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Berta R.

Cherry Bing

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT??   Looked up "scrapbooking" on the web

What technique would you like to learn? 

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 1 or 2 usually

Are you into digital or paper layouts?  Paper layouts

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm working on older photos right now for my kids' albums

Do you have your own scrap room? Sorry to say, no.  My son and his wife moved back home so I had to give it up temporarily.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? It's been a couple years but I've attended a few IRL.  And I love participating in online crops.

What gives you the creeps? Spiders...eeeeewwww!!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?  Both

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Pepsi or fruit juice
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT??   I looked up scrapbooking supplies on the internet.  

What technique would you like to learn?  A new one for me, called picking up and putting away!!  Image

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?  Depends, sometimes 1, sometimes several.  

Are you into digital or paper layouts?  Paper layouts.  

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?  A scrapbook full of papers, journaling cards and different pocket pages in preparation of my first grandchild expected in late August/early September.  This album will be for my son and daughter-in-law and will hopefully be easy for them to just add photos.  

Do you have your own scrap room?  Yes, it is called the kitchen table!!  Image

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?   No

What gives you the creeps?  Scary movies, scary music and bees in the house.  

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?  A little bit of both, depending on what the schedule will allow.  

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?  A June bug, which is a delightful southern concoction of white rum, grenadine, orange juice, pineapple juice, ginger ale and orange sherbet.  Come to think of it, this evening might, in fact, be a good time to enjoy a June bug!!  
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Christi S.

Cherry Bing

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Hi everyone!  I'm fairly new here.  I've been warmly welcomed, though!

How did you find ACOT?? 
I think I put in "shopping scrapbooking" or something like that.  I didn't discover the gallery and message boards until just recently.

What technique would you like to learn?
Quilling, masking, doodling (I am too stiff!)

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Usually more than two, and as many as 8, but since I've done a bunch of challenges, I've done several layouts with only one picture on them. I prefer many photos.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
paper only

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
Anything goes!  I have 20 years worth of photos!!!!

Do you have your own scrap room?
Yes, thank God!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 

What gives you the creeps?


Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?

both - I don't sleep much  :(

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Diet Coke or Mountain Dew


Totals for 2016
     Layouts 33
     Cards 42

Totals for 2015
     Layouts 299, Cards 331, Mini Books 5

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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT??
I have always known of ACOT, but as a digital scrapbooker, I tended to hang out on the digital forums (mostly wherever my Creative Teams required me to be).  When I came back recently I decided to branch out and rediscovered ACOT.

What technique would you like to learn?
I am dying to try some Mixed Media and maybe even start an Art Journal, but I am a little intimidated and don’t know where to start.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
When I do a full 12x12 LO, I tend to use between 1-3, when I pocket scrap it really depends on the week, doe are photo heavy, some not so much.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
A mix of the two!

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I recently finished August in my 2013 Project Life album…yeah, I am a bit behind.

Do you have your own scrap room?
I did, until we moved recently. Now I have part of our large basement, which is nice when my hubby is on the couch reading not so fun when he is killing things on Xbox. I invested in nice earbuds so I can listen to music instead.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
YES!! Both! I actually went to a weekend digital scrapbookers retreat in 2006 which was pretty fun and I have been to a few paper crops as well as online crops I ran as a Creative Team member.

What gives you the creeps?
Ants. I think it stems from watching a horror movie by that name when I was in like 6th grade /shudder.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Probably a night owl, well at least over the sumer when I don't have to get up for work in the morning lol.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Smirnoff ice and mango margaritas!

July 2/10
My Blog
My SmugMug Gallery
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
suslvgeo wrote:This is a questionairre for any new Cherries that want to participate!

We here at ACOT would love to get to know more about you and this seems like a fun way to do it. Of course we also encourage you starting a thread and introducing yourself, this is just a fun little tool to help you get started!

I will be popping onto the thread and randomly handing out points to those that participate. What are points you ask, click here to find out more.

edited to add:any new cherry can fill this out, but random points will only be given to those that have less than 500 post counts.

And WELCOME to ACOT!!!! We are glad you are here!!!!

