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Cherry Bing

Re: america
 I am just happy.

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Cherry Cola

Re: america
AmyTeets wrote:The world has REALLY big expectations for Obama, that worries me as well.  One man can't solve everything. 
I agree. There is pretty much no way that he can live up to the expectations that have been placed on him. I still think the best man won, and I still think that he will do this country a heap of good, but I do worry that things dont change overnight and it is going to be a long difficult journey. I just hope that the country as a whole can put this whole election thing behind us and band together to do what we can to make this country great again.

I didnt stay up to hear the speeches, but I will be watching them tonight and I know I will be crying. It is truly a historical time, and a time that finally makes me excited for the future.

oh and I am just plain glad to be done with all the drama.
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Cherry Delight

Re: america
What worries me on a bigger scale than even just this election is that our politicians are more concerned these days with the "world's" expectations and beliefs than those of our own citizens.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: america
No1Mommy wrote: Yup... I cried...but I don't think for the same reason as you guys ....I will stop there and succumb to Thumper's Theology. :(
LMBO Candy!  Thumper's Theology!  NICE!  ITA!

That being said...

He will do what is popluar for the first 4 years and then once he is re-elected that is when the less than popular tasks will get put in front of the public...Gotta save face for re-election.  It's politics people...

I reserve the right to use...I told you so later....I also will be totally willing to eat crow in 8 yrs if I am wrong!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: america
 Not only on the military end am I worried, but on the Christianity end and the survival of this world.
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Cherry Crush

Re: america
 I did not vote for Obama, but that being said, I am glad our country has finally seemed to be able to move past the race issue for once, and try to move forward.  I agree we need change, but I also know it won't happen in 4 years.  One man cannot undo what has been building for far more than George W. Bush's terms in Washington.  However, he has a Democratic Congress to help him, so I hope he can keep some of his promises.  I won't hold my breath, though.

Tania said what I think best.
I can only pray that God infuses our new leader with the wisdom and courage that he needs to do the right thing, and guides him in the direction we need to move.  Now I just have to move past my disappointment and personal feelings to acknowledge that God can work wonders, regardless of circumstance.  I'm glad that McCain was gracious in his speech, he's worked long and hard and I can't imagine what it's like to wake up as him this morning.  I think it shows true character when you can put your own feelings aside for the best interests of this country.  May God bless the United States of America.  I don't think he's done with us yet.
I will go with a wait and see attitude and I would love to be wrong in this case!
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Wild Cherry

Re: america
ArmyWife95 wrote: Not only on the military end am I worried, but on the Christianity end and the survival of this world.
Oh come on... you should have been worried about that LONG before this election. I think that's a little too far to go.

And on some of your other comments, Even if you don't like Obama... Any change is a good change!!!! And we have to support whoever is elected to fight us through these times. One man isn't going to make a difference.. b/c there are so many other people involved. He's not the only one making decisions. And it will be a long hard struggle to undue what has happened in the 8 years. You guys can't expect miracles.

I'm not trying to start anything, but I am just amazed on how selfish some of you guys are. There are tons of people already jobless and homeless. Be thankful for what you have and strive every day to keep it. Obama is not gonna take it all away to be a bad guy, he is aiming issues at the 'richer' b/c he feels it should be more fair for everyone. So many middle class and poor are struggling while the rich are "struggling'" but still have money for retirement. While everyone else is struggling to make a mortgage payment and can't even think of having anything left for retirement. So many things need to go back to the basics and to cover the "needs" of people not the "wants."

So for everyone in Fear of the future.. you should have already been in fear with what's been happening now. You should look up for a new president to make changes. McCain will still be involved. There shouldn't be Republican and Democrat, everyone should work together. And that's all both Presidents want. Obama can't do this alone and McCain couldn't have either. So please stop sounding so down and pointing out all the wrongs, b/c each candidate had their issues and no one agreed with every single issue for either of them. Both had their flaws and no one can be happy with Everything they want... b/c they are not us. If we want change to be exactly how we think it should be.. then we have to run for President.... we Cannot Put All of our Wants into one person and expect him to do all of them.

Again not trying to start anything.. just really makes me upset on how some people are reacting. If McCain would have won, even though I did not vote for him, I would have still been understanding and been excited to await his decsions to turn our country around.
~ Carissa ~

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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 Very well said, Carissa!

