***New Cherry Questionairre***

A place for new members to introduce themselves and ask questions about the Message Board, the Gallery and getting around ACOT.

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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by Sim6ba »

Hello Everyone!! My name is Marilyn and I am from Cleveland, Ohio. I found ACOT by accident when looking for scrapbooking supplies. I am so glad that I did because this site has all the new exciting stuff! I love this place!! I really don't get to scrap like I used to because I work alot of hours but when I do, I love to make up the little albums. I like to work with the acrylic ones because there is so much that you can do with them. I love the online crops here, never been to a real one thou. ACOT YOU ROCK!!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by sls9663 »

Hi everyone. My name is Sandi. I'm from the Southern New Jersey shore, but have recently moved to Atlanta.
I've been scrapping for about 12 years.

How did you find ACOT??

I found ACOT through a google search.

What technique would you like to learn?
digital scrapbooking

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

usually 2-4

Are you into digital or paper layouts?


What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?

photos from the 70's

Do you have your own scrap room?

no, but I do have a corner of my bedroom dedicated to scrapping

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?

yes, in real life several times. this is my first online

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?

I'm a total early bird...up before 7am every day

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

chocolate shake with a shot of kahlua
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Cherry Tart
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by meterr »

How did you find ACOT??


What technique would you like to learn?


How many photos do you usually place on a layout?


Are you into digital or paper layouts?


What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?




Do you have your own scrap room?


Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?


What gives you the creeps?


Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?


What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
"If you cant be good, be colorful!"-Pete Conrad
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Cherry Tart
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by scrapncards »

How did you find ACOT?? I've seen it mentioned on another message board of which I'm a member.

What technique would you like to learn? Using embossing paste with stencils

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? It depends...sometimes one large one but at the most 4 or 5 photos. Would like to figure out how to use more on a layout

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I am trying to finish a heritage type book for my Dad--I gave him the book with several completed pages in it for his 80th birthday (had a late start).

Do you have your own scrap room? I have a craft room but I'm a pack rat and very disorganized. So I have scrap stuff all over the house and am currently using the kitchen table for scrapping.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? I've been to several real life crops--this is my first one online (I seem to get more done at the real life one--too much time on the board this evening)

What gives you the creeps? Spiders and those people that make the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? More of an early bird but have been known to be a night owl on very rare occassions

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Margaritas, frozen of course!

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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by bay63 »

My name is Betty Anne and I'm from Haverhill Massachusetts.

How did you find ACOT??

Yahoo search last Christmas, I was looking for a Winter Wonderland Rubon and you had it.

What technique would you like to learn?

More digital "stuff" I started the class earlier, I got to go back and finish it.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

I like to do 2 page layouts, 2-3 pics each page.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?

I have a habit of starting new pages before I finish one. Today I was trying to finish some I had started. I did start a new one.

Do you have your own scrap room?

I have "stuff" in every room in my house. Ask my husband, he'll tell you. My son probably hears "watch my papers" more that he hears his own name.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?

I have in real life, this is my first on-line. I will be watching for more.

What gives you the creeps?


Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?

Well, I kinda a middle of the day person.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

Well I'm a tea tottler. I usually only drink on New Years. Strawberry Margheritas(??). But because only only seem to function between the hours of 11 and 1, it's usually coffee.
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by mandee »

How did you find ACOT??
When I first began scrapping a friend recommended this site!

What technique would you like to learn?
better photography

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

either 1 or alot never just like 2 lol

Are you into digital or paper layouts?

Paper, but I do design blog headers and siggys with digital!

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?

right now I am working on this spring. I am not caught up by I work with what inspires me right now!

Do you have your own scrap room?

Yes, and love it! It's small, 8x6 but works great!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?

Yes and I host retreats in Ga!

What gives you the creeps?

Right now this economy! LOL

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?

Night owl!

