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Cherry Delight

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
CarrieG wrote:Me= VERY blessed wife to my DH of 22 years......SAHM to my 4 amazing children.......Dillon (25) KimiAnn (21) Aimee (18) and Calliope (11)  I will be 47yrs old this August and I cant believe I am closer to 50 than I am 40..HA   Currently living in Oregon, but in 49 (!!!!) days will be on my/our way to finally being a whole family again in Texas...this has been the craziest year of my life!  My life is everything and more than I ever dreamed about as a little girl and everyday I count my blessings!  We have a joke in this family...since I finally relinquished my title as "MiniVan Mom" and got rid of the ability to carry 8 ppl at a time....that I am someday going to run away and leave them all for the beaches of San family is my WORLD!   (I now drive a new 4x4 Jeep Grand Cherokee--that I affectionately call *Bob*---since I paid cash for it with inheritance money from my dad..LOL)
Besides scrapbooking I enjoy reading, travel, hiking and time with family & friends. 
currently our pets consist of 2 dogs, 2 cats and a guinea pig---we had a rabbit but he went to the great carrot patch in the sky recently  :(
I am looking forward to our family dynamics changing...just as the whole family will be back together again...I have one getting married, and one off to it will just be DH, the youngest and myself at home.......GASP   last time there was only 3 ppl living in our house I still control the tv remote..........I am going to have POWER again..hehe
I am quirky, offbeat and LOVE nachos...........................ahhhhhh life is good!
You sound like you have figured out when it comes to family and kids etc., more is better.  Enjoy all the busyness and activity while it is around. oh and sorry about the rabbit.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU there a text book or notes we can study to find out what we'll be tested on later about your lives? :)

I'm a 42 year old writer and etsy shop owner (I was also a dog trainer before a genetic spine disease smacked me down, hard), married to Scott (video game programmer) for 20 yrs this August. Yay! :) We aren't really what you'd call human kid people. We make a better aunt and uncle than parents. We do have several beloved (all adopted via rescue) animals who are part of our family we couldn't live without. We have 2 kitties (Toulouse, 10 and Violet, just turned 3), a chihuahua (Jinkasaurus-5, but we adopted him less than a year ago), 2 aquatic turtles, Walter (about 40) and Jebediah (unknown, but we adopted him almost 10 yrs ago), 2 gerbils, Sterling and Archer (less than 1 yr), and 2 degus, Faustus and La Galoue. We also foster small animals for rescue, so we currently have 2 biiig squishy rat boys who are sweet and gentle though they look intimidating due to their size, named Dr. Kreiger and the Earl of Cardigan, 3 white gerbils--Looseleaf, Pencil, and Inkwell, and a teensy baby syrian hamster (honestly, I don't think there's much in the world cuter than her) named Lady Bellamy. Whew!

Other than scrapbooking/papercraft, I also love stitchery, pen pal-ing/mail art, postcard collecting and swapping, dog training, reading, writing, journaling, learning languages (right now I'm trying to improve my French and learn ASL) and floral arranging. I collect hotel/motel, disney parks (and other theme park/attractions), swimming pool, and restaurant postcards--especially ones from the 60's-80's but I love others, too. I also collect cool, original art pieces, ATCs, rat/mouse anything, and vintage stationery of all kinds.

I don't drive and never have. I have panic meltdowns when I try. Not good. The world is a safer place thanks to my choice not to drive, seriously. I love to travel, both domestically and abroad. It's not easy for me to get out of the house, though. My spine pain is severe and keeps me from being able to do many things other people (including me, before this happened) do without thinking. There's no cure and it's a very difficult kind of pain to control so that's fun. Sigh. I try to keep my chin up, focus on the things I love doing that I *can* do, and try to stay in the moment as best I can that way. I'm a Zen Buddhist, and it does help me to make the best of what I've got. That doesn't mean I don't ever get sad or mad, but I make an effort to focus and find the happy parts of things.

