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Cherry Bomb

Re: america
 Miranda.....GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!

Furry, that picture is hysterical!!! thanks for the laugh
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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 Obama won the electoral and popular vote last night and I found this statment from Colin Powell right on

You don't EVEN want to get me started on Colin Powell. How can anyone, much less a respected news organization, give this man any credence at all. If I was ever going to have respect for Obama he lost it the moment he accepted Colin Powell's endorsement.

There was Obama saying he was against the war in Iraq, wanting to bring our troops home and then he accepted the support of the one person who looked America in the eye and knowingly lied to her about there being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!!

I respected Colin Powell as a general and as a leader until the moment that there was proof, unwavering, undeniable proof, that he knew there were no WMD when he went before the committee and before America and said there were WMD in Iraq. He purposefully lied. It was his statement that swayed most Americans toward war. He is a dog!

Obama knew this and still he wanted to win the presidency more than he wanted respect. He wanted power more than he wanted to stand up for what was right. He did not win because more Americans thought he could do a better job - he won because he MORE MONEY. He won because he had better strategist. Elections are no longer about who is best for the job - it's a media campaign and who can get the most money. When you have Warren Buffet and Oprah Winfrey paying for your campaign with cash cards who can lose?

That is not someone that I can respect no matter how many electoral votes he had. George Bush won a lot of votes in '04 too, that never made me like him.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
Quoted from above:
"Yeah I cried.  I cried myself to sleep.

I cried for the souls of the unborn.
I cried for the penalties that my family and friends are going to have to pay because they are successful.
I cried that I will no longer be able to be so charitable.
I cried for my job and my husband's job (I work for a small business in the oilfield).
I cried that my baby's first Christmas isn't going to be amazing.
I cried because I am scared of the future.
I cried because people that I know were ignorant and I didn't do anything about it sooner.
I cried because government is going to grow and interfere.

I worry for our future."

Right on Girl! I too wanted to cry, but just sucummed to nightmares instead. I also really agree with this person  from this thread who said:
"I worry this is the beginning of an implosion of our country. People want change... change from our freedoms, from our willingness to go out and fight for people who do not have the means to fight for themselves? To let our guard down to the world so that they may come back and hit us with more 9-11's? And when they DO come to war, and of this I am certain, we will want to sit and "talk about it"? Being punished for living the American Dream? Killing babies who never get the chance to dream?"

I think people want change so bad, they arent being informed as they vote. The nation has elected a socialist, and we will be regretting the day he was ellected sooner than anyone knows. And for those that have issues with the way that McCain presents himself, I challenge you to spend 5 years in a VietCong Prison being tortured because you refused to be returned before men that had been there longer than you. I challenge you then, after that five years, to come back here, and ever be able to be the loveable, cuddly, easy to relait to person. It will change you, and you will never be the same. McCain is someone, Obama was no one till he became someone in the state of IL, and coming from IL till two years ago, I can tell you, he has NEVER done anything for that state. Sorry to those who rejoice, but I think you will be wanting change again before too long. I will be praying for God's mercy on our nation!


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: america
Let's all try to remember that we are all entitled to an opinion here.  That opninion, *either* way, does not make us inherently stupid, naive, uninformed, sheep, or mislead. 

By now, most of us know who stands on which side.  Let's just try to keep it civil, please.  :-D :-D :-D
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
pjw wrote:
-Shannon- wrote:
Themom wrote: No - any change is not always good. There are times when certain policies have been tried and tested and they work. There is not one of George Bush's policies that I would stand by but many of the policies that Obama has suggested would retool the constitution of this country. We tried change in the 60's and it left this country in political and social turmoil. Many of the problems that you see today in families and government are a direct result of the "change" that was tried in the 60's. The problems within our school system are a result of the changes that were tried systemically in the late 70's. Not all change is good.

In eastern philosophy they teach that wisdom and age is to be revered. Do you ever wonder why their families are so stable? Why their dynasties are so strong?

