been at the game

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been at the game

Post by msseptmbr »

I have just missed all of you so much ! I had a great time at the last crop (my first one) and have missed this one so far...
Been volunteering at the FSU game today for Marines JROTCV, and unfortunately, due to family stuff, will miss tomorrow too. I hope every one has a great time !! I will miss you !

P.S. Speaking of family. Does anyone else's D.H. still kiss his mother on the mouth? Please give feed back. I am horrified.
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Re: been at the game

Post by 4peasinourpod »

msseptmbr wrote:I have just missed all of you so much ! I had a great time at the last crop (my first one) and have missed this one so far...
Been volunteering at the FSU game today for Marines JROTCV, and unfortunately, due to family stuff, will miss tomorrow too. I hope every one has a great time !! I will miss you !

P.S. Speaking of family. Does anyone else's D.H. still kiss his mother on the mouth? Please give feed back. I am horrified.
my dh doesnt even kiss ME on the mouth ;)
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Re: been at the game

Post by GRACEpunches5 »

4peasinourpod wrote:
msseptmbr wrote:I have just missed all of you so much ! I had a great time at the last crop (my first one) and have missed this one so far...
Been volunteering at the FSU game today for Marines JROTCV, and unfortunately, due to family stuff, will miss tomorrow too. I hope every one has a great time !! I will miss you !

P.S. Speaking of family. Does anyone else's D.H. still kiss his mother on the mouth? Please give feed back. I am horrified.
my dh doesnt even kiss ME on the mouth ;)


[color=#ff4080:22hb4o89]Feb. 2010 Crop: 14 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps
May 2010 Crop: 19 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[color=#bf0080:22hb4o89]August 2010 Crop: 9 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff8080:22hb4o89]November 2010: 10 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff4080:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89] ... -1-1-1.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89] ... c52db0.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89][/img:22hb4o89]
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Re: been at the game

Post by milmomma »

msseptmbr wrote:I have just missed all of you so much ! I had a great time at the last crop (my first one) and have missed this one so far...
Been volunteering at the FSU game today for Marines JROTCV, and unfortunately, due to family stuff, will miss tomorrow too. I hope every one has a great time !! I will miss you !

P.S. Speaking of family. Does anyone else's D.H. still kiss his mother on the mouth? Please give feed back. I am horrified.

Sorry but Ewww, no way! He wouldn't be kissing me on the mouth if he kissed her! My husband doesn't kiss our daughter on the mouth either.
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Re: been at the game

Post by aceason »

msseptmbr wrote:I have just missed all of you so much ! I had a great time at the last crop (my first one) and have missed this one so far...
Been volunteering at the FSU game today for Marines JROTCV, and unfortunately, due to family stuff, will miss tomorrow too. I hope every one has a great time !! I will miss you !

P.S. Speaking of family. Does anyone else's D.H. still kiss his mother on the mouth? Please give feed back. I am horrified.
Eeek, no!
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Re: been at the game

Post by Nikki_E »

No way!


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Re: been at the game

Post by MimaScraps/Lori »

No, that's not cool!
Lori aka "Mima"
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Re: been at the game

Post by cat1393 »! have ya ever asked him WHY!?

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Re: been at the game

Post by SarahA »

Um, no, mine never did. It's probably not totally uncommon, though.... right? Well, just tell yourself that anyway. ;)
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Re: been at the game

Post by msseptmbr »

cat1393! have ya ever asked him WHY!?
He says it makes her happy. It absolutely doesn't make me happy though. He had her lipstick on his mouth when I got to the alter to marry him. I got sick.
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Re: been at the game

Post by TraciL »

msseptmbr wrote:
cat1393! have ya ever asked him WHY!?
He says it makes her happy. It absolutely doesn't make me happy though. He had her lipstick on his mouth when I got to the alter to marry him. I got sick.

I must say that left me speechless - which doesn't happen often.

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Cherry Blossom
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Re: been at the game

Post by msseptmbr »

Thanks for the feedback ladies!
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