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Chocolate Covered Cherry

CLOSED Layout lacking love.... for points
Points assigned to everyone who participated. Thanks for sharing these layouts with everyone, I hope they got the love they deserved!  And that you enjoy your points! (cause I ain't got no more! lol)

Okay, we all have been super busy and the gallery has been JAM PACKED with fabulous layouts this week from NSD!! so we all may have not been able to get in the gallery and leave love. I know I'm guilty of this!! Just too much going on.... 

So, post a layout here - and either link it up or post the link so we can find it!! - that you posted that for whatever reason you didn't get much love, but you were really proud of it and thought it needed more love. Post a layout that has either 3 comments or fewer, or the one that has the least amount of comments in your gallery - when you click on your gallery, up on the top right you can sort by "fewest comments".

Now, if you post a layout in here, you'll have to agree to go and leave love on everyone else's layouts. And watch out for falling sprinkles!! 

Game will be over tomorrow at 5pm CST, since I'm not sure how long we actually have points available. I'm guessing with all challenges due by midnight, we have at least tomorrow to assign winnings. 

This is my example for my BINGO/5x5 challenge, and with all the excitement, I'm guessing it got buried in the gallery. I loved it because of the brown misting ink that I received from Ayla/Nancy as a RAK - and it's awesome! I knew I wanted to use it to make the look of dirt, and these pictures was perfect for it! and the "2" on the layout was on Owen's cake too, so it's use of memorabilia. 


Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card. 
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags 
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)


My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
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Cherry Cola

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
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Wild Cherry

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Cola

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
cajenkins81 wrote:Okay, we all have been super busy and the gallery has been JAM PACKED with fabulous layouts this week from NSD!! so we all may have not been able to get in the gallery and leave love. I know I'm guilty of this!! Just too much going on.... 

So, post a layout here - and either link it up or post the link so we can find it!! - that you posted that for whatever reason you didn't get much love, but you were really proud of it and thought it needed more love. Post a layout that has either 3 comments or fewer, or the one that has the least amount of comments in your gallery - when you click on your gallery, up on the top right you can sort by "fewest comments".

Now, if you post a layout in here, you'll have to agree to go and leave love on everyone else's layouts. And watch out for falling sprinkles!! 

Game will be over tomorrow at 5pm CST, since I'm not sure how long we actually have points available. I'm guessing with all challenges due by midnight, we have at least tomorrow to assign winnings. 

This is my example for my BINGO/5x5 challenge, and with all the excitement, I'm guessing it got buried in the gallery. I loved it because of the brown misting ink that I received from Ayla/Nancy as a RAK - and it's awesome! I knew I wanted to use it to make the look of dirt, and these pictures was perfect for it! and the "2" on the layout was on Owen's cake too, so it's use of memorabilia. 


So it has to be a layout that was done for NSD, yes?
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
oh, no! no it doesn't have to be a NSD layout. I just had this one that i made for NSD that got hidden. I've got other layouts that haven't received a lot of love before but this is just the one I picked. Feel free to post ANY layout that you've made that's in your gallery that you thought should have received more praise/doesn't have more than 3 comments on it. 
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card. 
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags 
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)


My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
Here's one of mine from a couple of year's ago ... ll-friends

Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
I made this layout for a NSD challenge and it only has 2 comments, but I really like how it turned out.  Part of it is the subject matter, my dad with my little nephew (love the pic of him with his hat and goggles) and the ruler washi. 
 Image ... lping-papa
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Cherry Cola

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
cajenkins81 wrote:oh, no! no it doesn't have to be a NSD layout. I just had this one that i made for NSD that got hidden. I've got other layouts that haven't received a lot of love before but this is just the one I picked. Feel free to post ANY layout that you've made that's in your gallery that you thought should have received more praise/doesn't have more than 3 comments on it. 
ok, awesome, thanks for clarifying!

I have this one that only got 2 comments.....

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My blog...My tattooed paper heart
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
This is an older layout that I had posted when I first started on ACOT I think. I was proud of this one because this was around the time that I started "using" my stash with abandon rather than "hoarding" it. I used so many things I had been hoarding, like the Thickers which I had bought specifically because of my daughter's Halloween costume and thought they looked "pretty witch" enough and the paper which mirrored her costume. Just do it LOL! ... bewitching
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
I did this one yesterday morning.....but was still surprised to see only one comment...not sure why I was surprised either since it is just a typical layout for me...but no idea how my brain works sometimes..LOL ... 9169-happy

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Cherry Cola

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
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Cherry Bark

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
Left love on all the great layouts that I hadn't already left love on!

Here is one of mine, about four years old.

One comment was left. No worries though. I'm looking at it now and I'm thinking WTFH??


(layout is linked)
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
here's a page I created some time ago that I kind of like 


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Cherry Cola

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
here is one of mine from NSD, I dont want to sound greedy :) Cause I am Thankful and appreciative of the 3 comments this one got in the gallery! I just loved it so much and thought it would get more love than it did. :)
- Jillian

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Cherry Addict

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
I really liked how this turned out but not many comments!

** Chris **

My blog:

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
emmapaige wrote:I really liked how this turned out but not many comments!

can you post the ACOT link to the layout in your ACOT gallery? the one you posted does not direct us to your ACOT gallery for loving... 

nevermind, I just found it lol ... an-element
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card. 
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags 
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)


My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Layout lacking love.... for points
will close this when I get 24 layouts posted! Cause I have just enough points to give 10 each for 24 layouts posted - thanks!! 
Carolyn, mommy to Olivia (precocious preschooler) and Owen (rambunctious toddler).

2013 Page Totals: April - 3. May - 17. June - 25. July - 20. Aug - 20, 2 tags. Sept - 5. Oct - 13. Nov - 8. Dec - 14 LO, 2 projects, 1 card. 
Year: 125, 1 card, 2 projects, 2 tags 
2014 Page Totals: Jan - 15, 2 cards. Feb - 9, 1 project. Mar - 21 (I was busy!) (45 this year already)


My New Blog! Scrapper, Interrupted
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Cherry Tart

Re: CLOSED Layout lacking love.... for points
cajenkins81 wrote:
Sat May 10, 2014 2:35 pm
Points assigned to everyone who participated. Thanks for sharing these layouts with everyone, I hope they got the love they deserved!  And that you enjoy your points! (cause I ain't got no more! lol)

Okay, we all have been super busy and the gallery has been JAM PACKED with fabulous layouts this week from NSD!! so we all may have not been able to get in the gallery and leave love. I know I'm guilty of this!! Just too much going on.... 

So, post a layout here - and either link it up or post the link so we can find it!! - that you posted that for whatever reason you didn't get much love, but you were really proud of it and thought it needed more love. Post a layout that has either 3 comments or fewer, or the one that has the least amount of comments in your gallery - when you click on your gallery, up on the top right you can sort by "fewest comments".

Now, if you post a layout in here, you'll have to agree to go and leave love on everyone else's layouts. And watch out for falling sprinkles!! 

Game will be over tomorrow at 5pm CST, since I'm not sure how long we actually have points available. I'm guessing with all challenges due by midnight, we have at least tomorrow to assign winnings. 

This is my example for my BINGO/5x5 challenge, and with all the excitement, I'm guessing it got buried in the gallery. I loved it because of the brown misting ink that I received from Ayla/Nancy as a RAK - and it's awesome! I knew I wanted to use it to make the look of dirt, and these pictures was perfect for it! and the "2" on the layout was on Owen's cake too, so it's use of memorabilia. 

octordle nerdle
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