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Chatty Cherry

 This country has come such a long way.  This truly was an amazing  historic presidential election, did anyone else cry tonight besides me?  I think it is a real shame that obama's grandmother couldn't see her grandson win the presidency, that is so heartbreaking.  I hope that our country made the right choice and that obama will bring the change that we all so desperately need and want. Let's all pray that the economy gets better, troops come home, and that we can come together as a nation to make a difference, we need change and I hope we can achieve it.

That's all, I hope you all had a wonderful night and who else is glad the election is finally over?  Back to regular programming lol.
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Wild Cherry

Re: america
 You could not have said it better!!! I didn't believe the reporters when I heard them! I got so emotional and it just felt like huge weight off our shoulders knowing he's going to be our President and hopefully take our nation in the direction it needs!! I know his grandmother is watching over him and cannot be more proud!!! Now I'm just waiting on his speech!!! :-D

I have to say though, I was VERY impressed with McCains speech and if he would have seen that sincere and true throughout his campaining, I would have liked him a lot better. He really shocked me and I was touched on what he had to say.
~ Carissa ~

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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 Well, the first post started out on a nice note, didn't it?

I am glad that this election is over. I hope that the country can begin to heal.

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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: america
 I can't decide how I feel.  I think for the most part it was obvious that I was NOT voting for McCain so of course I am disappointed.  I don't hate Obama I just don't agree with his policies.  We will see just how oh holier than thou he really is in the next four years.  It will be amazing to see if he actually pulls off anything he has "promised".  Thats the easy part, its the follow through that everyone seems to have problems with.  I am also not looking forward to my taxes increasing but thats a whole other problem.

Anywho, I am going to bed and try to avoid nightmares.  I have to get up early tomorrow and go paint. :?
Jennifer K.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: america
 After so many "years in the wilderness", I am happy as a clam.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: america
 Well I was touched by both speeches.  I am glad that Obama won though, I think that we will see some changes.  Of course there will be things that won't change but overall I pray that he does bring it about.  We all need to realize that he is now our President and that we all need to do our part to make this the greatest country of all.  We need to show the world what we stand for.  I agree with Wendy on what she said.  So now all I can say is may God bless America!
We have to forgive! If we don't forgive, we'll get left behind! janet rose

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Chatty Cherry

Re: america
 Carissa, I totally agree with you.  I'm not saying that I would have voted differently but I may have liked McCain better had he showed the side of him that came through in his gracious, humbled defeat speech.  It was like he was an entirely different person.  I wouldn't have swayed but had he showed that side of him earlier others may have and maybe the election would have turned out differently? 

i know that change can't happen overnight, but I have hope that a new, fresher face in office will slowly bring the change that this country needs.  I believe when people have dreams and aren't afraid to face challenges that anything is possible.  I pray for Obama and the state of our nation because we have some very tough issues ahead of us to resolve in this country, and it will take alot of hard work to accomplish this change.  God speed and hugs to all my neighbors!
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: america
 Americans can rejoice that their sons and daughters are going to come home from wars, that they have elected a president with charisma and great intelligence.
The world has watched while the USA spent a million dollars a day for what?
Freedom? Thank God that the slaughter of the flowers of your country is going to stop and that money can be directed to the betterment of the health and education of your citizens.
There were two great candidates but the best man won.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
TheFiberLady wrote: This country has come such a long way.  This truly was an amazing  historic presidential election, did anyone else cry tonight besides me?  I think it is a real shame that obama's grandmother couldn't see her grandson win the presidency, that is so heartbreaking.  I hope that our country made the right choice and that obama will bring the change that we all so desperately need and want. Let's all pray that the economy gets better, troops come home, and that we can come together as a nation to make a difference, we need change and I hope we can achieve it.

That's all, I hope you all had a wonderful night and who else is glad the election is finally over?  Back to regular programming lol.

I dont even know what to post. You said it perfectly. I too was very moved by "Both" of their speeches. I taped both of them. I have been so emotional all nite, the celebrating at the headquarters was so overwhelming that I had to leave just to have time to be alone and to pray and thank God. ANd I cried, tears of joy. I am exhausted, but having problems sleeping. as I said I don't even know what to say, I feel that this country is blessed.
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Wild Cherry

Re: america
 I, too, hope that Obama guide our great nation down a sturdier path for the future of our country.
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: america
 This is an amazing country, the USA, and is populated with potential.  We just need to use it! It was an emotional night for me too...I stayed up far later than usual watching the returns.  While change does not come quickly, I believe that with patience and positive leadership and support from Congress, we can find a new path.  I do not pray for a return to what once was but for a brighter future and the perserverance on our part to travel it together.  I believe bringing home our young people from overseas is a step in the right direction.  Too many of my friends' children have served or are serving in harm's way and that the parents live in perpetual fear. 

Stepping down off my soap box now and tucking it under my arm for another day.
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Cherry Cola

Re: america
 Yup... I cried...but I don't think for the same reason as you guys ....I will stop there and succumb to Thumper's Theology. :(
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: america
 I still am praying for our country.  

I will pray that all our leaders are guided in their decision making.  
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: america
 I had fallen asleep (my allergy meds knocked me out) when dh got home we watched the end of Obama's speech. I also cried. I couldn't be happier with the results of the election.
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Cherry Delight

Re: america
I can only pray that God infuses our new leader with the wisdom and courage that he needs to do the right thing, and guides him in the direction we need to move.  Now I just have to move past my disappointment and personal feelings to acknowledge that God can work wonders, regardless of circumstance.  I'm glad that McCain was gracious in his speech, he's worked long and hard and I can't imagine what it's like to wake up as him this morning.  I think it shows true character when you can put your own feelings aside for the best interests of this country.  May God bless the United States of America.  I don't think he's done with us yet.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: america
 Yeah I cried.  I cried myself to sleep.

I cried for the souls of the unborn.
I cried for the penalties that my family and friends are going to have to pay because they are successful.
I cried that I will no longer be able to be so charitable.
I cried for my job and my husband's job (I work for a small business in the oilfield).
I cried that my baby's first Christmas isn't going to be amazing.
I cried because I am scared of the future.
I cried because people that I know were ignorant and I didn't do anything about it sooner.
I cried because government is going to grow and interfere.

I worry for our future.
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Digital Designers

Re: america
On a military end, I'm really worried. :? 
Amy Teets Designs

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Cherry Cropper

Re: america
 I worry this is the beginning of an implosion of our country. People want change... change from our freedoms, from our willingness to go out and fight for people who do not have the means to fight for themselves? To let our guard down to the world so that they may come back and hit us with more 9-11's? And when they DO come to war, and of this I am certain, we will want to sit and "talk about it"? Being punished for living the American Dream? Killing babies who never get the chance to dream?

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Digital Designers

Re: america
The world has REALLY big expectations for Obama, that worries me as well.  One man can't solve everything. 
Amy Teets Designs

My Blog
Semper Fi

Snag Me!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: america
 I worry this is the beginning of an implosion of our country. People want change... change from our freedoms, from our willingness to go out and fight for people who do not have the means to fight for themselves? To let our guard down to the world so that they may come back and hit us with more 9-11's? And when they DO come to war, and of this I am certain, we will want to sit and "talk about it"? Being punished for living the American Dream? Killing babies who never get the chance to dream?
I think you hit the nail right on the head!!!  unfortunately
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