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Re: america
TheFiberLady wrote:_fck_first_run

Alright Wendy, stop swearing at everyone! ;)

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: america
torysmom wrote:sorry to have offended a few of you, i edited my post.
and no i wasn't purposefully comparing  Obama to anyone, but yes i can see how to woudl see that..i was merely trying to point out that everyone seems to think that this guy is the end all and GOD that will fix our problems..sooner or later the truth will come out....
 i'm sorry to have read that as well, but i do not operate
 on fear and paranoia... i lean more towards hope and in
 giving people a chance... not everyone thinks obama is
 the end all & be all and certainly not THE only person to 
 fix all our problems, but i doubt the man comes from a
 world of hate & only out to malign us once he's elected.

 *yeah, wendy!  i got that message too before i posted :-D
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Chatty Cherry

Re: america
 stupid website lol.

what i was trying to say before i told you all off lol....

amy i respect your decision to vote for McCain, why? because you made an informed decision, left your house, made the effort to vote for who you believe was the best candidate and let your voice be heard.

Although he isn't my choice for president, i respect your decision to vote for him.  we come for different lives, income levels, beliefs etc. neither of our votes were wrong, because it is what we believed in, and probably what would help us as individuals the most.  I would not shun anyone for voting for either candidate because they at least got out there and voted for what they believed in.

This time around Obama just gained more support than McCain did.  I liked obama's victory speech in that he said he wanted to gain the respect of those that didn't believe in him and that hopefully he could prove himself to them.  (not exact words but you all heard it right?)

I think we just need to come together as a nation and love our neighbors and stop the nonsense.  If there were more love in the air and less negativity I think this nation could be so much better.  and we just need to agree to disagree because everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

i love you all....so???? no one has told me what they are thankful for yet.  you can't tell me that all of you hate your lives?  let's focus on positive instead of negative, because I don't have any of the good popcorn and could we even find the train wreck pictures from the old site? lol j/k....REALLY J/K, just trying to lighten the mood.  I meant for the thread to be a loving one where we could all come together and voice our opinions without attacking one another, I know it can be accomplished but we just need to realize that other people's opinions aren't necessarily wrong, it is just what they believe in.

remember when the site went digital and it wasn't recepted well until people started trying it? lol change can be good (however i'm still a strong paste eater lol)
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Chatty Cherry

Re: america
 ok i need to get some homework done...hope you all have a wonderful day!
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Delight

Re: america
 did not vote for Obama, but that being said, I am glad our country
has finally seemed to be able to move past the race issue for once, and
try to move forward.
I would LOVE to agree with you on this one and would certainly HOPE that this was true; however, CNN referred to the states in RED below what is commonly referred to as the Mason/Dixon line as the Confederate states and those in blue above said line as the Union states not once but THREE times last night.
I haven't heard the southern states referred to in that manner since the recontruction!! This nation does not need to be divided along any measures right now, much less race or socio-economic status.
Shannon-I "think" that CNN did that to show the difference in the voting. And they were right on. Looking at the map, there is STILL a clear divide between the old Confederate and Union states. Old habits die hard. VERY hard. The Confederate flag is still revered by some(not for historic reasons, but for racist beliefs) and the KKK DOES still exist

My mother's family is from rural Georgia and though they have never treated my son differently because he is bi-racial, I know that many of them did not vote for Obama just because of his race. Even though they may not have been happy with how government was being run. Sad, sad, sad.

I did not vote for Obama because of his race, I voted for him because the "old" ways were not working for me and I pray that he will be able to guide us thru AND to some great changes. That being said, there are MANY African-Americans who DID vote for him because he was black. 95% of that demographic went to him. Also sad.

Unfortunately, we have NOT moved past the race issue on either side of the fence. I wonder if we ever will.
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: america
TheFiberLady wrote:I think we just need to come together as a nation and love our neighbors and stop the nonsense.  If there were more love in the air and less negativity I think this nation could be so much better.

Well said!

