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June Music Challenge *WINNER*

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:49 pm
by pawprints
Thank you all for sharing your stories of the songs that have meaning to you. I enjoyed every one of your wonderful layouts. The winner, courtesy of, is...

#4 grama of 2

Congratulations! I will be sending you a $5 ACOT gift card!

Thank you to everyone for playing along!


With everything that went on with the mb crash and me not having access to my participants I extended the due date for this challenge to 11:59 pm July 7th.

This month's music challenge was inspired by Denise's thread "Do any songs make you teary eyed?" I don't want this to necessarily be a "sad" thread, so my challenge is for you to pick a song that has a deep meaning for you. It can be a song that makes you teary eyed, or it can be a song that makes you extremely happy. It just should have some meaning to you. Maybe it reminds you of how you feel about your dh or one of your children. Maybe it is the song you danced to at your wedding. Maybe it reminds you of something silly you or someone you know does whenever they hear it. Maybe it reminds you of a lost loved one. Just pick a song that when you hear it it has a special meaning for you. Use the song title, or a lyric from the song, as your title. Then scrap about it. Journaling would be great but I'm not making it a requirement in case it is something you don't wish to journal about but would still like to scrap the memory. Just let us know what the special meaning is that the song has for you.

As usual open to paper, digi, hybrid, cards, crafts, or whatever this inspires you to create.

Multiple submissions are allowed.

May be combined with one other challenge as long as that challenge allows it.

Please post your creations to this thread (there will not be a spot in the gallery for it) by the end of the month. A random winner will win a $5 ACOT gift card from me! Entries will be accepted up until the time I pick my winner.

I apologize for not doing a new layout this month, but I am posting one from my gallery that I did a while back. Denise's thread brought back the memory of a song that has a very deep meaning to me… "Can't Stop Loving You" by Phil Collins. It was a song that was very popular when Cider was sick and it used to come on the radio almost every time I made the 30 minute trip to the vet with him, which was quite often. The first line… "so you're leaving, in the morning" would just set me off and the whole song just hit home because I knew I was losing him. I would cry my eyes out the whole time it played. And after losing him I couldn't hear it without bawling my eyes out. It's been 11 years and it still makes me so teary eyed when I hear it. I call it Cidie's song. This is the page I scrapped about it...


My journaling reads: In the winter of 2003 Cider became sick with cancer. He was only six years old and one day he seemed to be fine and then the next thing we knew he was sick. Cider fought hard and we fought along with him. The ride to the vet was far and we made many trips back and forth all winter and spring. That year the weather was relentless, and we made most of our trips in pouring rain, snow storms, and even a blizzard. I used to refer to those storms as tears from the sky, as it seemed as though the world knew the intense sadness in our lives. During most of our trips, the song “Can’t Stop Loving You” by Phil Collins would come on the radio and the lyrics would hit me hard. As soon as it started with “so you’re leaving…” I would burst into tears. The song would play almost every drive we took to the vet and to this day when I hear it I always get tears in my eyes. I refer to it as “Cidie’s Song” and it will always have a special meaning to me.

I hope you all have fun with this. After my dd's wedding I hope to scrap a new layout for this challenge too. I'll update if I do.


1) DianeH
2) StacyLeeD
3) Kari_H
4) grama of 2
5) Christi S.
6) Verity_DD
7) CarrieG
8) joannie
9) blbabe1234
10) sweetsour
11) blfonty
12) Deanna13
13) Retiree3
14) cajenkins81

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:54 pm
by cajenkins81
great challenge! When I was reading the sad song thread, I thought "man, this would be great for some sort of challenge" lol.  great minds think alike! I've got a couple ideas for this one... 

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:07 pm
by blbabe1234
Oh Barb...reading the journaling and seeing that layout brought tears to my eyes again. I know how strongly that song meant/means to you and how much you loved Cider. He was such a beautiful boy.

Great challenge as always and I have a song in mind. I'm gonna try to do this one.

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:39 pm
Fun challenge....and what a sweet page and story!  

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:46 pm
by sweetsour
Oh boy, I haven't even responded to Denise's thread because I just have too many to name.!  Music is such a huge part of my life. I am sure I can narrow it down though... Hopefully make a page as dear as yours.

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:15 pm
by Deanna13
Wonderful challenge! Image

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:29 pm
by Berta R.
So many songs are coming to mind right now.  This will be fun!  Image

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:22 am
by mgehrke
I think I have the perfect picture and song. Thank you for this challenge.

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:42 am
by mommyribs
Great challenge.  Really want to give this one a try.

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:44 pm
by DianeH
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine" was a song that I use to sing to my daughter all the time, and even made it her ringtone on my phone.  Now she sings it to her daughter, Katie, who is in this layout.


Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:55 pm
by StacyLee
I really, really like this idea, and I LOVE your example! Great idea for a challenge.

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:32 pm
by StacyLee
Here's my submission,  I chose Country Roads by John Denver.  When I started pulling papers out I couldn't believe I had paper with music notes & the "cherished memories" label from Simple Stories' Documented line, perfect fit! The picture is of the gravel road leading to my childhood home, on a farm in Missouri.  I took this picture on what I didn't know at the time would be my last visit with my Dad before he became very ill.  He was so sweet to drive me all over and around my little home town. Sweet memories, thank you so much for posting this challenge, I really, really enjoyed making this page tonight!

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:54 pm
by Kari_H
I chose "Run for the Roses" by Dan Fogelberg. I just love horses, theyre such majestic and beautiful animals! 

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:38 am
by grama of 2
I chose "Pooh Corner" for my music.  This little red boy is"Christopher Pooh Bear" aka: Chris or Pooh.

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:36 pm
by PezKat
Wow - I'm still sniffling from the sample page & you guys are choosing awesome songs from my childhood, lol!  Music is a huge thing in my life so hopefully I can come up w/something to fit the pics I have printed right now.  Great challenge!

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:10 am
by Christi S.
Hi all - Here's my layout.  My niece used to immediately stop crying whenever I sang "Happy Girl" by Martina McBride to her.  She'd look up at me and look so serious for a moment and then give me the biggest grin.  I am combining this with the color challenge.


Thanks for looking.
Christi S


Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:30 pm
by Verity_DD
ImageHere is my layout on my hubby... The song i chose is A Thousand Years by Christina Perri Image

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:27 pm
by CarrieG
here is mine:  I discovered after some reflection that this song holds a lot of meaning for me 

Re: June Music Challenge

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:59 pm
by joannie
I chose the title of the song "Daddy's Hands" for my title of my song. The chorus of the song really hit home!

"Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle 
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy´s hands."

Re: June Music Challenge Due July 7

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:13 pm
by pawprints
Due date changed to end of day July 7th.