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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

October Spend Smart Stash Bust Challenge 
 Welcome back to another month of Spending Smart Stash Bust Challenge! We're challenging each other to bust our stash, AND spending smart. 😊  Here's a link to last months challenge viewtopic.php?f=25&t=278437 AND, here's a link to the original posting for THIS challenge viewtopic.php?f=25&t=271603 THIS challenge has helped me hold myself accountable, gotten me in touch with similar resources, and so forth…. It's been a GOOD snowball-rolling-down-a-hill effect for me! I'm thinking about passing the torch soon, though, if anyone is interested in keeping this going. Any specific goals for September? How did September go for everyone?  
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: October Spend Smart Stash Bust Challenge 
Stash Busting:Well, I *think* I got a total of 5 layouts done for September. While I need to find my scrappy mojo, I HAVE been continuing to do a LOT of journaling (including art journaling)! 
I ALSO have a TON of page kits ready!
 Spend Smart:I've been VERY good about NOT impulsively buying a ton of stuff! SO, I treated myself during the free shipping sale! Gorgeous fun paper and some new stencils! It wasn't a LOT, but I'm VERY happy! I'm learning how to buy some new things and STILL get my adulting done! 😂 October goals: I plan to continue to do projects as it matches my energy, and to keep organizing specific (not scrappy) projects.
I'm stocked up on everything, so no shipping is required. (Although there's STILL a TON on my wishlist!)
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Cherry Bark

Re: October Spend Smart Stash Bust Challenge 
So I only got 5 pages done with life getting just busy. I got burned out on Christmas, so I moved onto my nephew's birthday parties. I decided to only scrap really really important moments (blowing out the candles, being super excited about a particular gift) and put the rest of the photos (especially just opening up gifts) into pocket pages. So I managed to finished Jasper's 1st, 2nd and 3rd Birthdays. Got started on Draven's 4th Birthday.

With me really busy and not scrapping much, I didn't buy anything either. So that's a big win.

This month, I'm booked each and every weekend except for the last weekend. That means, not much scrapping. Work is super busy and life is busy in between. So I doubt I'll buy anything. real goals. If I do get anything done, KUDOS to me. If not, oh well.
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Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: October Spend Smart Stash Bust Challenge 
I did exceptionally well on scrapping in sept. 15 layouts!!! And several cards!!!  I can’t believe it! Haven’t had a month like that in quite some time!  Yay! 
so big on stash busting! I did splurge a bit ! But at least I actually made some stuff and used some older supplies too!!! 
October will not be conducive for me to have much time to scrap so I’m still waiting to place my order I’m up in the air lol !  That free ship is very attractive lol! 
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: October Spend Smart Stash Bust Challenge 
blbabe1234 wrote:
Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:20 pm
So I only got 5 pages done with life getting just busy. I got burned out on Christmas, so I moved onto my nephew's birthday parties. I decided to only scrap really really important moments (blowing out the candles, being super excited about a particular gift) and put the rest of the photos (especially just opening up gifts) into pocket pages. So I managed to finished Jasper's 1st, 2nd and 3rd Birthdays. Got started on Draven's 4th Birthday.

With me really busy and not scrapping much, I didn't buy anything either. So that's a big win.

This month, I'm booked each and every weekend except for the last weekend. That means, not much scrapping. Work is super busy and life is busy in between. So I doubt I'll buy anything. real goals. If I do get anything done, KUDOS to me. If not, oh well.
Thanks for being here again, Brandy! ☺️ 
​I like what you said about the pocket pages and ONLY scrappin the more important photos! Awesome that you were able to find a creative solution that works for you! ☺️ 
I hear ya, too, about being busy- adulting can sometimes put a damper on crafting time! If I had it my way, we'd ALL be retired! 😂 
I like that you said you didn't scrap much AND didn't buy- I'm slowly getting to a point where I'm NOT shopping if I'm too busy for my scrappin'. (The idea of buying supplies as a substitute for NOT scrappin is a real thing- for various reasons - but I'm more balanced now, too!)
I hope that you're able to squeeze in a little scrappy time this month, but if not, I'm sure you'll get plenty of camera moments with those cuties! Lol I'm especially wanting to see how they dress up for Halloween! 😂 (I don't get enough of kids in costumes around here- I'm usually working when I'd rather be with the family. Adulting is a pain! 😂)

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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: October Spend Smart Stash Bust Challenge 
suewho372 wrote:
Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:55 pm
I did exceptionally well on scrapping in sept. 15 layouts!!! And several cards!!!  I can’t believe it! Haven’t had a month like that in quite some time!  Yay! 
so big on stash busting! I did splurge a bit ! But at least I actually made some stuff and used some older supplies too!!! 
October will not be conducive for me to have much time to scrap so I’m still waiting to place my order I’m up in the air lol !  That free ship is very attractive lol! 
Hey Sweet Susan! 🤩 Welcome back! ☺️
THAT'S AWESOME that you've gotten so MUCH done- AND have been using older stash, too! I needed to hear that, too, I think! I MEAN, we ALL deserve MORE playtime! 
Oh yes, Susan! This free shipping IS DEFINITELY attractive! 😉 I'm tempted to do a second order because I remembered some things that I forgot... LOL!
I hope you get to sneak in a little scrappy time! ☺️

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