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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

iNSD Goals
As I reflect on my April scrappy goals and must hang my head down as I will not complete what set... Image  Anyways, I am not going to dwell on what is and focus on the future.  With iNSD fast approaching, what are your goals for this upcoming weekend?  There are 12 hostesses and most challenges will run through the week but, some will need to completed sooner... plus the games and just hanging out online.

So, post here what you want to accomplish for iNSD ONLY... Saturday, May 5, 2018 Image  

My goal is to complete 5 12x12 layouts and be interactive for the entire day - minimum 10 hours!

How about you?
2024 Layout goal ~ 14/100      2024 Word ~ FOCUS
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: iNSD Goals
im aiming  im gonna shoot for 3 layouts that day.  My DH doesn't understand about not interrupting etc.......ha
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: iNSD Goals
I do good to get in 3 LO's in a day so that is my goal
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Berta R.

Cherry Bing

Re: iNSD Goals
I want to enjoy the games and chatter and hopefully get 5 challenges or more completed during the week.  Mostly I want to have fun! 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: iNSD Goals
I want to enjoy the games and chatting. Maybe 2 or 3 layouts.
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Cherry Cola

Re: iNSD Goals
One son has SATs, the other has a frisbee tournament and my husband will be out of town. My goal is to get everyone where they need to be with low stress. Not much scrapping for me on the actual day. Image

this is happens every year, not sure why it has to be at such a busy time of year. 

Image Image Image Image Image

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Cherry Blossom

Re: iNSD Goals
Considering it is Cinco de Mayo and Kentucky Derby Day (Both are huge at our house) I will probably do most of my scrapping during the following week, but I will shoot for 3 challenges and I hope I can sneak in a Fast Scrap and as much socializing as possible in-between .
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Cherry Addict

Re: iNSD Goals
Fortunately I only have something Sunday afternoon (racing if it does not rain) then other than work all week I have plenty of time.  I did some power cleaning yesterday so most things should be okay on that front.

SO...  I am shooting to complete 3 iNSD challenges that are going to be posted!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
 view my blog (new) 

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Cherry Tart

Re: iNSD Goals
I would like to complete 2-3 layouts.
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Cherry Bing

Re: iNSD Goals
I'm hoping for 5 pages and at least 8 hours online that day.  And maybe 2 more pages during the week.

It's ok, I scrapbook.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: iNSD Goals
I plan on getting 2 layouts done and a lot talking and game playing. :)
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Wild Cherry

Re: iNSD Goals
I would like to complete 6 12x 12 LOS
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Addict

Re: iNSD Goals
I’m going to aim for 5 layouts, lots of chatting and playing games.
** Chris **

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Cherry Cropper

Re: iNSD Goals
I would like to complete 3 challenges on Saturday.... and chat and play games!  I hope to complete all the challenges by the end of the week!

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Cherry Garcia

Re: iNSD Goals
Well, unfortunately, I won't get to hang out much on the 5th because my DD is graduating from college that day then we are meeting family to go out to dinner to celebrate and prepare for her Open House on the 6th.  HOWEVER, I would like to be able to at least check in and get ONE challenge done that day. Fingers crossed!!!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: iNSD Goals
I'm hoping to participate in as many games as possible and any fast scraps as well, depending on timing. I'll work on the challenges during the week - it would be great to get three done.
- Valerie/stateless
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Cherry Bing

Re: iNSD Goals
I definitely want to be on this forum as much as possible throughout the day to chat and play games.  I want to scrap too, but will probably not get a ton done.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: iNSD Goals
My goal is to be online all day, do any fast scraps, play some games, and start working on challenge layouts, I probably won't totally finish any layouts on Saturday but hope to have a couple done on Sunday and to keep working on more LOs the rest of the week.
Rhonda -- Scrappin' in Wisconsin
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1scrapdiva (Robin)

Cherry Berry

Re: iNSD Goals
well my goal is to try to complete all the challenges that are do by the end of day ! been stressing on how with a big gymnastics show for my two granddaughters the same day !!! and 1 hr away,
that 1 hr there 1 hr show 1 hr home ! 
so hope wish and dream right .... I am all focus on get'er done!Image
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Wild Cherry

Re: iNSD Goals
I probably will get nothing done on not gonna lie bc I want to be apart of all the fun....I usually scrap the next week for the iNSD that allow it... that I hope to complete at least 5. 
~ Carissa ~

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