GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1***Points Awarded***

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Laura Fiore
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GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1***Points Awarded***

Post by Laura Fiore »

So, let's get to know a little more about each other!

Tell me what your greatest strength as a woman is!

I think mine is that I choose to be happy in my life...even when it gets hard.

Thanks everyone, for playing along! 25 points to Grandma Flowers
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by Rici76 »

My ability to Multi-task!!!
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by emarie803 »

I am independant :-D
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by 1luckymama »

My greatest strength is honesty! It really is the best policy!
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by CruiseGirl »

Being compassionate to others
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by karibear »

I can accomplish any task I set my mind to!
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by JulesinParadise »

Being independent and able to support myself (learned this the hard way during my 2.5 year long divorce).
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by cat1393 »

Not letting every little thing bother me.....AND to be able to deal w/ 40 guys at my work place!

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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by Sus79 »

I think it´s taking responsibility for a child's well being and happiness

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Jenn Kellams
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by Jenn Kellams »

optimism! and I need double because my husband is such the pessimist.
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by jodcold »

Enjoy life, no matter what it throws at me!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by KSMary »

To do many things at once and keep everything running.

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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by mykidsmom »

I have a ton of patience!
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Grandma Flowers
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by Grandma Flowers »

I can take care of myself
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by NinaT »

My greatest strength has been to overcome postpartum depression and letting people know about it.....there are too many people in this world that are so negative!
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by SoccerCropper »

Determination, even in the face of adversity.
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by gonecamping »

I have a huge amount of patience!
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by Gypsymonkey »

For me, I think it was the strenghth to finally take the leap and go to college. My senior year of high school I was accepted to a university under a Business major. Well, due to unfortunate circumstances, I wasn't able to go. 17 years after graduating, I finally began college and am just about to finish my fourth semester - each semester receiving all A's! I want to be a good role model for my children. How can I honestly instill the importance of a good education, of going to college, getting a good job, having a family, and the opportunities of being successful in life if I don't do the same thing?
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1

Post by kittymomma »

I am kind and a good listener!
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Re: GIRLPOWER Tell Me #1***Points Awarded***

Post by emarie803 »

Yay! Congrats!
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