Well, yap yap yap, I've gone on long enough. Gotta go walk the dog--day 4 in a row of being able to take him for a walk. I haven't made it this far in *years*. Being able to take my dog 5 days a week (at all, let alone regularly) has been a huge goal of mine since my spine degenerated to the point where I lost the ability to do so. I don't know if it's going to be this week or not, but I can't believe I've made it this far. Usually I get slammed with a "pain day" before I get this far, when the pain is so intense I can't think, read, do anything but try to hold myself together till the day ends. Wish me luck! Whoo hoo!
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Cherry Bing

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Charleneanne wrote:So we are going to quiz you on how well you know us.  So how about you tell me a little about yourself as well.   Married, single, partnered up?  kids -human, fur, feather etc.  Occupation or past time (other than scrapping).  Habitat (you know, where you live) lol     Car-SUV, sports, hybrid, etc.            All the usual stuff.   Could be points in it for sharing about yourself.    Newbies, long timers, young and old.   Open up.  Let's hear about YOU
I am married (12 years next month) with one newborn.  I am an attorney, live in the southwest, and drive a Mazda.  
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Cherry Blossom

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
I am married -- 19 years as of last month -- and have three kids, ages 11, 8, and 6. (The photo in my sig is about three years old.) We have a dog, two cats, and about 4 former pond fish that are going strong in their "temporary" tank that they have been in for the last two years. (Long story. Really. I tried to write it briefly and it just kept going on.)

I'm a software engineer for an automobile manufacturer and I drive a large crossover (2011 GMC Acadia) because there are five of us (six when we bring my mom along, which is quite often.) We live in Michigan in a small town between Flint and Ann Arbor. 

Besides scrapbooking, I like to read, play video games, watch tv, take pictures, and window shop, although I haven't been doing any of those lately. Even my bird feeders are empty. (I was supposed to fill them last weekend and it seems appropriate to mention it here with all the other things I'm not doing.) 

My current project is to get myself to a point where I can scrapbook regularly again. I think I could do it now, except that I am not in that scrapbooking "groove" where the layout practically scraps itself as soon as I sit down, instead of spending so much initial time trying to think of the best way to get started. I'm hoping to get over that particular hump this weekend. Image
~ Katie ~

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Christi S.

Cherry Bing

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Hi - I'm Christi, 46, from Rockledge, FL, on the space coast of FL. I am single, never married, no kids, with 2 older sisters and an older brother. Both my parents have passed away. I have 7 nieces and nephews who are my world - 2 girls (18 & 10) and 5 boys (26, 23, 10, 8, & 3). I own my home. I drive a 2002 Mazda Protege. I work in admissions at a college. I was an elementary music teacher for 12 years.  I've been all over the world - over 35 countries and 48 states. I have been scrapping since 1997. It's therapy for me.  I have to do something artistic every day - I do painting, drawing, sewing, quilting, etc and host crafting parties for kids several times a year.



Totals for 2016
     Layouts 33
     Cards 42

Totals for 2015
     Layouts 299, Cards 331, Mini Books 5

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Just celebrated our 15th Anniversary 3/31, DD turned 14 on 3/16 and I had my 59th on 4/29, DH will turn 54 on 11/19.  I drive a 2003 Vibe and a 1999 Dodge Ram 4W truck.  I have 2 motorcycles that I have cleaned up and need to sell.  DH and I met on the Internet and were married 6 months after our first date.  We have 2 dogs and 3 cats.  I am originally from CT.
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
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Linda L

Cherry Bomb

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Well lets see I have been married to my dh for 48 years. We have four adult/married children, two boys and two girls. I have 9 grandchildren and we are soon to have our second great grand child born in July.

I lost my father just over a year ago and it really put me in a slump which I am trying to get out of. My mother has dementia and is in an assisted living facility and has her good and bad times depending on if her meds get out of control, at this time she is doing great. Her short term memory is what she has problems with.

Family is very important to me and I am also working on some heritage albums.

We live in a small town in Minnesota called Menahga. We moved here five years ago, after we lost our home and belongings in a tornado in June 2010.

