False, but I know you are glad Brandy!!!
TNC tried to print smaller photos this afternoon and her printer was messsing up? GRRR!!!
False..that sucks! Hate when that happens.
The next cherry is 100% unmovitated to get any work done this afternoon.
The next cherry is 100% unmovitated to get any work done this afternoon.
False - I work from home, but I'm still working
The next cherry passed out Busy Bones to the doggies in celebration of Ruby and Bear's birthday today.
The next cherry passed out Busy Bones to the doggies in celebration of Ruby and Bear's birthday today.
The next cherry's upgrade didn't go quite as well as expected, so she is having to recompile the program and reupload it.
The next cherry's upgrade didn't go quite as well as expected, so she is having to recompile the program and reupload it.
TNC has a virus on her competer and needs to get rid of it
TNC has a virus on her competer and needs to get rid of it
TNC worked a long day and about to watch the back of her eyelids in just a few.
TNC worked a long day and about to watch the back of her eyelids in just a few.
The next Cherry just finished baking cookies with dh, and is eating them too of course.
The next Cherry just finished baking cookies with dh, and is eating them too of course.
true - I'm exhausted
TNC is having fish for dinner
TNC is having fish for dinner
I wish that was TRUE, but it isn't!
The next cherry woke up with a killer sinus headache.
The next cherry woke up with a killer sinus headache.
False - but thanks Deanna.
The next cherry is hoping the Sudafed kicks in really soon.
The next cherry is hoping the Sudafed kicks in really soon.
TNC wishes she would've gotten her sudafed prescript from the dr....really need it today!
TNC wishes she would've gotten her sudafed prescript from the dr....really need it today!