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A Cherry on Top

Re: america
dianagirly wrote: I worry this is the beginning of an implosion of our country. People want change... change from our freedoms, from our willingness to go out and fight for people who do not have the means to fight for themselves? To let our guard down to the world so that they may come back and hit us with more 9-11's? And when they DO come to war, and of this I am certain, we will want to sit and "talk about it"? Being punished for living the American Dream? Killing babies who never get the chance to dream?

:(I agree with you Diana, I just hope all the changes people want are going to be for the good and not the detriment of the country.  He has charisma alright, very smooth talker, but it takes a lot more than that to run a country, and I don't think he has the knowledge, and certainly not the experience necessary. There are still too many unanswered questions about who he really is, who is backing him, etc. that I could not with a clear conscience vote for him.  We live in a wonderful country where opportunities abound for anyone who truly has the dream to have and become more. Why should I have to work twice as hard, just to give my money to those that are too lazy, with their hands always out wanting something given to them? Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone but when I work hard, I expect to be able to keep it and chose myself who I want to give money to, I certainly don't like the government making that decision for me.  Ok, I'm stepping away now.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: america
Themom wrote: Well, the first post started out on a nice note, didn't it?

Hee!  Yes, it did.

No1Mommy wrote:Yup... I cried...but I don't think for the same reason as you guys ....I will stop there and succumb to Thumper's Theology.  :(
JenniferP wrote:Yeah I cried.  I cried myself to sleep.

I cried for the souls of the unborn.
I cried for the penalties that my family and friends are going to have to pay because they are successful.
I cried that I will no longer be able to be so charitable.
I cried for my job and my husband's job (I work for a small business in the oilfield).
I cried that my baby's first Christmas isn't going to be amazing.
I cried because I am scared of the future.
I cried because people that I know were ignorant and I didn't do anything about it sooner.
I cried because government is going to grow and interfere.

I worry for our future.

Glad I wasn't the only one.
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Wild Cherry

Re: america
 For the record, I am not calling anyone selfish for the fact of everyone being hardworkers, I know we all are. I'm just stating that a lot of the earlier comments seemed selfish that they were more worried about themselves instead of the big issues. I won't even go into the problems me and my family have been through due to this economical problem. I just know all of us have struggled.

If I hurt anyones feelings, I'm sorry, but I have held it is so long due to all this political crap and had enough when i saw people posting about stuff how our future is basically fu**ed b/c of Obama. This probably should be put in the General Debate b/c we are all have such passion for it.

I'm just Sick of hearing everyone.. not here.. all over.. the news coverage.. everywhere.. it just never stops. And when something is finally finalized there are still issues. There always will be. I guess I'm just down b/c of how much people fight and today I turned into one of those people b/c I bottled it up to long taking slander from so many people b/c of the people I was chosing to vote for.. not just my presidential opinion.. everyone for my county, etc. I mean people always say we have freedom of speech, but there is always confrontation when we open our mouths b/c we don't agree. And again... not people here at this wonderful board.... everywhere you turn.

It all just got to me.. and again I'm sorry. But its clear that by everyones comments we are all passionate about this and I just hope that none of this makes us look at each other in a different way. We are all great friends here and something like this should not pull us apart.
~ Carissa ~

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Re: america
pjw wrote:
dianagirly wrote:He has charisma alright, very smooth talker, but it takes a lot more than that to run a country, and I don't think he has the knowledge, and certainly not the experience necessary. There are still too many unanswered questions about who he really is, who is backing him, etc. that I could not with a clear conscience vote for him.  We live in a wonderful country where opportunities abound for anyone who truly has the dream to have and become more. Why should I have to work twice as hard, just to give my money to those that are too lazy, with their hands always out wanting something given to them? Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone but when I work hard, I expect to be able to keep it and chose myself who I want to give money to, I certainly don't like the government making that decision for me.  Ok, I'm stepping away now.
ITA with you, Patti.  His radical associations scare me.  His past is a total mystery.  And his arrogance is off-putting for me.  The country has voted for a man that wouldn't be able to get a job in the FBI, the CIA, or the Secret Service because of his past associations.  I hope that voting for him doesn't come back to bite America in the a$$.  