How did you find ACOT?? 
From a fellow scrapper bc u were offering preorder for Shimelle's new line
What technique would you like to learn?
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Are you into digital or paper layouts?
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
Snow days
Do you have your own scrap room?
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
Yes, both
What gives you the creeps?
Bugs, spiders
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Night owl
What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Margarita on the rocks with salt and 2 green olives
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
 How did you find ACOT?? 
 I saw a referral someplace .. can't recall where. I liked that a bunch of new products were available and placed an order.  Much more recently I've seen more about the site

What technique would you like to learn?
 I'm very technique driven .. love to play with paper.  With that said, I don't stockpile "techniques to learn" .. I go out and find them! Remembering them is the issue! I particularly love to learn new book binding techniques as I'm willing to bind almost anything into a mini or on to a page!
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
As many as I feel necessary .. and it is layout driven -- I've done one with multiple mats, I've done a bunch in varying size and orientation .. just depends on what else is goin' on!
Are you into digital or paper layouts?
 Paper .. with very rarely a hybrid element .. more often computer used for long journaling.
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
 I find that I'm doing more vacation albums. Recently played with a new paper bag technique -- just created a base mini-album with no photos as yet.  Immediately before that Kathy Orta's Foto Folios for a Montanna/Yellowstone trip -- photos still to be inserted
Do you have your own scrap room?
 Yes .. and use most of the rest of the house for overflow
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
 Yes .. as a matter of fact, I used to organize weekend retreats and am attending one in the middle of July that a friend organizes. I don't really do "on-line" because that is the same as cropping alone.
What gives you the creeps?
 I can't say .. but I know it when it happens
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
 I'm a middle-of-the-day "bird" - I'm great from 9:30 am - 6 pm
What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
 That is so dependent on mood but a limey G&T is rarely too far from mind.  On a cruise ship, if the bartender is capable, a mojito can usually find my lips!
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the light up north

Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?? 
A friend from Two Peas told me about this place... 

What technique would you like to learn?
I want to learn how to create more journalling cards and embellishments on my computer... I love drawing on my tablet and would love to put that to good use...

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
My usual would be one or two...

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
I love paper... I want to learn how to make more use of my digital apps, but just so that I can print them out and play with themImage

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I have a PL album that I do monthly, and I have the supplies for a big PL style travel album for all the photos I took when I was in Europe for three months... But I also have 8x8 albums for those photos that I want to devote a whole layout to...

Do you have your own scrap room?
I do!! I have a room that has three windows and the most wonderful afternoon light... I love just being in that space...

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
I have been to a couple of crops in real life... Unfortunately there were never too many stores near me, and the last of them closed just this year... 

What gives you the creeps?
Instant answer - spiders and centipedes... I also get a squidgey ucky feeling watching someone put on a pair of earrings (pierced, not clip on - I'm not that weird Image)...

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
I'm a night owl by nature, but I love mornings... I try to stay up late enough to see the sunrise every chance I get... 

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
That would be either a Caesar, Amaretto Sour, or a Pina Colada... It all depends on the weather Image 
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?? 
on Google searching for Weekend Market papers by Bo Bunny
What technique would you like to learn?
DEFINITELY making flowers - I just made a stunning day lily using the pattern from Susan Tierney-Cockburn- I don't have the dies so I just copied the pattern onto paper and cut it out - shaped the petals using the backs of spoons and boiled eggs then cupped them in egg cartons to hold their form til dry - painted mixing and blending acrylic paints
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
one or two -- but I'm adding waterfalls to the albums I'm making so they can put more pictures per album
Are you into digital or paper layouts?
definitely paper - I hate killing trees but I love color so much so definitely beautiful papers
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
Working on general scrapbooks for family members - one that is fun is for my great niece in law?? LOL she married my nephew and they have a beautiful baby boy and a daughter by her first marriage - one for my brother who recently married his life partner in a ceremony in Niagra Falls - for my sister (the baby is her grandchild) and my great niece (who loves purple) she is in grade 1 and I'm leading her down the path to scrapping I want her to have a scrapbook for each year of her schooling something I wish I'd done.
Do you have your own scrap room?
I live alone so my entire house is my scrap room - NOT a good idea I can't find anything LOL  BUT I am always planning to organize .... tomorrow
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
I am pretty much home-bound but they sound like a lot of fun!
What gives you the creeps?
Lightening - I have a recurring nightmare where I am with a group of people and a MASSIVE electrical storm hits and everyone screams these agonizing screams - we all know it's the end of time and we are dying - it's horrible and vivid and after I have one I turn on all the lights and can't go back to sleep -
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
definitely a vampire -- up all night sleep all day
What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
at one time it was a big fat doobie or a white line but am a recovering addict (clean 30 years Image) so super sweet Iced Tea for me, please
I am defined by my dogs and my love for them --- I ran a canine rescue for 12 years and had to quit due to health issues but kept the dogs that could not be adopted so am mama to a baker's dozen big dogs all but one are seniors old old babies
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Cherry Cola

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Just found this thread - I usually stick with the challenges.