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

Coffee, always the coffee!
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by kiwi-ange »

suslvgeo wrote:How did you find ACOT?? A friend on another site sent me in your direction

What technique would you like to learn? Photo editing

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Depends how many I have on a certain topic....usually between 1 and 5

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper only....love the mess!LOL

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? After having two boys, Im enjoying working on my baby girls album

Do you have your own scrap room? Kind of......I have a space in an unused part of our hallway that I have set up office

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes, lots. IRL and online but this is my first ACOT crop.

What gives you the creeps? Its probably quicker to tell you what DOESNT give me the creeps!!LOL

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? By choice I would be nightowl but by necessity (having 3 kids) Im an early bird.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? ...oooooh.....I have several favourites! Midori and sprite, vodka, lime and sprite, vodka mudshake RTDs , Baileys/kahlua and milk

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Cherry Blossom
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by 2_maybe_3 »

How did you find ACOT?? From other message board

What technique would you like to learn? Right now I just want to improve the basic ones that I have before venturing off to other things.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? my average is 3

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper but am soon going to learn digi

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm working on a scraplift and it's of all my kids.

Do you have your own scrap room? Nope. :(

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Online crops only but I have been to a retreat

What gives you the creeps? bugs

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? I would say that I'm more of a mid-day person. I don't like to get up in the mornings but I can't stay up late either.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
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Cherry Tart
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by deejerry »

suslvgeo wrote:This is a questionairre for any new Cherries that want to participate!

We here at ACOT would love to get to know more about you and this seems like a fun way to do it. Of course we also encourage you starting a thread and introducing yourself, this is just a fun little tool to help you get started!

I will be popping onto the thread and randomly handing out points to those that participate. What are points you ask, click here to find out more.

edited to add:any new cherry can fill this out, but random points will only be given to those that have less than 500 post counts.

And WELCOME to ACOT!!!! We are glad you are here!!!!
How did you find ACOT?? Karibear told me

What technique would you like to learn? I interested in learning all

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? I' really bad , I try to find room for lots.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? yes both

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
tornado of March 2009.
Do you have your own scrap room? yes and I love it.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? this is my first on line, but I do go to crops.

What gives you the creeps? tall buildings.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? night owl.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? sweet tea.

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Cherry Tart
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by tj1958 »

I found ACOT when searching for scrap supplies.
The technique I am most interested in learning right now is digital. I have learned so much just today from the classes I took here at the crop. I am so excited about them.

The number of photos I use on a layout varies. I used to want to use every picture I took of a particular moment, but I am getting better at picking out one or two (or 3 or 4 - heehee) and let them tell the story.

I have been into paper layouts, but am slowly going hybrid.

The most recent thing I have worked on is a mini chipboard album I made of my recent vacation. I really enjoy making mini albums of all kinds. I made regular 12 x 12 books of my kids, but now I really prefer to make some sort of mini album about a particular trip or event.

I do have a scrap room. Unfortunately, it become the catch all room, too. But, it still suits my purposes. I try to get it organized, but then I pull specific items for a crop or a project and next thing I know, I am digging for things again.

Yes. I have been to crops. I love a crop, actually. I have hosted a few mini crops, too. This is the first time I have done an online crop and I have had a really fun time with it.

I am most definitelly an early bird. In fact, I am staying up way past my bedtime tonight!

My favorite 5 o'clock somewhere drink would have to be a Long Island Iced Tea.

And . . . I have to say, I kind of like being a Cherry 'Tart'!
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by 2boysma »

How did you find ACOT?? On the top scrabooking sites list

What technique would you like to learn? digi

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 3

Are you into digital or paper layouts? paper...I am slowly learning digi

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Garvin Gardens

Do you have your own scrap room? yes. It is also a guest room, but it is mostly scrapbook stuff...hard to have guests, though possible!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes...both

What gives you the creeps? spiders and snakes

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? night owl...In heaven I am going to be an early bird

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? marguerita...or Weideker's Niagra Blush Wine

PS...Thank you for asking!


