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Cherry Cola

Please pray for my dad.- updated 1/18/09
 Hi everyone. My dad really needs everyone's prayers.

Some of you know that he has been through a lot these past two years but things just got worse.

To fill everyone in.

Two years ago Thanksgiving my dad was diaginoised with Burket's Lymphoma. (Rare cancer usually found in black American males.) He went to Stanford for 6 months for chemo treatments and beat the cancer. The doctor said if this particualr cancer stays away for 1 year it will not return. He has been caner free from this cancer for 1 year and 1/2. (The cancer was wrapped around his spine and caused nerve damage in his right leg, leaving him unable to walk with out the use of canes.)

However one of the chemo's that they gave him the doctor said that there was a 2% chance that he could get a secondary cancer from the chemo. Almost exactly a year after he was cancer free from the lymphoma we found out he had MDS or myelodysplastic syndrome ( basically it is preluekemia and can develop into luekemia. And this all happened just when he was getting back to things, walking with canes rather then a walker, he started driving again, and get around easier.  For the past 6-8 months he has gone through more chemo to try and kill the MDS. Numerous blood transfustions. This has made his bod very week and he immune system way down so he gets sick really easy.

A few days before Christmas he was hospitalized for penumonia. He took a turn for the worst since he has been there. (He has not come out of the hospital yet.) Mom says that he is acting very strangly and forgets where he is and starts talking nonsense. The did some tests the past few days and have determined that the MDS has developed into lukemia.

We are not really sure where we are going from here. If he doesn't get further treatment they are giving him 3 weeks to 3 months to live. With treatment that could be extended. As far as we know right now there are 3 treatments, one he has already taken for MDS and it didn't work so thats out. There is one other treatment here in Reno and a new experimental one at Standford. We are weighing all the options right now and not sure what road we are going to take. The doctors are still doing tests to see how adavanced the cancer is and if some of the causes right now could be because of the pneumonia still in his body.

My dad and family have been through so much these past two years. Dad has been in and out of the hospital this past year more times then I can count. I really don't want to loose him but I get a pain in my heart everytime I see him and how bad he is suffering.

I just don't understand why him? I know God has a reason for taking people from this earth, but it just seems so unfair. My dad would give you the shirt off his back and was the healthiest happiest man before all this happened. He use to ride his bike 10 miles a day before he got the lymphoma, Now he can barley get out of bed and go to the bathroom without getting out of breath.

So please keep my family and especially my dad in your thoughts and prayers.

I will update this thread with any futher news.

UPDATE: 1/5/09

The MDS has progressed into luekmia. He is still struggling with the pneumonia. He needs to be transfered to Stanford for chemo. Hopefully we can get him there sometime this week.

To make matters more stressfull I took my grandfather (dad's dad) to the hospital yesterday because he had a mild heart attack. They are doing an angogram on him right now. Hopefully he will not have to have any further surgery for this. I have to go pick up my grandma in an hour and take her over there.

UPDATE 1/6/09
Dad still has penumonia and they can't start the new chemo until it is gone. Without the new chemo they are giving him 3 weeks to 3 months to live. Please prayer the pneumonia goes away. I am so scared.

on a good note Grandpa is doing well and can come home tomorrow.

Update 1/18/09
The doctors tried several different antibotics to get rid of the pneumonia but were unable to do so. Now the Luekmia has progressed to far and there is nothing that they can do for him. The luekmia has gone to his bone marrow and is taking over. Yesterday they gave him a few hours to a few days. I am so sad. It is so hard to go see him because his breathing is so labored, blood comes out of his nose and mouth and he is in so much pain. I just want him to be a peace. I am so mad just about everything. I want to scream at my dad you can't leave us we need you, but at he same time I just want him to be a peace and not have to deal with this awful disease anymore. I am so livid with the insurance company they took so long apporoving everything and I think if they had done their job and gotten things done in a timely manner he wold be fine now. (Took them 8 months to get a bone marrow transplant approved.)
I have to go now I am going to start crying again.

update 1/20/09 My dad lost his battle with the leukemia yesterday. I am so sad, I will miss him so much. Spent the day yesterday with mom, she is doing okay. We have all had a little time to prepare for this and time to say our goodbyes to him so I think that has helped. However there are times when I just start crying. Please say one last prayer that my family gets through this. My grandma (dad's mom) is taking it really hard. MY niece is very emotional and was very close to him. His older brother is the last one I worry about.
Thank you all for the prayers.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please pray for my dad.
 HUGS and LOVE for you, him, and your family!!!! I am here if you need me Niki!!! love you!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Please pray for my dad.
 Sending hugs, your family is in my thoughts.
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Cherry Berry

Re: Please pray for my dad.
 sending lots and lots of prayers your way.
Lu-Ann Lover of LadybugsImage
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please pray for my dad.
 Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!  You, your dad, and your family will all be in my thoughts. 
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Cherry Picker

Re: Please pray for my dad.
Big ((((((((hugs))))))))) and lots of prayers to you and all of your family!!!!
Leslie Mar 1/10
1) Rebel. Refuse to accept the idea that creativity is work.
2) Play. Think like a child.
3) Zone. Tune out negative vibes.
4) Feel. Open your heart, nurture your imagination.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Please pray for my dad.
 I am very sorry to hear about your father and the pain he is in.  All the best to him and to your entire family during this difficult time.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Please pray for my dad.
So sorry to hear about your dad.  You are all in my prayers, {{hugs}} to you.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 Oh gosh...I'm so sorry!!
Lots of hugs, thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 Praying for you & your family, Niki. Big HUGS!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
Glad your grandpa is doing okay & sending prayers for your dad.
Big hugs to you.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 Niki, I  am so sorry and truly do know what you are going through. My dad never sick a day in his life, has stage 4 stomach cancer. He probably has 2-3 months. I will pray for you and your family.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Cola

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
Niki wrote: 

I just don't understand why him? I know God has a reason for taking people from this earth, but it just seems so unfair. My dad would give you the shirt off his back and was the healthiest happiest man before all this happened.

I know just how you feel, hon.  I still feel that way and my dad has been gone for five years now.   Your dad sounds like such a wonderful man.  I hope things turn around for him.  If you ever need a sounding board, pm me.  Take care!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 I'm sorry to hear this.  Prayers to your dad, grandfather, you and your family.  ((HUGS))

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 webby hugs to you, Niki!  I hope your dad gets over the pneumonia soon so he can start the leukemia treatment. 
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 Oh Niki I am so sorry to hear about you're dad's illness.  Its heart breaking to see your love ones in so much pain.  I will certainly keep you, your dad, grandpa and family in my prayers.  May our Lord carry you through all this.  Don't loose your faith sweetie.  Miracles do happen.
We have to forgive! If we don't forgive, we'll get left behind! janet rose

Love people & use things--- Not love things & use people!

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 so sorry for you and your family during this trying time - I'll be thinking of you and praying for all.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 You got 'em.  Yes, it is often hard to understand God's reasoning, but there is always a reason.  It may not be clear for a long time, but there is one, as painful as it may be.  Trust.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 Prayers & healing thoughts to your family.


I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Cherry Bing

Re: Please pray for my dad.- updated
 so much on your plate - praying your dad gets better, and your grandfather recovers as well.
Rita S

Life is about second chances. There would be no hope if God didn't give us another.

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