Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by scrapsakes »

 i'm good to go :)
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by lewisbaby »

 I signed up :)
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by ScrappyT »

 I just signed up!  I'll be away at a conference for part of that time, but it'll give me something to look forward to when I get back!
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by vpowell »

 Signed up, and placed my order for the kit!  Can't wait! :greenwinka:
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by mpmyers »

 I'm in!!  I should have my kit in a week or so.
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by one_who_crops »

 I am signed up at the cropscene.com.
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by »

 I signed up!  This sounds like an exciting crop. 
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by 2_maybe_3 »

 I'm here, I'm here!
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by -Liz- »

 I have signed up- I can't wait for this, it will be so nice to step away from digi for the weekend ;)
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by scrap-4-life »

 Cool beans!!!  I'm all signed up!

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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by zanne16 »

 I am all signed up and ready with my magnifying glass!
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by Kristin »

 the points fairy just awarded the following ladies some points -- just for signing up and posting to this thread!  :-D

If you haven't signed up yet, be sure to do so. And, if you signed up and weren't able to select ACherryOnTop.com as your store choice, you may still participate with us. Just be sure to get your Secret Crop Kit, then show up here the weekend of November 14-16.
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by -LATE- »

 Woo hoo!
Thanks Kristin!!!
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by ImCanadian »

 I signed up last week.

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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by JeanG »

 I finally got signed up - but didn't see anything about a kit!  Guess I have to go back and see what I missed!
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by imwickedwitch »

 JUst signed up!  How fun!!!

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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by Janedee »

 Yay!!  Just got signed up!  :-D
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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by Janshotgun »

 WooHoo!  Just got home and was wondering how I got all those points!!! I placed an order for the secret crop kit and was notified that it shipped Friday and I received it yesterday!  See - there is a good reason to live in Michigan!!!!Thank you so much for the points!!!!!   MUAH!!!!
Jan - trying to find my way

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Re: Our Next Crop- Sign up now for a chance to win 1000 points

Post by jazzyscrapper »

 I signed up can't wait!
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