Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by H2Ogirl »

 Count me in!  I signed up too!

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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by Scrappin13 »

 I'm signed up and got my kit for .01.  Can't wait for the crop!!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by Hearts0314 »

 I just signed up too.. Can't wait for the crop!! They're always a BLAST!!
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by She-She »

 I signed up...it's my first crop, we'll see how I do!
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by scrapy1967 »

 Its my first too,cant wait
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by PopPop »

 I'm going to sign up right now!  I got it done!

PopPopto her 2 DGS who both are autistic. The oldest one named me PopPop when he was 2 and it just stuck!
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by michellecm03 »

 I've signed up & I can't wait to get started!
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by snowangels »

 I'm signed up :)
- Jody -
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by raynbow63 »

 I'm signed up, can't wait:)
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Cherry Garcia
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by wahoo_mom »

 Nothing like waiting until the last minute, but I finally signed up!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by craftymomof5 »

 I'm registered at the Crop Scene homepage, and ready to celebrate and crop!  Love this website by the way!!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by blaznpat »

 Sign up complete!

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Cherry Tart
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by mjnbaskets »

 I'm signed up and looking forward to the weekend.  Let the fun begin. 

Mary Jane
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by scraphappy24_7 »

 Oh I am in...looking forward to it too!!!  :-D

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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by lexi092000 »

 I'm in... :greenlol:
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Cherry Berry
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by hlg1rose »

 ok, i signed up, i fought against it, since last time i never left the computer!  so much fun!
[img:dgoiopbi]http://www.acherryontop.com/i/thumbnail ... picker.gif[/img:dgoiopbi]

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"The skin I'm in is alright with me, it's not old, just older" ` JBJ

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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by campangel »

 I'm in
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by krystalmajik »

 I am all signed up and ready to go should be interesting because I'm in bed when you will all be cropping away but will try and keep up!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by lishane »

 I have signed up! 
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by mommahobbit »

I followed the sign up  am done   and cant wait   yippeeeeeeeeeeeee :winkb:
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