My husband and I are both retired and spend a lot of our time watching our youngest grandchildren for our daughters and their busy lives.

My favorite hobby is scrapbooking, I do both regular scrapbooking and Project Life. I also love doing other crafty things and counted cross stitching. I love fishing both summer and winter.
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Kimberly Rae C.

Cherry Blossom

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Born and raised Floridian.  I've been married since 97 to my Navy sweetheart (we met on my first tour of duty), we are the proud parents of  Tybalt the Prince of Cats. I am the mother of two little angels in Heaven, Katie Gail at 4 months along and Baby C at just 13 weeks. I am currently writing a book for women who have miscarried and can no longer have children naturally or by adoption. If you would like to know more or why, please PM me. I am a blogger, writing for The Haus Frau, Altered Whimseys and Camping the Cole Way. My husband and I own a Toyota FJ Cruiser and a Harley Road King Classic Anniversary edition (I'm a passenger of both as I can no longer drive). I am a happy home maker after 12 years of serving as a Yeoman in the Navy, getting my degree, then working as a database manager and IT specialist. We reside in a sleepy little burg just west of the Sierra Foothills of CA. Aside from paper crafting I'm a gamer geek (D&D and online RPG), I collect Pez dispensers, I'm a die hard Star Wars nut (since I saw the first movie in 1978 when I was six years old). I'm also a huge Sherlock fan and anything with Benedict Cumberbatch in it. Some little tidbits of my life... I used to figure skate competitively and I'm good friends with the voice of the Gieco camel. 

Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi
Han Solo and Chewbacca for 2016
Image Navy Veteran (1993-2001) 
A Friend of Bill since March 12th of 1995...
My blog... Altered Whimsey's Studios
Follow me on Instagram as alteredwhimseys
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
OK - here I am - born and raised  in Northern Ireland, now living in Alaska.  I'm married - we have DS 17 and DD 15, 2 cats, one dog.  I am a mechanical engineer by profession but have worked as engineer, home designer, computer programmer, transcriber, homeschool teacher, home remodeler.  Dh and I built our home so I love working with my hands and building stuff. Nowadays it's a little rough on my aging body though!! I love to learn new things, travel, cycle, hike, play racquetball  (although I hate to exercise!). Our freezer is stocked with halibut, salmon, deer, moose, muskox, caribou and bison - which dh caught - although I really only eat the fish. I drive a Subaru Forester (AWD to get up the icy roads) 

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Charleneanne wrote:
joannie wrote:I met my DH in 1980 & we've been married since 1986. We have 3 children. DS 21, DD 16, DD 14. I work part time for our school system. I live in a SMALL town 40 minutes west of Indy. We have 1 dog and 1 cat. I drive a 2000 Oldsmobile Bravada that belonged to my mom. My DH has a 2011 Chevy 4-door pick-up  that he uses for work. I've scrapped since 1995. We've lived in our current home since 1995.  And that's it in a nutshell! Image

We have some long time friends who live about that far from Indy as well in a small town called Atlanta.  We have known them since DH was in the navy back in the mid 1960's.  Amazing coincidence.  lol
I've been to a festival in Atlanta!! My BIL is from a small town nearby Atlanta called Arcadia. I'm south west of Atlanta & Arcadia!
- joannie

  Image Image ImageImageImage
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Wild Cherry

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
I have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 40 years next month . We have one son who has blessed us with 3 grandsons. I have been retired from teaching for 7 years. I now work during tax season for  about 3 months. I lve in a rural community in Southwestern Louisiana.  I love scrapbooking- it's my passion. I also love to travel, visit with friends and family, crochet, do crafts, and gardening.  My vehicle  is a Ford Expedition.   I bake and cook a lot because my  husband has a special diet and cooking takes a lot of my time. I am embracing a new decade in my life and I believe that many new things are possible in my life.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Tart