FAIR!?! I'm a middle class wife of a military guy who is retiring next year and even I have a problem with this class warfare that has been set up by Obama.

The so-called rich - which by the way, does it include Obama himself who is worth FOUR MILLION DOLLARS or his new best friend Oprah Winrey who is the most wealthy woman in America - get there by working hard. That is the philosophy on which this great nation was built. I work hard, I study hard, I build a company, I make money.

Let's look at Wal Mart. Sam Walton came from the poorest state in the Union, had NOTHING to his name. He started a store with a concept. He built an empire and became a millionaire. AR, the state, in turn benefited from his wealth. The people here have benefited from his wealth. We have schools, scholarships, foundations, and taxes because of his wealth. THAT is how it's supposed to work.

It is NOT supposed to be about the GOVERNMENT taking away Sam's money to give to someone else without initiative. That is communism - it's not even socialism. Taking the wealth of one group and giving it to another is straight up Maxism and it should have been called out more often by the media during the election. However, the only one to do so in Florida was BOYCOTTED by the Obama campaign.

Marxism did not work in the Soviet Union and it will not work in America, or have you not studied it in your history books? It hasn't work in most of the countries where it has been tried. The redistribution of wealth is a far cry from socialized medicine - which is all that most Americans wanted.

Barrack Obama - with all of his MILLIONS - cannot even take care of his own Aunt who lives illegally in a government housing project. If he cannot take care of her, then how do YOU expect him to care of anything else this country needs.



wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: america
 Whew... it's getting hot in here.  I'm still thankful that so many young people were encouraged to get out and vote.  I think it's wonderful that we set a record for the number of American's that exercised their right to vote!!!  Let's congratulate one another for that HUGE accomplishment.  And - let's be grateful to live in this fabulous, free and multi-national, multi-religion, multi-opinion country. 
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Bing

Re: america
 We've elected a Muslim to be our President, a man who won't pledge allegiance to our nation's flag and I am guessing will not place his hand on the Bible when he is sworn in.  Why are you praying?  This nation has turned their back to God by electing Obama, don't pray now.  It's too late.  Obama has a long & close association with the hate monger, Reverend Wright.  Do you think those "values" have not been instilled in his character?  They have been and we will reap what we have sown I am afraid.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: america
sherry wrote: We've elected a Muslim to be our President, a man who won't pledge allegiance to our nation's flag and I am guessing will not place his hand on the Bible when he is sworn in.  Why are you praying?  This nation has turned their back to God by electing Obama, don't pray now.  It's too late.  Obama has a long & close association with the hate monger, Reverend Wright.  Do you think those "values" have not been instilled in his character?  They have been and we will reap what we have sown I am afraid.
Barack Obama has said it many times that he is not a Muslim. But more importantly, what is wrong with being a Muslim? You should be ashamed of what you've just said.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
sherry wrote: We've elected a Muslim to be our President, a man who won't pledge allegiance to our nation's flag and I am guessing will not place his hand on the Bible when he is sworn in.  Why are you praying?  This nation has turned their back to God by electing Obama, don't pray now.  It's too late.  Obama has a long & close association with the hate monger, Reverend Wright.  Do you think those "values" have not been instilled in his character?  They have been and we will reap what we have sown I am afraid.

I pray, because it is the only way that I can lay it in the hands of God as I trust that he will work out everything for his glory!


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)

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Wild Cherry

Re: america
 Speaking of uninformed voters.... :grayconfused:
"hoarder of supplies"
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Product Promotions

Re: america
 Eeeek. Image

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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 First I just want to say that being a war hero doesnt make you a good leader. Being old doesnt make you wise. Being young doesnt make you rash or stupid.

