OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by j3xs »

 Jo(j3xs) from NY now in Georgia, and the tornados styed south
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by SarahA »

 I'm heeeeere!
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by karibear »

 Hi! I'll be around some tonight and tomorrow. Sunday I will be gone to a haircolor class.......
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by AnnOminous »

 Hi!!  I'm here, but I'm worn out and stressed out!!! 
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by scrap_n_angel »

I haven't had much time lately to check out the daily mb, but nothing like another crop to pull me in. i'll be in and out all weekend.

Bi-Scraptual. I do it both ways, paper and digital.

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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by SusieKing »

 i missed this earlier i guess..duh.  i'm off to do challenge 1.  :)
Susie King
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by jksergi »

 I'm here off & on all weekend
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by marciaray »

 i'm here love online crops
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by pawprints »

 Hi! I'll be here as much as I can!

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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by Janedee »

 I'm here today and tomorrow for sure! :)
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by suephill2 »

 Signing in and hoping I can get some scrapping done this weekend.
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by suephill2 »

 Signing in and hoping I can get some scrapping done this weekend.
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by Leeanna »

I'll be around tonight and Sunday afternoon, woo-hoo!
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by deerewife »

 I'm here!  will be in and out all weekend.

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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by mojodawn »

 Yo Yo's mojo ...checking in!  :-D
Some days its not worth chewing thru the straps.

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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by zanettac »


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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by KarenRei »

 Here and hoping to get alot done!
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by scraptag »

 i'll be in and out.  But I already got the first fast scrap done.  yeah!  fun.
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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by jodcold »

 I am here for a little while. My computer broke and I am sneaking on my DH's laptop, I can't type as fast on this though.

I have a virus and my DH is hoping to finally fix it tonight, if not we will probably have to get a new one. Hope I can get one before the crop is over!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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Re: OFFICIAL Crop Sign-In Thread

Post by MoochieMama »

 Hi, I'm here but I'm at work so right now I can only peek in once in awhile.

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