a garment I made.

Re: Getting to Know you game

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 10:44 pm
by Aztam
I am not sure when I found A cherry on top but last year Becky Bitting mentioned the NSD challenges and jumped on board. I've continued the monthly challenges and love it.

I started scrapping in 1999 or so. Mostly, I do 12x12 but have branched out to pocket pages, and 8.5x11.

I live in southern AZ but grew up in NE TX.

Re: Getting to Know you game - closed

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:51 am
by Sandi0805
btt - game closed