Prayers for baby Mira, please!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Prayers for baby Mira, please!

Post by SarahA »

My very good friends that I grew up with have a sweet little baby girl named Mira. Before she was born, they knew she had a heart condition where the left half of her heart was not working. She was born on January 27th, and within the first 3 days of her life, she had 2 heart surgeries! Since then she has had 2 more surgeries and was supposed to have another one last month. Her pressures were not acceptable to perform the surgery, and just last week her parents placed her on a heart transplant list. Please pray that she is the recipient of a healthy heart soon. Also please pray for strength for her and her family and wisdom for the doctors to make the right choices in her care.
If she does not get a heart by mid-November, they will do another heart cath to see if her pressures are acceptable to perform the surgery at that time. Thank you, everyone! So many people involved in this little girl's life appreciate the prayers!
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