Cricut Contest Winner

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Cricut Contest Winner

Post by Kristin »

 And our winner is..... I'll be right back, we're still figuring this one out between boxing up products.... ;)
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by MOM2SNOX »

 You're such a tease Kristin!! LOL!
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by davsar »

 LOL - that is too funny!!
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by megamay »

 oh my - you are such a tease!
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by carrie123 »

 That was not nice! LOL!
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by writerlady »

 Awww c'mon... you meant to say Megan, right???
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by ScrappyK »

 This was too funny. I started crackin' up. Ahhhh just a little tease. I'm sure we'll all still be here stalking this thread now, lol.
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by megamay »

 I think it was a test - she wanted to see how long it took us to respond - lol!
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by LisaLynn00 »

 Oh my gosh! I think my heart almost stopped! LOL
Lisa - Mama to Chelsea 3/12/09 and Meredith 2/4/13

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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by RaeMaeLou »

 OMH my heart DID stop for a minute and the webpage wasn't loading up fast enough!!!
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by Kari_H »

Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by ScrappyK »

 I'm beginning to ask myself do I wait for the selection or do I take my son to his Dr appt? LOL!! That's bad huh... but really I am taking him. But I sure wish I could stay and watch... the anticiption is boiling.
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by Kristin »

drum roll, please.....

 It was tough picking a winner, but our staff selected Pegster's layout based on originality, craftmanship and design.

Pegster is our winner, Congratulations! and thanks everyone who submitted their layouts.
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by ScrappyK »

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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by carrie123 »

 Congrats and enjoy!
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by megamay »

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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by writerlady »

Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by JaymeLyn »

 Congratulations Pegster!
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by RaeMaeLou »

Congrats Pegster!  That was a great LO!
Everyone else did a great job too! 
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Cherry Berry
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Re: Cricut Contest Winner

Post by LisaLynn00 »

Lisa - Mama to Chelsea 3/12/09 and Meredith 2/4/13

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