good afternoon everyone!!!

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Aug 6-8
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Bowl Full of Cherries
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Re: good afternoon everyone!!!

Post by Sandi0805 »

Hi again and can't believe that the crop is almost over. It has been so much fun. You gals have done a great job this time.
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Cherry Bing
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Re: good afternoon everyone!!!

Post by dshepard »

Hi! I'm here for a little bit before naptime with DD
Danna :)

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Cherry Cola
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Re: good afternoon everyone!!!

Post by anazelia »

wow it is the last shift already?
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Cherry Berry
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Re: good afternoon everyone!!!

Post by Alissa103 »

Boohoo!!! :( These weekends always go by so fast. I can't believe we're almost done! At least we have a couple more days to get busy on the challenges!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: good afternoon everyone!!!

Post by erstew92 »

Hey there ... everyone! Sooo ... when's the next one? :winkb:
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Re: good afternoon everyone!!!

Post by wahoo_mom »

Hi, Pam! Good to see you!
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: good afternoon everyone!!!

Post by mitchmac »

Is it really the last shift already?!:bluesad:
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Cherry Bomb
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Re: good afternoon everyone!!!

Post by Heidi1154 »

Good Afternoon back at ya!!!


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