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Cherry Jubilee

Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
FYI: ...make sure you have really tacky glue!!! the flip flops are kinda heavy!!! also...have some matching brads and flowers handy {I used alot of these~} could also use some summer stickers if you have any laying around....


Do these steps in ADVANCE...will make it alot easier later!!!

1. also, cut your papers ahead of time...cut the 6x4 sections FIRST and then cut the 9X8 and 2x8 pieces out {I say this because I accidently cut on of my papers wrong, so I just found another matching double side piece of paper and used it :)}

2. I decide I had alot of pictures I wanted to use, so I also cut another page so I would have extra pages in my book :) so feel free to add some more pages if you like!!!!

3. follow the directions on cutting the holes with your hole punch...I used a pen and made all my marks before I punced them out...I only marked the last page of the book that way you would even see it since it was the last page~~~~~ {don't worry, you won't see the pen marks later}

4. also put together all of your little flip flops {add the string to them like the directions say}...this took me longer than I expected and keep in mind, you do not have to use them all if you do not want too! I only ended up using 5 pair instead of 6 :)...I also stamped all the edges of the flip flops as well :)


4. use the stamp pad and stamp the edges of ALL of your papers that you cut out! {the 9x8 pices, 2x8 pieces, and 6x4 pieces}....I rubbed the edges of each of the pages on the front and back....

5. ok so to get started follow the steps in the instructions...


Step 1. make sure you DO NOT cut the green polka dot paper {this will be done later}

Step 2. I made 5 dots 3/4" from the edge as a guide for my holes...I then took a ruler and made a straight line down the paper connecting the dots {this way you have a straight edge when you punch your holes out}....ENSURE your flower paper {has writing ont he backside} has the writing RIGHT SIDE up!!!! Also before you punch your holes, put the papers inorder the way you want them...I didn't follow the directions and changed mine ad put them in a different order except for the 1st and last page {and remember up above I added an extra page to my album} this is what I did


stripped paper

extra page {double sided sunshine paper}

polka paper

flower paper

stripped paper

polka paper

green polka paper {I decide to use a 9x8 square from the polka dot paper :) }

then I punched my holes out with my hole punch...if you have a crop-a-dile it is probably stronger and easier to use....I had to cut my holes in a couple of steps because my hole punch wouldn't go through all of the paper at once!!!

Step 3. you should have already inked the edges of all your papers...if not do this now....

Step 4. Thread your ribbon {polka dot ribbon} through your holes and tie it per the instructions....


Step 5. Stamp your album front and back cover {the heavy board}...I did 2 stap coats and rubbed around the edges {you can do this however you like!!!!}...and I did follow the directions for the front page of the canvas cover! except I didn't like the way the blue paper looked so I used the opposite side with the flowers!!! I did NOT add the album covers until I was done decorating all of my pages!!!!


Step 6. I did not use all of the flips flops {again you can do watever you want}...but I stamped the edges and tied the ribbon per the instructions {I used scotch tape to hold the ribbon down on the back}

Step 7. Cut all of your vellum strips and add the ones you like{5} to the 8x2 strips of paper...the directions say to cut them down to 7x2, but I just left them all 8x2 :) ...then wrap the vellum strip around the edges of the paper and adhere with tape {I used scotch tape again}....

Step 8. I didn't follow the directions for decorating each of the pages {but you can if you want too}....I used photos on ALL of the 6x4 papers....then I just placed them ont he pages the way I liked them....I made sure before I started embellishing each of te pages that I left myself some room to journal {you don't have to journal, but I always think it's a good idea!}




Step 9. Then I added the vellum strips on the pages where I wanted them....

Step 10. Then I added the little flip flops on the pages where I wanted....


Step 11. I went and journaled throughout my album




Step 12. Embellish anyway you like!!!!!

Step 13. Now decorate the flip flops per the dircetions...


Step 14. I used ALOT of tacky glue to adhere my from and back covers...then I did the same wiht the flops and glued them down....



if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!!!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
Gosh, this is SO cute. Great pics!

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
This is so adorable!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
if you girls compare my pics with the directions, I added ALOT more pics and I used all of my 6x4 papers as photo mats!!!! I just wanted more pictures in my album than what was shown in the directions!!!! and I tell you, the real trick was using the little stamp pad to edge everything!!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
WOWZERS!! i love that orange text pp & you have the perfect photos too!
i like the "assembly line" take to this, makes it easier... THANKS, angie :)
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
I think this is the cutest album. I can't wait to get mine finished.
I know it isn't going to be tonight!
I got my papers cut, lil flip flops made.
Still have the rest to do! I am very tired tonight after 2 days of constant scrapping and games.


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
this turned out wonderful

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She’s Crafty

Cherry Blossom

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
So cute...will get crackin!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
THEY TURNED OUT SO CUTE!!!! But i guess it's going to take me a little longer to finish this.... I'll try to finish it tonight :)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
onve you kinda get everything cut and stamped, it goes together fairly quickly...the only other thing that took me awhile was the ribbons on the flip flops!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
Angie, that is absolutely adorable! are your pics 4x6 or 3x5?
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Cherry Cola

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
What a nice gift!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
SOOOOO cute! :-D
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
my pics were 4x6, but I trimed them a little so they would fit ont he 4x6 photo mats :) I cut a couple of them in odd shapes so I could add more :)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
Great tutorial Angie! Working on my "flip flops" cute!
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice"
~Frank Sinatra
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Cherry Picker

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
It's just too stinking cute Angie!!! Thanks for doing such a great were great! I hope they get some more of the kits in the store.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
I totally see myself buying more of these kits!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Flip Flop Album Class here!!!!! 9 PM!
Way too cool! Love this!
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