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Hello from Sunny California... re-entering the Cherry Orchar

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:06 am
by Kimberly Rae C.
Hi all, just thought I would pop in and introduce myself. I'mr returning o this board and Cherry on Top. My friend Ria B brought me here..My computer hard driev crashed and I lost all my passwords,... and somehow I couldn't retrieve ....I  was been out of the scrapbooking loop for a while due to some unforeseen circumstances (3 heart attacks and bypass surgery in July) and now I want to get back in. Back with the message boards, my blog, my Instagram and Twitter accounts...getting my papercrafting celebrity back into the swing of things.  I miss meeting new people around the world, learning new things, and getting new ideas for pages. I am a homemaker, married since 1997 to David who I met while on my shore tour in WA in 95. We live in Northern CA an hour and a half west of Tahoe where my husband works and I manage our household... which consists of us and a furry kitty boy named Tybalt (I was an English major who minored in Shakespearean literature who ended up being a database administrator....go figure) and a sassy rescue named Lucy. I have been papercrafting since 2003 when I was forced into bedrest after major surgery and my husband innocently bought me a copy of Creating Keepsakes, the only 'girly looking' magazine in the hospital gift shop he claims. The rest is history. Since then I have created my scrap blog Altered Whimseys, I've worked at three local scrapbook stores as an instructor and guest designer, was a guest designer for Memory Making Divas, created and ran our church's scrapbooking and papercrafting ministry called FaithFull Scrappers . I have a dedicated scrapbook and papercrafting room and I'm looking for some local (Rancho Cordova/Sacramento/Fair Oaks) friends to meet and scrap with. 

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:38 am
by scrapy1967
Hi Kimberly! You came to the right place and we are having a online crop here on NSD May 2nd!! We all love scrapping and are super friendly!!! I live in Ohio with my hubby and 2 very spoiled boxers. I am also injured and can not work. I can still drive but working is very painful. I broke my tailbone last year and never fully recovered. make sure to join us for the crop!!!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:38 am
by scrapy1967
Oh yeah and you can have some of our rain! I will send it your way!!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:32 am
by blbabe1234
Howdy Kimberly! Welcome to ACOT! You have came to the right place and like Janet said, the NSD festivities have just started!

I live in South Texas with my hubby and 4 sweet furbabies whom you'll get to know thru posts, pictures and layouts!

We have had a very unusual wet spring, receiving almost 10 inches of rain in about 2 weeks. So I'll gladly send over some your way.

Where in Cali are you from? My DH is from Ontario (San Bernardino County, Southern). His mom is here visiting for a few days. She goes back home this afternoon. Maybe she can smuggle in the rain for ya'll!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:44 am
by joannie
scrapy1967 wrote:Oh yeah and you can have some of our rain! I will send it your way!!
Janet I was going to offer Kimberly some of our rain too! Image
Welcome to ACOT!! Hope you are getting around our site smoothly! IF you have any questions just pipe up!! We are glad to assist!! Image I live west of Indy and we've had lots of rain and I'd be glad to send the next bunch your way!!!

I'm glad Ria found us and guided you our way too!!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:45 am
by beachlover
Welcome to your new "home away from home"!!!  I love your story, especially the part about your dh bringing a "girly" mag to the hospital!!!  We chat here daily, even about non-scrappy things, so you will have no lack of company even if you are home alone.  We have monthly challenges that you can join, and best of all is the best online crop ever!!!  Here this Saturday!  Please join us and show off your wonderful talents, have fun, and get to know all of us!  If you have any questions as to how anything works, just send a post and we can help you out!!!  Again, we are so happy to have you here ImageImageImageImageImage

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:46 am
by Deanna13
Welcome! Hope to get to know you better! Image