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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by Mom2angels »

How did you find ACOT?? ?? I don't even remember, I've been coming here for a year or more, just never joined the community (didn't know there was one until recently)

What technique would you like to learn? Not that I would probably do it much, if at all, but I'd like to know more about digi scrapping, I'm WAY into photgraphy, so I think it would be the next natural step

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? TONS--I think one is a waste of scrapping material, and of the memories that could be preserved

Are you into digital or paper layouts? see above

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I am always working on NUMEROUS projects, I get bored easily. right now my table is covered with my DD#2's album

Do you have your own scrap room? I did, but we recently moved, so I have a wall in my bedroom--YUCK

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? yes, both

What gives you the creeps? feeling like someone is watching me, but that only happens when I have open windows at night

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? That's tough to answer...I have a child under the age of 1, so I used to be a night owl, and still am at heart, but she just recently started sleeping through the night, and I have to get up before the sun for my other DD, so I HAVE to go to bed "early"

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Any of them!! :) Depends mostly on weather, and my mood.
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by stinkerbelle »

How did you find ACOT?? i have shopped here for a few years and finally decided to go ahead and join the board

What technique would you like to learn? i'm not huge on techniques, unless they take no special supplies and don't need drying time lol

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? for years i was a strictly 1 photo gal but now i am branching out. i scrap 8.5x11 so 3 is probably my max

Are you into digital or paper layouts? paper all the way baby

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? hmm, i think the last one i did was about my son's love of cars when he was little

Do you have your own scrap room? not yet, but working on it :)

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? yes to both

What gives you the creeps? spiders and peeps!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? very much a night-owl

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? i rarely drink anything heavier than coke and when i do i like girly drinks....or peppermint schnapps :)


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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by grirosa »

How did you find ACOT??
A Friend told me about the website. And I check it every now and then.

What technique would you like to learn?

Stitching, Embosing,

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

2 or 1, sometimes more.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
I like to do boths, even though I prefer paper ones

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
One from my last anniversary at the colonial zone here in Puerto Rico

Do you have your own scrap room?
Not really, I work ussually at the dinner table

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?
No, this would be my first time

What gives you the creeps?
Ants, Snakes

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Night Owl

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

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Cherry Tart
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by Pluto »

I found ACOT while doing one of the online hops! What fun that is. I love games and this site is just wonderful~! I've been digital/paper scrapping for quite awhile, but am clueless when it comes to posting or linking in the different threads! I don't know how to create an avatar. I don't know how people repeat the questions from the original post???? I'm not hopeless, just not knowledgeable right now re: computer techniques. I do have my own scraproom, and the major thing that gives me the creeps are roaches! EWWWW! My 5 O'Clock somewhere drink is currently rum & coke (can't do the Long Island Ice Teas anymore lol!) So, hope someone can show me some computer knowledge! lol. I really love this site! Thanks for making it so friendly.
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Cherry Tart
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by Burundanguitas »

Second time i try doing this Ist i erase it by mistake :x :( and many more feelings buuhhh

I found ACOT searching in the web, cause i am considering to buy stuff online, i live in panama rep. of panama (abroad USA) and here are some few shops to buy in real life. I need a Cricut Create no matter if its use or whatever i thing i ll buy it new. :) yes...

I have alot of techniques to learn, because as I tryed to upload a LO here and had to states the techniques, wow i tought I knew something now I know i have a lot to learn. (color blocking, blig, clusters, blending, make pop ups, sanding, stenciling, etc.)
I use 1-2 or 3 at most on my Paper Layouts.

Now I am working in a theme album: Minni Me, Gia´s story (my 2 YO babygirl, my lovely daughter)

Yes, I do have my own scrap room (little but mine) not in the laundry, not in the kitchen, my own space. Still not organice,any suggestion will appreciate.

I like to make crops in my house, I also go to crops in a store here in town, the only one i like.