For myself, I want to add that I'm glad each woman will retain her right to make her own choices regarding her body.  Personally, I could never have an abortion - but I'm all for keeping Roe vs Wade in effect.
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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 oh and I am just plain glad to be done with all the drama.
If only this were true. I don't think the drama is going to be over for a long time - this thread is indication of that. And for the record - any other year but this one you and I would be on the same side... for some reason I just wanted you to know that. ;)

I did not vote for Obama, but that being said, I am glad our country
has finally seemed to be able to move past the race issue for once, and
try to move forward.
I would LOVE to agree with you on this one and would certainly HOPE that this was true; however, CNN referred to the states in RED below what is commonly referred to as the Mason/Dixon line as the Confederate states and those in blue above said line as the Union states not once but THREE times last night.

I haven't heard the southern states referred to in that manner since the recontruction!! This nation does not need to be divided along any measures right now, much less race or socio-economic status.

Dolphin Soul there are so many things wrong in your statement that I could be here all day. Your type of reasoning is exactly why I did not vote for Obama in the first place.
For example:  Even if you don't like Obama... Any change is a good change!!!!
No - any change is not always good. There are times when certain policies have been tried and tested and they work. There is not one of George Bush's policies that I would stand by but many of the policies that Obama has suggested would retool the constitution of this country. We tried change in the 60's and it left this country in political and social turmoil. Many of the problems that you see today in families and government are a direct result of the "change" that was tried in the 60's. The problems within our school system are a result of the changes that were tried systemically in the late 70's. Not all change is good.

In eastern philosophy they teach that wisdom and age is to be revered. Do you ever wonder why their families are so stable? Why their dynasties are so strong?
Obama is not gonna take it all away to be a bad guy, he is aiming
issues at the 'richer' b/c he feels it should be more fair for everyone.
FAIR!?! I'm a middle class wife of a military guy who is retiring next year and even I have a problem with this class warfare that has been set up by Obama.

The so-called rich - which by the way, does it include Obama himself who is worth FOUR MILLION DOLLARS or his new best friend Oprah Winrey who is the most wealthy woman in America - get there by working hard. That is the philosophy on which this great nation was built. I work hard, I study hard, I build a company, I make money.

Let's look at Wal Mart. Sam Walton came from the poorest state in the Union, had NOTHING to his name. He started a store with a concept. He built an empire and became a millionaire. AR, the state, in turn benefited from his wealth. The people here have benefited from his wealth. We have schools, scholarships, foundations, and taxes because of his wealth. THAT is how it's supposed to work.

It is NOT supposed to be about the GOVERNMENT taking away Sam's money to give to someone else without initiative. That is communism - it's not even socialism. Taking the wealth of one group and giving it to another is straight up Maxism and it should have been called out more often by the media during the election. However, the only one to do so in Florida was BOYCOTTED by the Obama campaign.

Marxism did not work in the Soviet Union and it will not work in America, or have you not studied it in your history books? It hasn't work in most of the countries where it has been tried. The redistribution of wealth is a far cry from socialized medicine - which is all that most Americans wanted.

Barrack Obama - with all of his MILLIONS - cannot even take care of his own Aunt who lives illegally in a government housing project. If he cannot take care of her, then how do YOU expect him to care of anything else this country needs.

And frankly, I don't give a rat's donkey what the rest of the world thinks about this election. In the broken, defunct electoral college he won by a "landslide" but in the popular vote he did not! This was not a mandate for change, it was a mandate to breathe a sigh of relief that George Bush will be gone - THANK GOD. On that we can all agree.

I have witnessed a lot of elections and trust me, I and a lot of others were badmouthing George Bush the day after BOTH times he won.  If there are those who wish to bad mouth Barrack Hussein Obama today then that is right of Americans in this free country - at least as long as we are still free.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: america
Thank you Carisa for saying it so well. I am very happy & yes, I cried very happy tears last night.  

Senator McCain was very gracious in his speech last night & I hope that the people who voted for him will take a clue from his speech last night & also turn around & be a little more supportive of our new President elect who has a tremendous & very difficult task ahead of him. Yes, you have the freedom to speak your mind & be critical but it would be so much better for all of us if you put your differences aside & did something more positive instead.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: america
 I also cried - for the opportunities still available in our great country.  I will continue to pray for our sitting President, no matter who, for strength, intelligence, and for him/her to make good, peaceful and right choices.  I had 3 generations in my family vote yesterday - my mom, myself and my son.  I am proud to be an American!!!  and I am THRILLED with the voting turnout.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 Senator McCain was very gracious in his speech last night & I hope
that the people who voted for him will take a clue from his speech last
night & also turn around & be a little more supportive of our
new President elect who has a tremendous & very difficult task
ahead of him. Yes, you have the freedom to speak your mind & be
critical but it would be so much better for all of us if you put your
differences aside & did something more positive instead.
Trust me, there are going to be a lot of congressmen, including Senator McCain, who are going to challenge many things that the new president proposes - as they should! THAT is what makes this country great. That is what will keep this country positive. The last thing this country needs is for every one to sit back and become a bunch of "yes men" just because there is a new president. Geesh. This is politics, not kindergarten. :waiting:

