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Sweet Cherry Pie

Need some prayers please.
Would you please pray for my 13 year old and our family. As some of you know, my son Daniel has Asperger's Syndrome but he also suffers from major anxiety. He takes medication for the anxiety but it hasn't been too helpful recently so his doctor changed his medicine. He reacted horribly to the change three weeks ago and became very aggitated which led to aggression and some violence. I took him off that medicine immediately and almost had to hospitalize him. We got in to see the doctor right afterwards and he changed his medicine again. This time the medicine was helping him feel a little bit better but the last three days he started having anxiety attacks just out of the blue. He would be fine one minute and the next he was having problems. I believe it could be the medication again. I was never big on medication anyways but he got to the point where he needed it. He flipped out today so I called to see about having him admitted to the hospital (which to me is a last resort). Daniel's biggest problem with the hospital is having to stay there. I talked with the people today and they are willing to treat him on an outpatient basis for the next week, which means he will need to go over each day for a few hours but then he won't have to stay all night. I am really hoping we can go this route. My main concern is that if he hates it, I won't be able to get him to go back. Please pray that they can find the right medicine and the right balance of medicine and for the wisdom and strength to know if he really should be admitted. It is breaking my heart and is so hard on our family.

My almost ex (he left 6 years ago totally out of our lives but now trying to be Mr Dad to look good in front of the judge) is worthless. He won't accept any of Daniel's problems, would rather think he is just a rotten kid than accept him with a disability. WTH??? He went from supervised visits to unsupervised visits on Saturdays for 3 hours with Daniel and 5 hours with Matthew and since then the police have been called three times, twice by unknown people and once by Daniel. DCFS has been called twice because of the incidents of the boys being hurt but refuse to listen because ex is an attorney. I don't care if he is the president, it doesn't mean he is safe to be with the boys. It is a complete mess. We are going back to court to fight to get the visits back to being supervised. Until then, I have been going along on the visits to protect the boys from any more incidents. I would so appreciate some prayers for this situation too. This is a huge factor in Daniel's anxiety for the last few months.

Sorry for carrying on, it has just been a rough few months and I needed to vent. Thank you guys for listening.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Need some prayers please.
God bless you and your son. Keep the faith!
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