Just because someone has a different opinion doesnt make them stupid. It might make them wrong or misled, but it doesnt make them stupid. Believe me, I know how it feels to have practically EVERYONE disagree with you and to feel that you know they are all being misled and deceived, and to wish that you could just set the record straight for once and for all. But you have to let people make their own choices. That is what freedom is all about. And anyway, as much as you (and I am not talking to anyone in particular) might feel that you are correct, might KNOW that you are correct, isnt there some little part of you somewhere that thinks, "I'm not perfect. I'm not omniscient. I guess it IS possible that *I* am the one that is wrong."

and IMHO if you answer 'no' to that question - no matter which side you are on, then you are the one who is misguided. One might even say 'stupid', because no human is perfect, and none of us can predict the future. We can guess, but we also have a bad habit of being wrong approximately half the time.

and anyway, what's so bad about being a Socialist Muslim? (sarcasm)
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Cherry Addict

Re: america
 okay guys, I am all for us discussing things amongst ourselves, but we need to remember that although we might not agree with all that has been said or what has happened, this is not the place for a heated debate. 

I for one do not discuss politics or religion for that matter with my friends,  but since I am moderator, I have been keeping a close eye on this thread. I would really hate to lock it, as I believe EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion, but I think we are starting to take things a little to far.

Please try to keep things civil.
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Chatty Cherry

Re: america
 what the hay happened to my seemingly peaceful post i made this morning?  if you do delete it could you at least save the cute animated car ride pic for me cuz i find it hilarious.

as for religion...maybe i'm misinformed but I thought obama was a christian?  not that it matters because the muslim people i used to work with were the most caring quiet people i know, everyone is entitled to believe in their own "god" or "higher power" but i could have sworn obama was a christian.  let me know if i'm off on that one?  going to do some quick research.

please lets keep it clean though...is trash talking each other going to resolve anything?  we all need to live with our new leader for at least the next 4 years and there really isn't anything that can be said that will change that.  I say we move forward as a team, a united nation and embrace what the next 4 years has to offer. good or bad, sickness or health blah blah blah

nothing is going to change by getting nasty about it except maybe lost friendships.  it's over, done with, and final so the only choices we have now:  are move forward, embrace the new political strategies and become part of the solution


head butt it all the way and become part of the problem.
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Chatty Cherry

Re: america
As found on msnbc:

COLUMBIA, S.C. - Barack Obama is stepping up his effort to correct the misconception that he's a Muslim now that the presidential campaign has hit the Bible Belt.At a rally to kick off a weeklong campaign for the South Carolina primary, Obama tried to set the record straight from an attack circulating widely on the Internet that is designed to play into prejudices against Muslims and fears of terrorism."I've been to the same church _ the same Christian church _ for almost 20 years," Obama said, stressing the word Christian and drawing cheers from the faithful in reply. "I was sworn in with my hand on the family Bible. Whenever I'm in the United States Senate, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. So if you get some silly e-mail ... send it back to whoever sent it and tell them this is all crazy. Educate."
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: america
 It REALLY gets under my skin when people make religious calls on something they totally do not understand.
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Chatty Cherry

Re: america
 religion should not be an issue anyway, nor race, nor gender,etc.
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Delight

Re: america
2 ignorant people added to my ignore list in one day.

Sherry---Please remember what you feel President Elect Obama stands for when he offers you anything. Please turn it down and give it to someone who educates themselves to truth and doesn't believe everything they hear in soundbites.
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
sherry wrote: We've elected a Muslim to be our President, a man who won't pledge allegiance to our nation's flag and I am guessing will not place his hand on the Bible when he is sworn in.  Why are you praying?  This nation has turned their back to God by electing Obama, don't pray now.  It's too late.  Obama has a long & close association with the hate monger, Reverend Wright.  Do you think those "values" have not been instilled in his character?  They have been and we will reap what we have sown I am afraid.

OMGOSH This is getting rediculous. Get over it and get on would ya
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Cherry Addict

Re: america
 okay people, I think we have all had our say.

Can we try to remember this is a scrapping store and a message board for a store and NOT a political forum. '

Kristin and her family are off welcoming in a new life and I so do not want to have her come back and see this! Please, enough is enough.
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