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drinks? **WINNER**

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:26 am
by 4peasinourpod
winner 3 Pals

i know Jules opened the Tiki Bar early....what are you all drinking now? i am having a Miller Lite. Reminds me of the time I was visiting Sus with Miranda and I ordered a Lite and got a Coors. Then Miranda MADE me drink Red Bull and Sus MADE me drink tequila. Evil friends....:winkb: :winkb: :winkb: :winkb: :winkb: :winkb:

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:27 am
by Flasher
Water. :graysleeping:

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:27 am
by deerewife
I should be drinking some water....way too much caffeine today!

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:27 am
by fong33
Red wine for me.

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:27 am
by scrapnmom
Folgers, LOL, not really a drinker ....

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by HoldenOn2Love
Just went to see about a Rum and Diet Pepsi....NO RUM!!!! Yikes! So sadly just Diet Pepsi

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by koala1966

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by nmelton
I wish I had an amaretto sour right now!!!

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by MaBuglet
nectar of the gods: Diet Dr. Pepper.

As soon as the movie is over and the hoods are in bed I'm breaking open my Charbono from Carvalho Winery :-D

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by Sweyo
I have too bad of a cold to enjoy my usual glass of wine so am just drinking water.

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by meteechtap
I am about to pour me some caffee free pepsi! Sounds exciting huh? lolololol

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by ncokely
I had a shake from Sonic earlier and now I am cold and switched to Postum

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by pawprints

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:28 am
by jodcold
Raspberry gingerale; but I am pretending it is a frozen tropical drink.

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:29 am
by GingerC
Diet Schwepps Ginger Ale

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:29 am
by 3 Pals
Peppermint Martini

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:30 am
by bay63
I wanted something cold, so I had straight up Koolaid

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:31 am
by PezKat
My usual glass of chocolate milk before bed! I'm hypoglycemic so I need some protein to tide me over...

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:31 am
by Pattiespassion
Right now, water.. But, if I was in Vegas at Ballys in the Tequila Bar-I'd be having an Infused. Its Patron Silver Tequila with watermelon and pineapple thats soaked in it for 24 hours. Served in a cute double shot glass. Its sweet and doesn't taste like tequila and if your not careful they'll knock you on your behind. We always go their first for a couple doubles....

Re: drinks?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:31 am
by LoreenC
I am drinking some tea., but if I were having a would be some new wine we tasted last weekend called "DUCKLEBERRY GRUNT" !!