I hope like heck he stays safe and well for his term(s).  Because the only thing that makes me more uneasy than giving Obama the keys to the kingdom, is having them handed over to Joe "Bungling" Biden.  :waiting: 

I will say this, he's going to be our president and I will support him for as long as he deserves it, earns it.  But, I'm not a lemming, I'm not jumping off the ledge just because he says it's a good idea.  Charisma or not.  

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A Cherry on Top

Re: america
-Shannon- wrote:
Themom wrote:
 oh and I am just plain glad to be done with all the drama.
If only this were true. I don't think the drama is going to be over for a long time - this thread is indication of that. And for the record - any other year but this one you and I would be on the same side... for some reason I just wanted you to know that. ;)

I did not vote for Obama, but that being said, I am glad our country
has finally seemed to be able to move past the race issue for once, and
try to move forward.
I would LOVE to agree with you on this one and would certainly HOPE that this was true; however, CNN referred to the states in RED below what is commonly referred to as the Mason/Dixon line as the Confederate states and those in blue above said line as the Union states not once but THREE times last night.

I haven't heard the southern states referred to in that manner since the recontruction!! This nation does not need to be divided along any measures right now, much less race or socio-economic status.

Dolphin Soul there are so many things wrong in your statement that I could be here all day. Your type of reasoning is exactly why I did not vote for Obama in the first place.
For example:  Even if you don't like Obama... Any change is a good change!!!!
No - any change is not always good. There are times when certain policies have been tried and tested and they work. There is not one of George Bush's policies that I would stand by but many of the policies that Obama has suggested would retool the constitution of this country. We tried change in the 60's and it left this country in political and social turmoil. Many of the problems that you see today in families and government are a direct result of the "change" that was tried in the 60's. The problems within our school system are a result of the changes that were tried systemically in the late 70's. Not all change is good.

In eastern philosophy they teach that wisdom and age is to be revered. Do you ever wonder why their families are so stable? Why their dynasties are so strong?
Obama is not gonna take it all away to be a bad guy, he is aiming
issues at the 'richer' b/c he feels it should be more fair for everyone.
FAIR!?! I'm a middle class wife of a military guy who is retiring next year and even I have a problem with this class warfare that has been set up by Obama.

The so-called rich - which by the way, does it include Obama himself who is worth FOUR MILLION DOLLARS or his new best friend Oprah Winrey who is the most wealthy woman in America - get there by working hard. That is the philosophy on which this great nation was built. I work hard, I study hard, I build a company, I make money.

Let's look at Wal Mart. Sam Walton came from the poorest state in the Union, had NOTHING to his name. He started a store with a concept. He built an empire and became a millionaire. AR, the state, in turn benefited from his wealth. The people here have benefited from his wealth. We have schools, scholarships, foundations, and taxes because of his wealth. THAT is how it's supposed to work.

It is NOT supposed to be about the GOVERNMENT taking away Sam's money to give to someone else without initiative. That is communism - it's not even socialism. Taking the wealth of one group and giving it to another is straight up Maxism and it should have been called out more often by the media during the election. However, the only one to do so in Florida was BOYCOTTED by the Obama campaign.

Marxism did not work in the Soviet Union and it will not work in America, or have you not studied it in your history books? It hasn't work in most of the countries where it has been tried. The redistribution of wealth is a far cry from socialized medicine - which is all that most Americans wanted.

Barrack Obama - with all of his MILLIONS - cannot even take care of his own Aunt who lives illegally in a government housing project. If he cannot take care of her, then how do YOU expect him to care of anything else this country needs.

And frankly, I don't give a rat's donkey what the rest of the world thinks about this election. In the broken, defunct electoral college he won by a "landslide" but in the popular vote he did not! This was not a mandate for change, it was a mandate to breathe a sigh of relief that George Bush will be gone - THANK GOD. On that we can all agree.

I have witnessed a lot of elections and trust me, I and a lot of others were badmouthing George Bush the day after BOTH times he won.  If there are those who wish to bad mouth Barrack Hussein Obama today then that is right of Americans in this free country - at least as long as we are still free.  

Hey Girl ~~~ I vote for YOU to run for political office.  Well said, my friend. Well said.
:)  Same points I thought about addressing. You said it all so well though. :)
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A Cherry on Top

Re: america
TheFiberLady wrote:i love you all....so???? no one has told me what they are thankful for yet.

