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Cherry Cola

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
That is a wonderful thing you did!

I know my mom has to keep working, rather than retire, because they need her health benefits to help cover medical costs.

I also agree that there are many people that use the system. I know of a teacher that worked in an inner city school where she got an eye--opener when her students informed her that they thought every American was just given a benefit card! I also taught in a school with a universal feeding program--students recieved free BREAKFAST and Lunch. (First, those parents still couldn't get their kids there early enough for the free breakfast...) Then, these elementary students came in carrying ipods!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
Wow, this brought tears to my eyes also! What a wonderful, caring, UNSELFISH thing to do!!! What a different world this would be if only!!!! I am sure you will be blessed for your acts, as I really believe what goes around, comes around. And what is happening in this great country of ours is just a disgrace! It is heart breaking!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
I think what you did is terrific, and that's how we can make a difference many times, one person at a time. And I agree that seniors shouldn't have to choose between medication and food, but health care reform and system reform has to start in a different place I think. Already mentioned here are those who receive free services and yet carry around iPod's that I don't have. A whole generation is being raised in the "entitlement" frame of mind. They have never seen anything else, and expect to do the same. What happened to an honest work ethic? There are those who posted here who work 2 and 3 jobs, or struggle to make it when there is more month than money. THOSE are the people I would rather be helping. I can't tell you the number of times I see someone call an ambulance for a trip to the hospital for a toothache and say "why shouldn't I? It doesn't cost anything" (mind you I have edited their grammar here). Oh, yes it costs..and it costs dearly, but not to the person who receives it. I know of a family where the dad works...but a fairly low paying job. But he won't marry his children's mother because then her welfare checks would stop. So instead he uses his money to buy computers and electronics and rounds of drinks for his buddies at the bar, while you and I pay for milk and bread for his children. And he goes to Toys for Tots EVERY year for Christmas gifts for his children. More and more we are headed towards socialist society. I would rather go back to the days of the 1800's (except I do love my computer and camera)...where neighbors looked out for one another, where the work ethic was strong, and men didn't dump their families. I find it so sad that society has become so accepting of people living a life of entitlements. Don't get me wrong...I believe there is a definite place for assistance programs...but it should be assistance, not a support program. And it should be for those who are tryiing to make a better life for their families, but have hit a temporary rough patch, and for our seniors, who have worked their lives to contribute and make our lives better.

I hope I have not offended anyone, but maybe we can all make a pledge to do the RAK....not necessarily money, as we all know that gets tougher and tough. But maybe helping a neighbor with weeding a garden, or watching the lady down the street's kids so she can have a few minutes of peace. We need to care about each other more...that is so lacking.

I'm done with my soapbox, thanks for letting me vent!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
What you did was really really great ! Your true passion for others shows through!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
gonecamping wrote:you are an amazing lady. You have inspired me today to do something for someone in my community that has less than me. It is frustrating that in our wealthy country we have hungry people and we have a generation of people who feel they are entitled to as much as they can get for free. I do have a suggestion for those of you with elderly parents living on a fixed income. Check into their community for Meals on Wheels. My husband grandma lives on a limited income and he got her set up with Meals on Wheels. She pays I think $1 a meal or a $1 a day and they deliver 2 hot meals a day to her home. Its a wonderful program for our senior citizens who have limited income and limited mobility as well.

Meals on Wheels ROCKS - they helped my Grandmother out for years and the food is excellent and well balanced. Sometimes she couldn't even eat it all.

Catholic Charities also helped her a lot
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Cherry Bing

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
scrapy1967 wrote:You are so awesome! The small town that I grew up in and still have family that live there was the town that DHL left last year and they laid off 10,000 people of a community of about 13,000. Our town was devastated and so many people are still without jobs myself and my husband are 2 of those people because we both worked there. I started a cleaning business and my husband works 2 jobs to make ends meet. We soooooo need more people like you. I started to cry when I read what you had done. Thank you for being you!

Aaahhhh- the DHL scandal! I live in Wilmington- know many affected by that horrible deal. Sorry to hear you were part of it!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
what a wonderful thing you did. Quite often it's the older generation who goes without - they don't feel like they should be given anything or don't know how to work the system and people take advantage.

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
Thank you for your kindness towards this human being. That was a wonderful gesture you did. I am in agreement with everything everyone has said here.

I am not complaining but my hubby and I are among those seniors who sometimes have to chose between spending on food or getting our prescribitions filled. Our children are not exactly well off but they always offer to buy our meds when they find out we aren't taking them. But we refuse them, because they have children and bills of their own and do not need to be spending on us. But it is sad to think that once we were healthy and strong and worked hard and contributed our money to Social Security and now when we need it its not enough. The one thing that hurts me is that I am beginning to look like a jack-o-lantern. I can't afford the dental bill which I was quoted to get my teeth fixed. Can you believe it will cost me $8,000. Of course they offered me payments, but they want me to pay $325 a month.

We are on med-care and were offered med-cal. So get this, we need to pay $3,000 per month before it kicks in. my hubby and I don't even make close to $3,000. Is that rediculous or what? So yes, this country needs a major health reform. We worry about our children and future generations and what kind of health services they will have.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Hungar, should it be happening in America?
Bless you for what you did.

I have done similar things. Right now I focus a lot of what I do on family that needs help.

I know it probably had lots of political implications but I was FURIOUS that we (the US) sent so much to help the Pakistani's during their recent floods while so many victims from Hurricane Katrina are still in need from FIVE YEARS AGO!

We have so many in this country who are in need - but still we send help to other countries. IT's all political - but we do need to focus on our own.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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