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While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:14 pm
by bassets
I'm sitting here playing games and almost forgot about the Derby!! Some of the best parts are the personal interest stories-

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:24 pm
by Scrappy69
I'm watching Everybody Loves Raymond reruns instead. Ha!

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:27 pm
by cynderellaj
What time is the actual race??

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:31 pm
by bassets
Right before 5 Central, so 6 Eastern

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:43 pm
by naney1952
Better get the TV on....I want to see if my horse wins!

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:50 pm
by ajkulig
After volunteering at a horse rescue I will never be able to look at horse racing the same way again.

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 6:27 pm
by suzannah289
I live in KY in Lexington and they are getting ready to post.

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 6:33 pm
by GeriNY
And there off what a mud bath

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 6:37 pm
by GeriNY
The man they just showed bet $100,000 dollars to win and he won. WOW! Same jockey that won last year riding Mind that Bird.

Re: While having fun- don't forget to watch the Derby!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 6:45 pm
by LyndaKay
Boy.... that went fast!