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Cherry Bomb

 Is speaking right now...........breaking news he is the democratic nominee (presumptive)  he's mesmerizing (spelling)? ;)

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Obama
[quote="DAIRYDIVA"] Is speaking right now...........breaking news he is the democratic nominee (presumptive)  he's mesmerizing (spelling)? ;)[/quote]
Alot of people are mesmerizing, that doesn't qualify them for a presidential spot. 

While I will admit he has some good ideas for Change, which AMerica needs, I am a little concerned about his voting record.

After doing a little research it shows he voted along Party Lines over 95% of the time.  I would think someone who would want Change would be more apt to stand up for ideas that need change.  When digging a little deeper in to this record the times he DID choose to vote against the party were...in my opinion...useless.  An Example would be...Voted NO to table a vote for an amendment in regards to Homeland Security developing regulations for transportation of Highly Hazardous Materials.  The original bill was: to make the United States more secure by implementing unfinished
recommendations of the 9/11 Commission to fight the war on terror more
effectively, to improve homeland security, and for other purposes.  While this bill is important...it has 150 amendments.  Some which are really stupid.  Cant pass a bill when every Tom Dick and Jane in the Senate want to attach a needless requirement to a bill just to stall it.  Table it and move on.  Why waste time debating on something that won't get resolved.  There is a whole list of this...And at the same time there are a few votes when he voted against his party for good reason.  Example the 120 BILLION dollars for War Funding.  This is not one that should be voted lightly so YAY for him for voting against his party.  That bill could be its own debate...I will forgo for now.

I just want a candidate who is going to stand up for us...intelligently.  While I had hope for Bush in the beginning, I am extremely disappointed as I don't feel we went anywhere but backwards. 

Right now I am not sold on any of our choices for leaders in the next year. 
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Obama
 I would like to thank Corrie for point out the way one group votes and Dairydiva for pointing out the way the other group votes.  By this I mean one takes the over annylized approch trying to rationlized which descion is the lesser evil and actualy feel their vote makes a difference.   Then there is the other group of voters who just vote with their  illiusion of a better option and his winning smile doesn't hurt much, they are here to Rock the vote thanks to MTV.   Now I myself an Obama supporter, I have been from the begining.   I too have also said i have been Mesmorized by him too, I think it is why he is so enchanting, and appeals to so many.  NOW with that being said he is a politian Ladies lets be honest they will all steal, cheat , Lie d kiss a baby or too... to get our votes.    Either way we look at it we have McCain whom I would like to believe he isnt a Bush puppet, but like the saying goes if it quacks like a duck.....   Or We have Obama(who according to CNN is the democratic candidate)....who as Corrie pointed doesnt have a steller voting record....But just for arguement sake What was Hillary's?    OH BTW i know I am canadian and I dont get to vote...LOL    But Big Brother has a lot of influence on us, so it does matter to us too!
Live Love Laugh....Life's too short
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Obama
I refrained from over analyzing ( :winkb:) Hilary's voting record because she was no longer in the running when I typed this.  But if you want... :-D

Don't get me wrong...I am all for Change...but for once can we just get in someone who REALLY CARES or Really does something?  Its all fine and good to say you want change BEFORE you are elected...what about AFTER the election???

As you well know Laura, I am a tight arse Conservative...  Believe it or not I may actually vote for a liberal this year... :?...But we shall see...
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Obama
 Well.... either way...we all need change and positive change and someone who can bring what they say to the table and not be afraid to be voted down ...as long as the are passionate while doing it.  Fight  for our votes and be true for once.  Just put your money where your mouth is.... And  GIT R DONE!!!!     LOL!    DOnt just vote for someone because Oprah loves him, read about him....you need to love him...find out what you believe in.   Dont just vote for McCain cuz you always have voted Republican...do you home work find out if he is really didfferrent from what we have now....That is all i ask...it you the people who make the difference for the next 4 years do you homework....
Live Love Laugh....Life's too short
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Obama
 I am so disillusioned about it all.

Any candidate can say they will do this or that - but without congress and the senate behind them they really can't do all that much.

Our checks and balance system will not allow too much to go out of line.  (Ok, I'm thinking about the war and there goes that statment!)

But within the system, they must have backing.   

If Congress all denied funding for the war to continue how could it go on?    I'm serious - Does anyone know enough about how it works so that if Congress voted to do something or stop something that it can be done as they decide?

Any civics teachers here?
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Tart

Re: Obama
 Well to be honest, i hope the best for our country. Right now, we are at an outrageous debt and we are in a serious recession. Gas prices up, unemployment sky high, our economy is being taken for a rollercoaster. I am really not sure if any of our Presidential Canidates will pursue their promises, but something needs to be changed.. for our future. :graymad:
"Butterflies Are Free"
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