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Good Morning!Updated with winner

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:12 am
by Retiree3
I woke up at 3:50 this morning. RiaB. was the closes with 3:48. She will get 50 points. i will also give 15 points to everyone else for participating.

Good Morning to everyone! The day has finally  arrived. I'm so excited! Can you guess what time I woke up this morning? Possible points for  the correct guess. You will have until 12:00 PMImagetoday to guess.


Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:15 am
by Deanna13
Morning Donna! I'll guess 5 am.

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:31 am
by GlitterNGlue

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:37 am
by jrrah4903

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:38 am
by emmapaige
Good morning Donna! I will guess 5:45.

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:45 am
by sherelm
I'll say 4:44.

Good morning to all of you too! I'm heading to Hershey to crop, but I'll be checking in here all day. Love ya!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:08 am
by jaziscrapper
Happy NSD!
Did you wake up at 4:30?

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:12 am
by shinyhappytina

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:12 am
by CNMommy
Good morning and Happy happy iNSD!! I am going to say 4am!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:19 am
by mgehrke
Good Morning - I'm going to guess 4am.

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:24 am
by funwithpaper
I'm going to guess that the very first thing you did was jump on here to post so: 6am. ;)

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:25 am
by ernstem
Guessing 4:13am

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:48 am
by Nunina
Good Morning!!! Happy NSD!!!!

I would say at 6:00 am!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:52 am
by Monroe1218
Good Morning!  I'll guess 4:45am!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:06 am
by joannie
Good Morning! I've been up awhile (around 6am) ...It took me awhile but...I finally hit the "check out" button so I've got that done for the day! I've also got my make-up and hair done for the shower I'm going to later this afternoon! I need to get my clothes all laid out. Then I won't be wasting precious crop time later!! Image I've already drank a whole cup of coffee and I'm trying to wait to eat my special K bar because I'll be eating a light lunch at the shower (2pm). 
Everyone enjoy the day!!!


Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:14 am
by SiriF
It´s already 2pm in Norway, the day is "running" by. I´ll be starting my first project as soon as I can get away from the computer, I´ve been good, and done some design work earlier today so that I wont feel guilty for scrapbooking the night away!

I guess you woke up around 6.34...

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:17 am
by ColoradoCropper
I'll venture a guess at 4:15 am

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:20 am
by tweaker
5:30 am

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:26 am
by beachlover
Good morning everyone!

Donna if you are anything like me, you were up before 6:30 when it really started getting light out!  I opened my eyes to 6:23 but didn't get out of bed until honey brought me my coffee!  I am so spoiled!!!ImageImageImage

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:29 am
by Tammey