How did you find ACOT??  I have ordered from ACOT years ago but never participated in the board. I found you again this past NSD when I was looking for challenges.

What technique would you like to learn? I want to do more stamping, coloring stamps and misting. I would also like to learn paper folding.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? That really depends on what I am scrapping or how many pictures I have. I like using 3 usually.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?  I do paper layouts or hybrids (some computer work). I like the feel of paper. I worked with computers and so equate them with work. Paper is a change and I love it!

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?  I skip around. Right now I am working on some 2013 pictures and also a 2011 trip.

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes - when we moved in here last November DH helped me set the room up for my scrapping.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? I have met with a friend to crop IRL. I have also participated in online crops.

What gives you the creeps?  Spiders

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? I am more of a morning person. I can stay up late but I pay for it the next day.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Well, that would be single malt scotch with water or a glass of wine. In the hot weather a margarita. 

Hi everyone!    Image   My name is Susan and I love to scrapbook!

 Image ImageImage   Image
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Cherry Cola

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Welcome to ACOT all of you newbies! You will love it here.
blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT??  Browsing the internet 

What technique would you like to learn?  mixed media

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 1-3

Are you into digital or paper layouts? paper. Have tried digital but did not find it easy.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?  Wedding

Do you have your own scrap room?  Yes. I am very blessed to have a dedicated room.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?  No. I have been to Scrapbook Expo but just walked around.

What gives you the creeps?  Spiders!!!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?  Night Owl. I am rarely scrapbooking in the day time, even on weekends.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Sweet tea
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Cherry Blossom

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?? 
My mom

What technique would you like to learn?
not sure

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
mostly digi, but want to get back into paper

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
pool photos
Do you have your own scrap room?

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
LOVE crops!! 
What gives you the creeps?
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
it fluctuates

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
vanilla coke or half and half iced tea
    TERRI  :greenwinkb: :greeninlove: ​​​​​​​ ​​
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
ImageHow did you find ACOT?? Looking for where to shop online for scrappy stuff.

What technique would you like to learn? I want to get brave enough to sew on a layout, lol.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 1-10

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper, all the way Image

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? A 'together for 12 yrs' lo,about my hubs and I.
Do you have your own scrap room? YES! Image

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes, but prefer to scrap at home, alone.

What gives you the creeps? Snakes.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Oh God, nightowl for sure!

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Hendricks Gin & Fever Tree Tonic together, Mmmmm!
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Cherry Picker

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
I have been scrapbooking since my granddaughter was born in 1998.  I started shopping here a year or two ago and have been on the Boards on and off since March.  Thought I'd finally get around to doing this (better late than never) when I saw it raise to the top of the sidebar.

How did you find ACOT?? Internet search for scrapbook supplies

What technique would you like to learn?  Not really into techniques - more of a paper and sticker kinda gal (and wood and flair and chipboard and washi, etc.).  But I would really like to see more demos regarding stamping on layouts.  Art journaling is pretty cool as well.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 1-2... sometimes more if smaller than 4x4.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?  I've digitized in the past but found my heart races to the sounds of an adhesive roller and paper-trimmer.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?  Mostly summer now - beach photos. But I have 8+ ongoing albums (sometimes more), about 7 more I need to start and about 12-15 unfinished albums that I always scrap a page here and there for when I'm in the mood (I don't believe in the concept of finished albums).

Do you have your own scrap room?  I have had, and now I will again.  I've had to make the choice between bed and scrap desk - scrap desk won so I bought an air-mattress to sleep on... gotta keep your priorities straight.  I mean, the only time I ever use a bed is when I'm asleep and then I don't really notice it because... I'm asleep.  The important things in life are what happen when you're awake.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?  Once IRL - it made me rather anxious as I'm pretty shy face-to-face and didn't know what to pack etc...the only thing that saved me was that it was with other moms in the PTA and there was a CM consultant with supplies to purchase on site.  I've participated in several of the Shimelle weekends and LOVED them... it's like a cross between a class and a crop-at-home - everyone doing the same thing with their own supplies... I've "met" several people at these events and we actually blog, instagram and email back and forth.