My wonderful dh, my wonderful ds and dd and new dgd and that they are all safe and well.
My dear silly black lab and that he is well.
My dear yellow lab that got sick and passed away over 5 years ago and the beautiful time we got to share with him.
My mommy and daddy, sister and her fam, dh's mom and his brothers and their fams and that they too are all safe and well.
My dh's dad that passed away many years ago and the time we got to share with him and for all he did for his family and ours.
The fact that my sister's son was in an awful car accident many years ago and that he came through and survived and is well and with us today.
Our wonderful, cozy home.
The fact that a lot of the stresses and hard work in our lives has diminished and we are in a comfortable position now because of it.
The fact that everyday together is a gift.

and on a lighter side to lighten up this thread...

scrappy supplies
my discovery of digi scrapping... a new obsession
my Mac
dark chocolate OMG
pistachio ice cream
my Chi flat iron LOL
snow blowers
did I mention dark chocolate LOL


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Wild Cherry

Re: america
 I am relieved (and thrilled) and wish Obama (and cabinet) lots of luck.
(pictured emailed to me by someone on here ;)....STILL cracks me up)
"hoarder of supplies"
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: america
Queen Mum wrote: I am open to allowing the man to earn my respect.

The office of the presidency has my respect, even when I have not always cared for the man in the office.

And I pray that I will keep an open mind too.
I completely agree.  I would love to be proven wrong.  But I will not apologize for being worried or for spending one hour grieving (and 10 minutes posting about it) instead of "doing something more productive/positive" (at 11 pm on election night for one hour - well, I was praying, which is the most productive option I see remaining).  I listened to plenty of people 4 & 8 years ago talk about being sad & scared because of their beliefs and I was willing to dialogue with them then; thanks to those who respect those of us on the other side now.

Wendy I know this thread went a different direction than intended and appreciate your efforts to 'lighten' it.  I think the tone is such here though that the thankful list would be better off somewhere else, though it does seem everyone admits we are thankful for a free society where we can at least vote!! :)
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Re: america
 Post the other one, Furry.  You KNOW you want to!! :-D

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Wild Cherry

Re: america
 Do it.  Do it.
"hoarder of supplies"
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A Cherry on Top

Re: america
LoveMyBella wrote:I hope like heck he stays safe and well for his term(s).  Because the only thing that makes me more uneasy than giving Obama the keys to the kingdom, is having them handed over to Joe "Bungling" Biden.  :waiting:
         hahahaha  I had to LOL at that one, and you are so right. I cannot even imagine that one.
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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 Wow! This "spreading the wealth" thing was something said first by McCain - then Obama continued to use it.  From listening to them WHILE they were debating and while there was all the back-and-forth that drove us all crazy, what I heard being said has been changed. I heard Obama say that his tax plan was going to tax the people who make over $250,000 more than they are now. That he would make the tax base more fair. Even Warren Buffet has been saying over and over that it's not fair that his secretary is taxed at a higher rate than he is!  There are so many loopholes in the tax laws that the poor and middle class are paying more than the billionaires are.  I understood Obama to be saying he would make the tax base more fair. I think the spreading the wealth crap is a total misnomer about what Obama has in mind.

Things I'm thankful for:

My dh and wonderful sons
My great family
That we have a place to live and heat to stay warm and usually have food to eat.
That I live in the U.S.
That I've made it through every illness with the care of my dh and family and doctors that brought me back from being an inch from dying.
That my dh has insurance that covers me
That I live in an isolated place
That I continue to live each day - REALLY LIVE each day - even though my pain levels are high and my health isn't great.
That we have a nutcase dog and a cat who knows she's the Queen of all she sees.
That maybe, just maybe, this country will start to turn around so EVERYONE gets health care and the homeless rate goes to zero.
And because of each and every one of you and ACOT, who all make life more fun!
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Cola

Re: america
FurBaby_Mom wrote: I am relieved (and thrilled) and wish Obama (and cabinet) lots of luck.

omg this is cracking me up!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: america
 Thank you, FurBaby_Mom, I Love this!! 

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