Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

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Cherry Garcia
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by LoreenC »

ACOT crops are so much fun!! I will be here as much as I can !
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by blossombabezz22 »

me i will be here i love the crops
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by mandee »

Hi I will be here! Usually I am a lurker but not this year!:-D
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by Doodlebug4444 »

I am gonna try to get a few challenges/classes done!
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Cherry Bing
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by scrap-o-holic »

I'm here for the party too!
Sometimes the one you think is your knight in shining armour might actually turn out to be a retard in tin foil!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by 3crazykids »

Yeah- I'm excited to participate in my first on-line crop! Can't wait.
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Bowl Full of Cherries
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by baltoscrapper »

I'm going to be here! At first, we were going to the beach but it's supposed to be a crappy w/e, so I'm hanging here!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by AmyTeets »

Amy Teets Designs

My Blog
Semper Fi

Snag Me!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by garnet_ruby »

I'll be participating!!! Can't wait. really need to get some major scrapbooking done. So me me me!!!
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Cherry Garcia
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by LKappy »

Can't wait!! Thanks, Kristin!

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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by josjac123 »

I 'll be here!!!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by luckylulu »

I'll be here ~ as much and as often as I can! :bluelol: Guess I better decide what pics I'm gonna use!!!

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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by badmom »

I will be participating. I have never tried on line scrapping. I hope it is at least half as fun as a crop with friend!
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Cherry Cola
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by davsar »

I'm here for the party!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by barbboy »

I'll be there! Can't wait!
Barbboy - Friends don't let Friends crop alone
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Judy in NM
Cherry Garcia
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by Judy in NM »

I'll be here -- between t-ball games and Relay for Life. Can't wait!!
~~ Judy ~~

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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by scrapgirlkc »

I''ll be there. :-D
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Cherry Berry
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by LisaLynn00 »

I'll be here as much as I can!
Lisa - Mama to Chelsea 3/12/09 and Meredith 2/4/13

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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by sassysdreams »

I'll be joining in as much as I can!:)
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Official NSD Crop Sign-Up Thread

Post by amymisha »

Sign me up!!
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