I am considering starting a Scrappy Girls&Boys Clubs here in panama. So if here are panamanians and people who live in panama rep. of panama and want to join me, please write me at [url=mailto:burundanguitas@gmail.com]burundanguitas@gmail.com[/url]

What "creeps" means?

i am both a night owl and an early bird, I adjust myself to the needs.

What it is? "What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? "??

Love and a lot of hugs, Dalys :-D :) :inlove: :bluelol: :greenlol: :graysmile:
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by SoccerCropper »

How did you find ACOT?? online round-up (I think the reindeer round-up but it could be the great pumpkin)

What technique would you like to learn? digital scrapbooking

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 3

Are you into digital or paper layouts? paper

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? my pregnancy, i have a new baby girl! I need to start her album already

Do you have your own scrap room? yes, but on accident. I kinda took over the office. :-)

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? in real life, that's how I got started in the hobby

What gives you the creeps? cockroaches, eww!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? night-owl

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Amaretto sours are great but I haven't had one since I got pregnant. And I'm tired enough with a new baby, that it'll be a while yet.

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Cherry Tart
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by CruiseGirl »

How did you find ACOT??
Researching online to buy products.

What technique would you like to learn?

Anything - I am always open to learning new ideas and techniques.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
As many as I can that work within the realm of the layout. I give up on some creativity to use the photos more.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?

I do both. I have completed several digital scrapbboks as gifts....ie: Scout Master retired, friend's 50th Birthday Party, Rose Parade trip...

The paperscrapbooks I have completed...Cub Scout, 2 Boy Scout, one Eagle Scout, several family gifst when they turned 70 - of their lives, son's school book, and am in porcess for more....daughter'[s school book and many vacation trips.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?

daughters school album - she graduates next month, her Scout album, Ireland trip, Knitting Cruise Group trip, .....

Do you have your own scrap room?

No, much of my bedroom has been turned into my scrap area.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?

Yes, several in real life as well as CKC events

What gives you the creeps?

Spiders when they catch me unawares

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?

More early bird than night bird, the older I get

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?

Depends on who I am with and the weather.....if hot - an ice cold beer, Madras or Margareta. Most times a glass of a good red wine or a rum and coke or vodka tea.
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by Karenscraps »

How did you find ACOT?? My friend Kim's posts on another website regarding all the fun she had on NSD

What technique would you like to learn? Everything new

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Depends on the LO

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I am working an all different themes right now but most recent LO was of my daughter on our vacation

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes but it's not clean by any means actually I should be cleaning instead of being on the computer.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? I have never been to a crop either online or in real life.

What gives you the creeps? Creepy Crawlies

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Neither any more unless I need to be.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Malibu and pineapple juice with a splash of cranberry but I haven't had a drink in almost 2 years.

Karen Y.

I haven't been an active paper crafter for a while and want to get back in the swing of things!
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Cherry Berry
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Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***

Post by LisaLynn00 »

How did you find ACOT?? I dont remember! It's been awhile, and I've been on here mostly for crops.

What technique would you like to learn? Anything I dont already use! I love trying new things.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? It varies. I do a lot of 1-2 photo layouts but sometimes lots more than that or two page layouts.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper! I'd love to learn digital eventually, but I have way too many supplies to give up on paper.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm finishing up my pictures from 2008 and also scrapping my baby girl.

Do you have your own scrap room? Sorta, half of it is mine and the other half is DH's computer space.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yep! I've been to ACOT online crops, and a few RL Crops at LSS and one crop that Fiskars sponsored.

What gives you the creeps? Spiders? Hehe... We found a HUGE in the baby's room the other day... AHHH!!!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night owl! I'm definately not liking the broken sleep schedule I have right now.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? I'm obsessed with Coke... as far as alcohol goes, I havent drank any in months, but I love a good glass of wine.
Lisa - Mama to Chelsea 3/12/09 and Meredith 2/4/13


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