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Cherry Blossom

New & in need
Hi!  I'm fairly new here but am hoping you will all open your hearts to my request.  I am on Randi Oh's CT, so I am hoping to get more involved here.  Just from reading the forum, I can tell there are many wonderful people to turn to!

My husband and I adopted a wonderful little boy from Korea 3 years ago and are now in the process of adopting a beautiful little girl.  We received her referral on January 9.  She was 6 months old at the time.

It is now 3 months later and she is still not home.  We have hit several bumps along the way with paperwork, communication mishaps, etc.  It will probably be another entire month before she is here and she will be 10 months old.  :(

I am having a really hard time with this.  I feel like I have missed all of her babyhood.  I prayed so hard that she would come home quickly and truly expected that she would since our son was home in just 2 short months after referral.  It feels like my prayers are falling on deaf ears.  I just don't understand why it had to work out this way.  If it hadn't been for the mishaps, she would be home and in my arms already.  She could have, and should have, been home by the end of March. 

So, I would really appreciate your prayers.  As much as I'd like prayer for her to be home in less than a month, it would take nothing short of a true miracle for that to happen at this point.  So, I even more need your prayers for my state of mind.  It's taking everything in me just to get out of bed in the mornings and face the day.  I was just sure she'd be home by Easter and now the thought of her frilly dress hanging in the closet and her basket of goodies just makes me feel sick.  My heart aches so badly. I need peace, patience, and perseverance.

Thank you,

P.S.  Here's our little girl if it helps to have a face to connect with the prayer!
Image ... ,0,,101386
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: New & in need
 Sending prayers!!  What a sweet little face!!  Please keep us updated!

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Cherry Blossom

Re: New & in need
 prayers going out for your family.  What a cutie! 
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: New & in need
 What a cutie!!

Many prayers for you. 
It's hard, but try to remember He does this His way for reasons we don't understand.  There have been many times I was so frusterated at the way things were working out, only to be thankful later that it happened that way when you realize why.  I wouldn't have meet my husband if my finanical aid went through and I went away to college... I could have lost my son if they had done the test even a day earlier and released him from the NICU, instead of waiting all weekend.  We were so frusterated because we just wanted him with us... but if he had been with us when he stopped breathing we could have lost him all together.

Image Laurie, aka Image Image

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Judy in NM

Cherry Garcia

Re: New & in need
 You'll have my prayers.  She is an absolute little doll..  
~~ Judy ~~

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Cherry Tart

Re: New & in need
Tricia, I will keep you & your family in my thoughts & prayers. This has to be a difficult time. I hope she gets here soon. She's adorable! Diane
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Cherry Cola

Re: New & in need
hugs and prayers to you! And don't worry....It's the memories you make together that are important, not the ones you "think" you should have had together! There are so many years you are going to have with your little girl and right now your little boy needs you. Think of him!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: New & in need
Update!!! We just got THE CALL this morning at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, April 27. She will be coming home to us on Thursday, May 7.

Thank you everyone so much for your prayers. They were definitely felt. God is good!

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Cherry Tart

Re: New & in need
Congratulations to your family!! God had a plan and He will see it through. Many blessings to a wonderful life together!!
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