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: america
Themom wrote:
 Senator McCain was very gracious in his speech last night & I hope
that the people who voted for him will take a clue from his speech last
night & also turn around & be a little more supportive of our
new President elect who has a tremendous & very difficult task
ahead of him. Yes, you have the freedom to speak your mind & be
critical but it would be so much better for all of us if you put your
differences aside & did something more positive instead.
Trust me, there are going to be a lot of congressmen, including Senator McCain, who are going to challenge many things that the new president proposes - as they should! THAT is what makes this country great. That is what will keep this country positive. The last thing this country needs is for every one to sit back and become a bunch of "yes men" just because there is a new president. Geesh. This is politics, not kindergarten. :waiting:
I totally agree that they should challenge the new President's proposals & I hope the best policies will win in the end just like the best candidate won the Presidency. Barack Obama said in his speech last night that he would listen especially when we disagree.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: america
DolphinSoul wrote:  he is aiming issues at the 'richer' b/c he feels it should be more fair for everyone. So many middle class and poor are struggling while the rich are "struggling'" but still have money for retirement. While everyone else is struggling to make a mortgage payment and can't even think of having anything left for retirement. So many things need to go back to the basics and to cover the "needs" of people not the "wants."

I am a middle class close to poor by some people's standards.  I don't agree with this.

Let's use Kara and myself as an example.  Or even Jennifer P.  Both Kara and Jennifer and their families have worked REALLY hard to get to where they are.  I don't think it is Kara or Jennifer's responsibility JUST BECAUSE THEY MAKE MORE MONEY to dish out more money in taxes so that I can lead a more comfortable life.  I chose the path I am on.  Could I go out and find a better job?  SURE!  Can I go out and get a better education?  ABSOLUTELY! 

Just as I don't think it's their job to make my life comfy...I don't think its MY JOB to make sure someone less fortunate than me has all they need.  That is THEIR JOB!!!  I have enough to worry about now to add to my plate I have to think of millions who are either here illegally or just dont want to get a job or who want to have babies on top of babies and keep having babies so that they can stay on welfare.  Whatever!

Does what I am saying sound absolutely closed minded and selfish...Probably to some.  I am ok with that!  I do think that welfare has a place for the mom who gets abandoned by her husband/BF/SO to raise 4 kids and she needs help!  Welfare has a place for the man who had an accident at work and can no longer work or support his family!  Welfare even has a place for the immigrant who comes to AMERICA and needs help getting started.  I said STARTED!  not SUPPORTED.  WELFARE should NOT be used on people who are NOT here legally or for the person who is LAZY!

Carissa when you said you couldn't believe how SELFISH some of us were being...

I have to say... 

Wanting or expecting something for doing nothing IMO is SELFISH.  I don't think my busting my butt for what I have and expecting it to support MY family is selfish.

I think the best place for this thread is in the DEBATE FORUM.  It is too soon after a very high profile election to be talking politics without being emotionally charged.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: america
Nanna-Star wrote: Americans can rejoice that their sons and daughters are going to come home from wars, that they have elected a president with charisma and great intelligence.
The world has watched while the USA spent a million dollars a day for what?
Freedom? Thank God that the slaughter of the flowers of your country is going to stop and that money can be directed to the betterment of the health and education of your citizens.
There were two great candidates but the best man won.
Thank you Christina. I have missed seeing you around here. Hope all is well with you.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: america
 I still believe that this country will not have a really great president until there is election reform.   Mainly, election spending.

Right now I feel it's money talking through the candidates.

Only when there are rules and limits that will apply to any candidate running for national office will we be able to get the man/woman best suited for the job. 

I am willing to bet that there is someone very well qualified, more so than those we've seen running for the highest offices, who could do wonderful things for the country and the world, if only s/he had the chance.   But because s/he did not have the money backing her/him s/he wouldn't have a chance.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: america
Themom wrote:No - any change is not always good. There are times when certain policies have been tried and tested and they work. There is not one of George Bush's policies that I would stand by but many of the policies that Obama has suggested would retool the constitution of this country. We tried change in the 60's and it left this country in political and social turmoil. Many of the problems that you see today in families and government are a direct result of the "change" that was tried in the 60's. The problems within our school system are a result of the changes that were tried systemically in the late 70's. Not all change is good.