What gives you the creeps?  I don't like spiders and snakes... or toes.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?  IDK - if you figure it out, let me know.  I am not an early-bird - not a morning person at all.  Usually start scrapping around noon and usually don't finish until into the evening (I'm on disability due to MS so don't get to work) But, sometimes I dream about scrapbooking and will wake up in the middle of the night to start, change, or finish a layout.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?   Bushwacker is my all-time fave, million-dollar coffee is second and CocaCola is my fave anytiime (especially with Jack but not now that I've had to quit drinking due to meds Image)

Even though I blog, ACOT is the first Message Board I have really participated in (other than class Boards).  I'm really enjoying the comraderie.
"I find it is the small things - everyday deeds by ordinary folk - that keeps the darkness at bay." (Gandalf)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT??   A friend of mine used to chat here

What technique would you like to learn?  Not sure

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?  As many as I can!

Are you into digital or paper layouts?  Paper

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?  Working on my 2011 Florida trip (Key West and Universal Studios)

Do you have your own scrap room?  Yes - sort of.  I have a dedicated space in my basement next to the washer and dryer! 

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes

What gives you the creeps?  Spiders!!!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?  Night owl...although lately I can't make it past 10pm.  

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?  Sex on the Beach
My Blog -->  BlinnsBlog
Instagram --> @onescrappymom71
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT??  Can't remember but it was either another crafting site or Pinterest .
What technique would you like to learn?  Probably more about using water colours on layouts.
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?  Don't know that I have an average or norm, sometimes it can be one, other times it can be 5 or 6.
Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper only as I don't really consider digital scrapbooking true scrapbooking.
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? A "Lunch with Friends" layout.
Do you have your own scrap room? No but it's a dream of mine!
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes I have, very fun!  My old LSS used to have pajama party crops, which was cool.  You came to it in your jammies, if you wanted and you would spend the night in the store, scrapping & eating pizza.
What gives you the creeps? Any kind of creepy crawlie.
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Definitely a night-owl, I couldn't be an early bird to save my life.
What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?  Well, if its a cocktail, then it would be G&T, if non-alcoholic probably iced tea or hot tea, depending on the weather.

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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?? 
I heard about it from a youtube video.
What technique would you like to learn?
layering paper
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
depends on how many i have for that topic
Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Paper Layouts
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
Travel/ Las Vegas
Do you have your own scrap room?
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
yes- real life no-online
What gives you the creeps?
spiders and snakes
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
a milk shake from sonic
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
How did you find ACOT?? 
I heard about it on another message board.

What technique would you like to learn?
How to color really well with Copic markers.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Between 5 and 8.  Most of my layouts are 2-pagers.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I just completed my 50th birthday mini book and my son's birthday layout.

Do you have your own scrap room?
I scrapbook in my dining room, but I have my own scrap area.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
Yes.  I prefer real-life crops.

What gives you the creeps?

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
A night-owl.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
A good cup of coffee or a glass of champagne.  It depends on my mood.
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Sarah S.

Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
Hi everyone!  
My name is Sarah and I'm a newbie here at ACOT.  I can't wait to chat with everyone.  Here's my filled out Questionairre!

How did you find ACOT?? 
On Facebook 
What technique would you like to learn?
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Definitely paper - I love the feel of working with the materials.
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I just began some layouts for my 2014 trip to Oregon.
Do you have your own scrap room?
Oh yes, it was a requirement when we were looking to buy a house.
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
Only a day crop.  I'm hoping to get some peeps to go to a longer one with me one of these days.
What gives you the creeps?
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Definitely an early-bird
=12.8000001907349pxWhat is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
A craft beer - stouts in the winter and wheats in the summer
2017 Goals:
Layouts: 0/50
Cards: 0/50
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Cherry Tart

Re: ***New Cherry Questionairre***
I'm Melanie and am new!! I'm a married mom of 2 girls. Here is my questionairre:

How did you find ACOT?? 
I found ACOT from googling around.
What technique would you like to learn?
I would like to learn how to scrap with paper better. I can scrap digitally but paper just plain scares
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
I always forget to take pictures(i'm working on that) so usually 2-4.
Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Digital is what I do mostly, but I would love to scrap paper layouts.
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I just completed a 2 photo layout of me and my oldest daughter.
Do you have your own scrap room?
It's in the works. We just moved and all my craft stuff is still in boxes. I have a nice roomy closet that I have my eye on.
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? 
No, I'm actually not even sure what that is.
What gives you the creeps?
Spiders are my number 1. I HATE spiders more then anything in this world. Centipedes are a close 2nd.
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Night-owl all the way. I have never been a morning person, or afternoon for that matter.
What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
I don't really drink "adult" drinks anymore, make me too sleepy. Coffee would be my number 1 drink.
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