Sending rain your way! We've been having too much!!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:46 am
by average_kim
Hi!  And, welcome!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:01 am
by scrappinmom99
KimberlyRaeC wrote:Hi all, just thought I would pop in and introduce myself. I'm new to this board and Cherry on Top. My friend Ria B brought me here....I have been out of the scrapbooking loop for a while due to some unforeseen circumstances and now I want to get back in. I miss meeting new people around the world, learning new things, and getting new ideas for pages. I am a homemaker, married since 1997 to David who I met while on my shore tour in WA 20 years ago. We live in Northern CA an hour and a half west of Tahoe where my husband works and I manage our household... which consists of us and a furry kitty boy named Tybalt (I was an English major who minored in Shakespearean literature who ended up being a database administrator....go figure). I have been papercrafting since 2003 when I was forced into bedrest after major surgery and my husband innocently bought me a copy of Creating Keepsakes, the only 'girly looking' magazine in the hospital gift shop he claims. The rest is history. Since then I have created my scrap blog Altered Whimseys, I've worked at three local scrapbook stores as an instructor and guest designer, was a guest designer for Memory Making Divas, created and ran our church's scrapbooking and papercrafting ministry called FaithFull Scrappers and now I serve as my American Legion Post's historian and scrapbooker. I have a dedicated scrapbook and papercrafting room and I'm looking for some local (Rancho Cordova/Sacramento/Fair Oaks) friends to meet and scrap with. Due to medical reasons I cannot drive anymore, but I would love to meet up or have you come and hang out in my studio and scrap. The no driving thing can get quite lonely. So I'm putting myself out there looking to meet new people who share my love of scrapbooking and paper crafting. 
Hi Kimberly & Welcome! I wish I could send you some rain! Scrapbooking always starts off innocently enough Image I think it's great you are the ALP historian and scrapbooker. I am sure you have wonderful stories to capture. Thank you for your service in the Navy! I'm looking forward to getting to know you more. And this is a lively board with a wonderful bunch of ladies, or cherries as we say sometimes. This weekend is a big crop which will be a ton of fun!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:14 am
by emmapaige
Hi Kimberly!  So glad Ria brought you here.

I am Chris and live in Pennsylvania in a suburb of Philadelphia with my hubby of almost 27 years.  We have four children (2 from each of us) and five grandchildren (from 3 of our children).

My hubby got me into scrapbooking too.  He was watching TV one Saturday morning and as usual, with remote in hand he flipped from channel to channel and came to QVC where Lisa Bearnson was having her hour of Creating Keepsakes.  SInce our son had just had a baby and our oldest daughter announced she was pregnant, my hubby thought that scrapbooking might be a fun little hobby for me.  Little did he know that he would end up creating a monster!  Image

I look forward to getting to know you better.  As others mentioned we will be having an online NSD crop on Saturday and we have lots of monthly challenges too.  So there is plenty to keep you inspired and very busy!!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:35 am
by Kimberly Rae C.
Wow, what a friendly bunch of Cherries! Thank you so much ladies. I feel so welcome. I wasn't able to sleep well last night so I ended up working on one of the projects I thought up while camping last week until my husband got up to go back to work. After he left I swept then mopped the kitchen floor, organized our Keurig pods and ended up totally reorganizing the kitchen... in the middle of it all I managed to throw a pork loin in the crock with my famous slow cooker BBQ sauce and voila! Oh, did I mention I made him breakfast and fixed his lunch? Yes, I'm tooting my own horn.... and enjoying this burst of energy while it lasts. I think poor Tybalt (my kitty) thinks I need to be exorcised. 

As for the rain, we got some Friday night into early morning out at Big Sur while we were was raining so hard it woke me up. Fortunately it stopped before we woke up and had to break down camp to go home. 

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:56 am
by Tammey
Hi Kimberly, welcome to ACOT. As you are probably finding out already this place is awesome and you are going to love it here. I am really glad Ria sent you to us. We are a loving, caring and friendly bunch of cherries. I think you might like it here just a wee bit(a lot).lol 

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:59 am
by Shutterbug
Welcome Kimberly, I too am Kimberly  but i go go Kimber.  Look forward to getting to know you and sharing ideas. I am Married almost 14 years and we have a  Miniature Schnauzer Named Buddy that is almost 13 years old. He is sitting here watching me type.

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:59 am
by mgehrke
Welcome Kimberly - I can't wait to get to know you. You are going to love it here so much. The inspiration here is limitless. Also all the Cherries are so friendly and helpful. If you have questions, please feel free to post them. Someone here is bound to know the answer.

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:32 am
by Kimberly Rae C.
Shutterbug wrote:Welcome Kimberly, I too am Kimberly  but i go go Kimber.  Look forward to getting to know you and sharing ideas. I am Married almost 14 years and we have a  Miniature Schnauzer Named Buddy that is almost 13 years old. He is sitting here watching me type.

That was my knickname in HS when I was in youth group because we had three Kimberly's....and a Kimi. My given name is Kimberly-Rae. 

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:13 pm
by ammielou
If I could, I would gladly send rain. We've had close to five inches over the past two weeks.  Two and a half of that over the weekend!Image

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:16 pm
by debamas
Having lots of rain as I type. Wish I could get it over your way. I've had enough, thankyou. Welcome to ACOT!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:27 pm
by ajkulig
I wish I could send you some rain, we are practically drowning in it!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:33 pm
by pawprints
Welcome Kimberly! It's so nice to meet you! You are going to love it here!

Re: Hello from Sunny California... please send rain!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:57 pm
by jnet
Hi Kimberly!  It's nice to meet you.  I'm in Northern CA too - in Marin County.  I look forward to getting to know you.