Obama is not gonna take it all away to be a bad guy, he is aiming
issues at the 'richer' b/c he feels it should be more fair for everyone.
And frankly, I don't give a rat's donkey what the rest of the world thinks about this election. In the broken, defunct electoral college he won by a "landslide" but in the popular vote he did not! This was not a mandate for change, it was a mandate to breathe a sigh of relief that George Bush will be gone - THANK GOD. On that we can all agree.
Well, he may not have won by a landslide in the popular vote, but at least he WON the popular vote, that is more than I can say about some of our presidents. At least the electoral college worked this time! I totally agree that the electoral college should be eliminated, but either way you look at it Obama would have won this election, maybe just not by as big of a percentage.

and as for change not always being a good thing...
that is true. and to be honest, last night I was thinking 'oh no what if I did cast my vote for the wrong person, what if these changes DONT work' but you know what? at least we tried.

I trusted McCain and his policies to keep this country running the way it has been... into the ground! and Obama, well, I am not sure that he can do all that he says, or anything that he says, but I will take an unknown outcome over a known failure.

and I find it really interesting that before the election when I was worrying about the future of Roe vs Wade, everyone was poo-poohing me, saying that it wasnt even an issue and it would never change so why even worry about. Now, all of the sudden all the pro-lifers are coming out and complaining that this election means that it will stick around. That doesnt make sense! You were all the ones telling me just yesterday that even if McCain won, abortion rights would never go away. I guess your 'prayers for the unborn children' today are proof of your lies from yesterday.

oh and well said Carissa!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
 I (heart) corriekate.

I don't have a problem with making opportunities available to people that wouldn't have them before, and WANT them, and will USE them.  I think that people that WANT an opportunity truely make it happen though.  Student loans, etc are available for that, aren't they?  I do have a problem with taking money from me to give to somebody that claims that they don't have an opportunity and then they continue to sit on their butt and do nothing to make an opportunity!  My grandparents and my parents, quite frankly, worked their asses off for us to get where we are today!  They didn't rely on the government to write a check at any point in their life and lived poor when they had to.  And I will as well to make opportunities for my daughter - but let me tell you something - don't you dare ever call me selfish!  Because as much as I try to make ends meet for my family, I still donate to charities  - and help run one!  You take away from me to give to somebody to sit on their donkey, then I won't be able to do that anymore, because I won't have the money.  I work my donkey off, my husband works 12 hours a day outside, don't call me selfish.  We all get what we deserve.  The effort you put into things pays off in the end.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
 I am not here to argue anything only to comment. I was "verbally attacked" yesterday in an elevator at work because I was wearing one of my Obama shirts and a button. I silently listened as he made  remarks about Obama. He then told me that I believed in socialism and S%#&T. as he got off the elevator I told him  that I do believe in one thing and that was that every American has the right to believe in what they want, and that people do not have to agree, but to RESPECT what others believe. I told him I respected his opinion. with that being said, I believe that this  not a victory for black people it was a victory for all of us as a nation. I am proud be a white christian woman supporting a canidate that would represent ALL of us, not just the rich people, but our friends and neighbors of every race and creed, that is what made this country great, that we are all from all over the world, but we came together to build a new country.
In his speech he said "And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too." To the ones that are still bitter....please let this man be your president....see for yourself .  Give him a chance and help him accomplish his promises of a better future for all of us.
Obama won because America believes in him. I believe that we are truly blessed this day. many will condemn him before he is in office and will fault him for everything he does, but I believe in Change and am glad that my vote made this historic moment possible.  Maybe we can restore accountability, honesty and integrity in the oval office. I believe that it is really a time for those who believe in a better future to say "YES WE CAN" THIS IS A STRONG STATEMENT I am about to say.... but the bigots will be the only minority in our nation.The time for change has come.
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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 I dont like the idea of someone sitting on their donkey and taking my money either, and I think the system is in need of reform. But I think that there are a lot of people out there who ARE working hard and still can't make ends meet. Yes, student loans are all well and good, (and I took advantage of them and am still paying them off and I also worked while in school to make my ends meet. I know about working hard to get an education and have a better life) but we still need people out there to do the jobs that dont require a college degree. What about the person behind the counter at McDonalds? those people are only making minimum wage and even if they are working full time, that isnt going to support a family. The way the world is right now, those people could be working TWO jobs and STILL be better off on welfare. Obviously there is something wrong with that, but the problem is with the system, not with the people. (Im not talking about the drug addicts and people who just want to sit on their rear ends, a different kind of reform is needed for them)

And you might say that that person should go get an education and get a better job, but it all comes down to - SOMEONE has to do it! We need to suck it up and raise the minimum wage so that those people can support themselves. I mean, trash men used to be the example people would give of a job that someone has to do - then they started paying trash men more money, so now that isnt such a bad job. But the point is the same, education can't ALWAYS be the answer, and not everyone can be upper or even middle class.
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