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Hi! I'm Danielle, 26, Been with my boyfriend Sam for 5 and a half years. We live on the top floor of a two family house and my dad is on the first floor. No kids or furry pets... we do have some fish though. I hope to get a puppy in the next year (I would love a corgi to name Noodles, but will probably end up with a shelter pup)! I tutor online to earn my money and am obsessed with scrapbooking and my planner. I have always been crazy for office supplies and paper goods and the like and have been scrapbooking since 2007!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
I met my hubby in 2008. We got married on Halloween of 2009. I have4 beautiful daughter's from a previous marriage. Carrie is 39, Holly is 34, Erin is 32 and Jamie is 29. I have been blessed with 5 wonderful grand kids. Four grandsons and 1 granddaughter, and 7 step grandkids. I have5 furbabies all Chihuahuas. One cat and a parakeet. Can you tell I love animals. I Love to garden, bowl and collect vintage shabby chic. I drive a 2005 cavalier.  I live in the country in southwest lower Michigan. 
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Wild Cherry

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
I've been married to my first and only love for 42 yrs. We have 4 children, all grown, one still at home who is special needs. My daughter has 4 children and fosters 2 others. One son has 3, other son has 2. Love being a grandma! I've been scrapping since about 2009 when my best friend introduced me to it as she was working on her trip to London. Caught the bug and my grandchildren from TN came down and one says, "Grandma, do you have a store?" after peering into the spare room, LOL.

Born and raised in NW FL, love it in this area and work at a hospital as an RN. To become a nurse, I went back to school when I was in my early 50's. Loved being home with my children when they were young. Wish we had digital camera's and the ease of printing out pics back then!

My car is a midsize sedan, older model but gets me back and forth to work. Other vehicle is a minivan with a w/c lift for ds. Never had the chance to travel much but surely would love to one day if possible. Grateful to have scrapbooking friends online. Have a local group I can meet with a few times a year at crops and I try to make those.

Oh, my recently attained furbabies..(had to convince dh he really does like petsImage) is Skittles, male tabby and Missy, a Chihuahua. Love my fairly large family and they do seem to enjoy the pages I scrap of them.


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Cherry Cola

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
OK, I'm 35, Married for 10 years to my DH I met in 5th grade :) , just celebrated my 15 year anniversary at the telecommunications company I currently run two divisions of. We have two children a son Ryan who is 12 and a daughter Ruby who is 8. We live in an old New England home built in 1899. Outside of of Scrapping, I enjoy walking, zumba, yoga, painting and hanging out with my 3 BFF's, we all have matching tattoos as of this last annual girls weekend away. woot woot! :)
- Jillian

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Kimberly Rae C.

Cherry Blossom

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
debamas wrote:I've been married to my first and only love for 42 yrs. We have 4 children, all grown, one still at home who is special needs. My daughter has 4 children and fosters 2 others. One son has 3, other son has 2. Love being a grandma! I've been scrapping since about 2009 when my best friend introduced me to it as she was working on her trip to London. Caught the bug and my grandchildren from TN came down and one says, "Grandma, do you have a store?" after peering into the spare room, LOL.

Born and raised in NW FL, love it in this area and work at a hospital as an RN. To become a nurse, I went back to school when I was in my early 50's. Loved being home with my children when they were young. Wish we had digital camera's and the ease of printing out pics back then!

My car is a midsize sedan, older model but gets me back and forth to work. Other vehicle is a minivan with a w/c lift for ds. Never had the chance to travel much but surely would love to one day if possible. Grateful to have scrapbooking friends online. Have a local group I can meet with a few times a year at crops and I try to make those.

Oh, my recently attained furbabies..(had to convince dh he really does like petsImage) is Skittles, male tabby and Missy, a Chihuahua. Love my fairly large family and they do seem to enjoy the pages I scrap of them.

Hey FL Native, I was born and raised in the Tampa Bay area in St. Petersburg, went to U of F (dropped out and joined Navy). Family is still in FL, I'm out in CA now. I miss it though. Yay for Gulf Coast Gals!

Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi
Han Solo and Chewbacca for 2016
Image Navy Veteran (1993-2001) 
A Friend of Bill since March 12th of 1995...
My blog... Altered Whimsey's Studios
Follow me on Instagram as alteredwhimseys
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Cherry Cola

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
DH and I will celebrate our 29th anniversary in May. We have 4 kids, girl, boy, boy, girl. I have a son-in-law, a 13 year old step-grandson and a 17 month old granddaughter.
We have two dogs and two cats and a turtle.
For the past year and a half I've worked full time at our small town newspaper. I'm the office manager and staff writer. I really like it, but it cuts into my scrapbook time. 
I love to write.
We live in south-central Indiana. DH drives a huge full-size Ford conversion van and  I drive a Rav 4. It's older, a 2000 and I'm beginning to get the new car fever really bad even though DH and I both walk to work. We own a collision repair center and the newspaper office where I work is right across the street so we have lunch together nearly every day.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Hi Carlene ~
I've been married just over a year to a wonderful man. Together we have 4 adult children, two West Highland Terriers and 4 backyard hens. I drive a Mini Cooper S. I like to travel, garden, read, hike and spend time scrapping with paper & digitally. I live in Vancouver (USA, not Canada), Washington (the state, not DC), but am from the midwest. Vancouver is minutes from Portland Oregon. I worked in higher education for 25 years and am now retired. Image
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Cherry Garcia

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
I have been married to my guy for almost 26 years. (July 1). We have 2 sons, 24 and 22. Currently they are both living at home ( my kids but can't wait until it's just the two of us again) Oldest son is a traveling poker dealer so he is only here in between tournaments. Youngest son has aspergers and is just now getting to the point of being ready to be on his own. He has tried a couple times but hasn't been successful. Let's hope 3rd time is a charm! I also have 1 furbaby, Lucy. She is a spoiled pug/jack russell mix who recently went blind suddenly and she isn't adjusting well to it at all. :(

I currently am an assistant in a self contained behavior classroom for high schoolers. I have been trying to get in to a different position for a couple years but the district has been unwilling to transfer me. I am really good at my job, I just don't like the stress and chaos that comes with it. I am hopeful that I will be in a different school next year. 

Hubby and I enjoy traveling. We live in Oregon, close to the coast. We love crabbing, goodwill shopping and wine tasting. I recently started exercising to lose weight and love it! I don't get to scrap as often as I would like because #1 son has taken over that room. (again..grrrrr) I drive a honda civic. 
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Cherry Blossom

Re: NSD Charlene Wants to Know YOU
Hi, my name is Maria, but I go by Ria for short. Aw, heck, I'm just short. LOL!

I am full-blooded Mexican, but I was adopted by white folks so Spanish is my second language. :) And yes. I make Mexican food.

I'm *mumble mumble* years old, but if you ask my kids they'll tell you I'm so old I had a pet dinosaur and rode it to school. 

I have been with my DH, Jeremy, for 18 years this month and married for almost 13 years, it'll be 13 years in July. 

I have two children, 17-year-old Jordan, aka Jory, and 12-year-old Elizabeth, aka Lizzie. I refer to them together as "The SissyBubby," because that is what Lizzie used to call herself and Jory together. She'd look at pictures of herself with her brother, and instead of saying, "Look, Sissy AND Bubby," she'd say, "Look! SissyBubby!"

I have one furchild, an orange stripey housetiger-type boy named Maximum Whiskers, or Max for short. Hubby calls him "Maxchief," which is "Max" and "Mischief" combined. Although actually, Max owns ME. Dogs have owners, cats have staff. LOL!

I am currently working at McDonald's, have been there for nine years. However, I am looking for another job. Long story why. I'm going to community college in the fall, I'm going to finish my degree in computer science that I started 20 years ago. 

When I'm not working or tinkering around with computer stuff being a "technodiva," I love to read, watch movies, and play games that make me think like "Words With Friends" or hidden object games like "Criminal Case" on Facebook.

I am also in the process of changing my diet from mostly junk to a healthy diet and have begun to exercise. I can't think of what else to put...
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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