CROP Hints........

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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by kittymomma »

 Thanks for the info Kathy!
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by Cimorosete »

 Hey since there are so many "hints" flying around, I think someone should make a check off list. It sure would make getting ready a lot easier. :winkb:
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by Jeanne Marie's Scraps »

 lots wine, get rid of dh, deck of cards, camera? hey where is this going? :-D cause i ani't sheading any fabric off my body i may be bi-scrapual but strip Poker cropping? lol
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by lissahope26 »

ScrapGoo wrote:
MaBuglet wrote: Be prepared to make friends and entertain me :-D
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by MamaK321 »

 ask and ye shall recieve :-D  well, and I'm procrastinating doing mroe pre-crop planning. LOL

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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by Cimorosete »

 Your Awesome Kristianne!!!!! :-D
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by kittymomma »

 Cool checklist!!!!

Another question--I see that fast scraps are only an hour--but when is the deadline for all the other challenges? Is each one different or are they all due by a certain time/date?
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by kittymomma »

 Oh--another question-- how can you fast scrap and play bingo at the same time??? Or do you ahve to choose which one you will do?

By scrap cardboard do you mean the thinner cardboard that comes in the back of paper packs sometimes?
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by Flapdoodle »

 That is too cute, Kristianne! :-D***adding go to da likka sto' fo' mo' soo-plies, to list***
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by ScrapGoo »

kittymomma wrote: Cool checklist!!!!

Another question--I see that fast scraps are only an hour--but when is the deadline for all the other challenges? Is each one different or are they all due by a certain time/date?
I *think* the deadline for the regular challenges is usually midnight EST on Sunday. 
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by Mommybruno »

kittymomma wrote: Cool checklist!!!!

Another question--I see that fast scraps are only an hour--but when is the deadline for all the other challenges? Is each one different or are they all due by a certain time/date?
Jess is right, you have until midnight on Sunday to get your challenges done and posted to the gallery. And with so many classes/games/fast scraps going on, you might at times be forced to choose which you want to do.

Decisions, decisions, decisions! LOL! :-D
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by ScrapGoo »

kittymomma wrote: Oh--another question-- how can you fast scrap and play bingo at the same time??? Or do you ahve to choose which one you will do?

By scrap cardboard do you mean the thinner cardboard that comes in the back of paper packs sometimes?
Oh it can be done!!  Some people choose to do only one and some of us are nuts and try to do both.  The bingo words usually have a few minutes in between each set of them being called so I scrap...then check for words...scrap.... check for words, etc.  Towards the end of the bingo game when someone is close to winning it is a good idea to pay closer attention!

That thinner back-of-the-paper pack cardstock is similar to the loose pieces of cardboard we get to support paper orders so I would say it will work just fine for whatever they have cooked up for us!
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by Henu_Nea »

 Oh, I'm so excited!!! Hobby Lobby here I come!!! woo hoo!
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by craftyfool »

ScrapGoo wrote:
kittymomma wrote: Oh--another question-- how can you fast scrap and play bingo at the same time??? Or do you ahve to choose which one you will do?

By scrap cardboard do you mean the thinner cardboard that comes in the back of paper packs sometimes?
Oh it can be done!!  Some people choose to do only one and some of us are nuts and try to do both.  The bingo words usually have a few minutes in between each set of them being called so I scrap...then check for words...scrap.... check for words, etc.  Towards the end of the bingo game when someone is close to winning it is a good idea to pay closer attention!

That's what I plan to do!!  Scrap with one eye on the can be done.  :winkb:
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by MamaK321 »

A Fast Scrap is a mini-challenge, usually to create a small embellishment or crafty item. For example, an altered notebook, key chain, bookmark, card, page accent, decorate-a-tissue box or empty canister, etc. You are given 1 hour (some of the hostesses are pretty lenient and allow a few spare minutes) to create and upload the item to the gallery. It MUST be loaded to the correct category (Fast Scrap #0) in order to be counted. People like to then paste the image in the topic as well, to share, though this is not a requirement. It really is a ton of fun and I must brag just a *little* bit and say that the Fast Scraps are actually my brainchild. It constantly amazes me to see how well liked they are. :-D

I tried really hard to keep bingo and classes away from fast scraps on the schedule, LOL but there will no doubt always be a couple events that overlap. No worries kitty, as others have said already, you can choose to participate in one or the other OR multi-task and attempt both. It can be done. :-D You never know what the Fast Scrap will be, it may be something super easy.

Scrap cardboard is exactly that! just the thin scraps that help keep your paper sturdy. Heck, I was folding up an empty cereal box this morning and thought to myself that that type of cardboard would probably work as well. :winkb: Of course, if you have actual chipboard shapes, those may come in handy also. You never know...
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by kittymomma »

 Wowo--thanks for all of the answers ladies!   My computer is across the room from my scrap table--I will try to multitask. These things bring out the most competitive in me!!!!  I once completed 27 challenges in four days! Plus played the games.... but we shall see. (that weekend DH was on a business trip so I literally eat, drank and very little slep scrap!!! The only time I left the house was when I needed to pick up a certain paper line for a challenge! (Oh, and got some DQ ;) )

I will see what I can do. PLus, DH will want to do something this weekend--so there will be precious hours lost!!!
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by katarria »

You know...I'm thinking that some of you may want to find partners before the crop.  I mean, just in case & all. 
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by uptowngirl »

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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by kittymomma »

 Find partners???? How would a newbie go about that???

Am I confused? I swore I saw somewhere that the challenges were due by noon on Monday.... going to look for that now!
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Re: CROP Hints........

Post by mojodawn »

Cardboard that supports our the...

I wish I had read this seed a couple days ago, I thought I was all prepared and ready to go.  I just don't have any fabric scraps (thinking of what old clothes she can rip up, okay, okay other people's clothes :winkb:)

I recycle the cardboard, and that went out yesterday ( :x)

Ah, I am not going to tear my hair out.  I am sure I will be busy enough having fun and scrappin' my arse off as it is.

Really lookin forward to it ladies.  Glad I found yall!
Some days its not worth chewing thru the straps.

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