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Post by MaBuglet »

Hi gang! I just love these Crops! And I love new friends!! And because I'm so stinkin' me, I am...I want you to be like me and love new friends too :-D

During the Crop I'd like you to reach out and meet someone new. Doesn't have to be someone new to ACOT, but maybe someone you've always wanted to say "hi" to, but didn't for one reason or another. Meet someone new to you. Once you find the peeps you want to meet, just click on their name, send them a Private Message asking them 5 random questions to get to know them better (how did you find ACOT, what's your favorite color, apples or oranges...whatever). Then cruise back to this thread and tell us who you met and what you learned. That way we all get to meet some new friends ;)

As always, I'll have some points to sprinkle for those that play. Have fun!!
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by BeatrizS »

sent my pm!
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by ncokely »

sent out one too
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by baltoscrapper »

Hi Jamie!:) off to send some pms........
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by 2_maybe_3 »

HEY I GOT A PM!!!! :-D

And to top it off, my first ACOT PM ever.
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by ncokely »

Got my answers already from AlwaysHappy---

1- Is it Spring in your area or are you having lousy weather??

2- Favorite altered item to scrap??

3- Favorite scrappy company??

4- Favorite movie?

5-Will you be here all weekend??

1. In TX, no spring here, we sprug right into summer. Yuk

2. Domino

3. Fancy Pants

4. Shawshank Redemption

5. In and out this weekend. I will be one of the nightowls tonight.
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by 2_maybe_3 »

Forgot to say (cause I was too excite)

Nice to meet you MaBugle
Last edited by 2_maybe_3 on Fri May 01, 2009 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by blossombabezz22 »

replied to one and sent one out
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by 1grandma »

I PM'ed.
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by elainehall »

Hi, I've sent put a greeting, hope to get a reply!

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Cherry Blossom
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by 2_maybe_3 »

I also have sent out a PM, now just waiting for my reply.
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by baltoscrapper »

I met Pookeybear...

I asked her her fav color-PURPLE

Asked her the weather in Canada right now- RAINING

What kind of car-Doesn't drive but has a Volks Bettle and a Dodge truck

Asked about pets- HAd to put her almost 17 yr old doggie down 2 wks ago :( and has a 6 yr old Sphynx cat!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by JulesinParadise »

I introduced myself to Peanutdlb and learned the following

Live in Canada

scrapping for about 3 years

found ACOT just by shopping online and order way too much Ha ha

my dog Maddy (labrador retriever) is my other hobby:)

favourite company for paper is K & Company
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A Cherry on Top
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by MaBuglet »

Yay...I met some new peeps!!

Brianna: Blossombabeezz22

She found us from the babycent scrapping board and her screen name is also her e-mail. She likes scrapping her kids and family and drives a Chevy Cavalier and a Dodge truck. She'd be a Strawberry Jelly Belly.

I also met 2_maybe_3:

She found us through a message board and came by to play at the Crop. She got her name from having 2 kids and wanting a 3rd (she since has had #3..yay) She likes to scrap her 3 kids and 3 dogs. She drives a Honda Accord and says she'd have to be a red Jelly Belly, like watermelon, but those are green and that's so not something red.

And Twoturtletoes:

She found us by surfin' the web. Her screen name is apparently top secret ;) and she likes to scrap her kids and dogs. She drives a truck and would be a grape Jelly Belly.
Nice to meet you ladies! Hope you stick around after the Crop :-D
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by pebblesjns »

I just sent my PM out, hopefully I will get some answers soon! This is a fun game..I always like meeting new people, especially those on the scrapping forum!
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by lpap0807 »

I met Cyndi! (cynderellaj)

1. Night owl or early bird? Definitely a night owl!!

2. Favorite subject to scrap? My 6 nephews and 1 niece for sure!!

3. Most recent movie you've seen. "New In Town"

4. What was for dinner tonight? Papa Murphys chicken pizza

5. Favorite time of year? Absolutely summer!!

Thanks Cyndi, nice to meet you!
Last edited by lpap0807 on Fri May 01, 2009 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Have a blessed day!
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Miss Daisy-NC
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by Miss Daisy-NC »

I met jinkies

I asked her 5 questions and, she was sweet enough to answer me back:

1. How did you come up with your username? Because I'm always coming up with ideas, like Thelma....Jinkies!

2. How did you find ACOT? Geez I don't remember

3. What is your favorite style in scrapping? I love the collage look but just can't seem to do it myself

4. Do you have pets? Yep! A pug ( Ressie) and a Saint Bernard (Cosmo) and a bunny ( Cookie) and a bird ( Max )

5. What's your favorite holiday? I'm not really sure; I'd say Labor Day because I love fall, it's back to school and nice relaxing holiday
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by Hudson »

Neat idea - I'll see if anyone lives close to me
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by Hudson »

I found someone in MN and pm'd them.............
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Meet-n-Greet

Post by gonepostal »

Ma Buglet PM'ed me and I answered! Hi!
I just sent one myself!

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