HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by killarney_rose »

debamas wrote:
sherelm wrote:
1grandma wrote:Oh yeah! Bring it on!
When are you coming home, Bibi??? Will you be able to "play"??

She is coming home tomorrow!! This SAT. I had to straighten her out on which weekend the crop was, LOL. HOWEVER, I"m hearing there is a family function...hmmm, can we steal her away that day? Even for just a bit? Help me here!

OK Bibi, I have this huge monstrosity of a family function on the 4th. If I have figured out how to escape the function with close to 200 guests during lunch and potty breaks to peek in until the evening I know you can, too!!! Fortunately the barn is a quarter mile away from the house and no one will be able to realize I sneaked away.....oh I'm so evil!!! :winkb:
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by killarney_rose »

Sher, I just love this idea!!! :inlove: Scrappy board time for me! :-D

I had to stay in Angleton because James isn't feeling well so no ranch for me this weekend! :bluewaiting:
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by suewho372 »

YAY--dd cleaned house for me today-that was a nice unexpected surprise! So i have already got my challenge/pics/papers pulled out and ready to start with the actual laying out tomorrow! Thanks Sher

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by letumom »

Oh, fun! I was planning to get at least one more done this weekend!
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by blbabe1234 »

I did this for Kim's Heritage Challenge:

Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by mgehrke »

I did Sue's Journaling Challenge tonight.

Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by Ayla »

I know this doesn't really count because it is the Becky Fleck challenge, but I was excited to get it done! Now I'm off to work on the sketch challenge.
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by joannie »

OH! I started Brandy's Fashion Challenge yesterday!! I need to finish it and get it off my table to start on my next month's Supply challenge LO!!! Great challenge Sher!!!
- joannie

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by oceanbreezes423 »

This is the April sketch challenge, finished this morning:

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by sherelm »

debamas wrote:
sherelm wrote:
1grandma wrote:Oh yeah! Bring it on!
When are you coming home, Bibi??? Will you be able to "play"??

She is coming home tomorrow!! This SAT. I had to straighten her out on which weekend the crop was, LOL. HOWEVER, I"m hearing there is a family function...hmmm, can we steal her away that day? Even for just a bit? Help me here!

Yes, I can help you out on this - not to be rude, Bibi, but where's the time for YOU? You are always doing for the family and your DH and I don't see a lot flowing back. SO TELL THEM YOU WILL BE UNAVAILABLE FROM 9AM NEXT SATURDAY until 9PM NEXT SATURDAY. And that's exactly what I told MY family. And my son's GF's mom, aunt, and grandmother are driving six hours in from Ohio. I said "I'll catch them the next time they come." I DID!!!!
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by sherelm »

debamas wrote:Hey, I want in too! Wait till Sher comes back and sees us all kumbayaing.

I'm back - and so thrilled that you guys are liking this!!
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by sherelm »

jrrah4903 wrote:Since I often wish ACOT crops could go on for a full week, I love the "extra" weekend we get to put in with this one! Thanks for the challenge :)

Don't know what the other hostesses have in mind - but I plan on keeping you busy up until it starts!
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by 2boysma »

Way to get our "engines" revved up!!! :) Thanks.

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by sherelm »

Oh I'm smiling from ear to ear at what you girls have posted so far!!! Keep 'em coming - I see lots of time this weekend to do them. I'm joining in getting some challenges done, too. (NO, lol, I won't give myself the "prize". . . . I'm not THAT evil!!!)
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by scrapy1967 »

Here is mine! I did this for the supply challenge! First one for today!!
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by blfonty »

Thanks! Needed a little push today. Still have several challenges I want to do - so see you back here later...
blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by mgehrke »

sherelm wrote:Your mission is a simple one - with all this talk about the upcoming crop - here's the WEEKEND before THE WEEKEND challenge !!
All you need to do is this: Find an April Challenge that you've not done yet - OTHER THAN ONE OF MINE (Cherryland, Take 2, Pet Challenge) - one of the other hostesses - and. . . . DO IT AND POST IT BY MONDAY. I'll draw Monday AM for the winner. It cannot be one you have already finished. It must be one you will start working on today (Honor system here). OK???

I am not sure if anyone asked yet, but how many times can we enter?
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by suewho372 »

Here is mine, GD Challenge 2

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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by Charleneanne »

Made a couple cards this morning for the challenges. Here is the one for the Music Inspiration challenge
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Re: HOW about a downright reveal - not a tease- challenge?

Post by average_kim »

Thanks for the Pre-NSD Challenge! Here's the layout I did for the Supply List Challenge:


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