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Sweet Cherry Pie

Please say a prayer....
....for my father. He has prostate cancer and it has spread to other parts of his body.

He has been in an intensive care nursing home for the past 4 weeks, but they called a
meeting today for the family and told us he doesn't have very long. I am trying to be strong
for my other brothers and sisters, as I am the oldest....but it's so hard not to break down....
at least not yet!

I have been dreading this moment...this moment in time, where nothing will be the same again,
and this will be the first parent to pass's so overwhelming....

I welcome advise, a kind word, anything at all to help me--help him, during this stressful time.
I have to fly to the midwest to get to him, and this whole "airport security" stuff is not helping
to ease my pain either....

I thank you in advance,

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice"
~Frank Sinatra
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please say a prayer....
Sharron, I'm so sorry. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. My dad was in a work accident, it was very sudden. It was left up to me weather to leave him on life support... After 12 days I said to let him go. I'm the younger of the two, and was pregnant at the time. He died a month before my wedding. I felt like my whole world was crashing down. But I couldn't cry. His birthday came around in Oct.- he would've been 50. And the water works started... I cried for weeks. To this day its still the hardest thing I've ever been through. I don't think anything anyone can really say can make it better. And 5 years later it still hurts. Try to see him as much as you can now, and cherish. But when you remember him in the future, remember the happy times. The smiles and laughter you both shared. I still have nightmares of those 2 weeks. And it makes me cry just writing all this out to you. Take comfort in the fact you are not alone, and he will feel better and be waiting for you.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Please say a prayer....
Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for your kind words! I leave to the airport in about 8hrs....and I'm having a hard time packing! I will keep your
prayers and thoughts close to my heart! I wish you peace with the brave decision you made for your dad!

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice"
~Frank Sinatra
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Please say a prayer....
You're in my thoughts, Sharron.
My MIL died unexpectedly about 7 months ago. What I have learned is to take things one day at a time. Everyone deals with it differently, so just take the time you need to make decisions, get back into the swing of things and whatever else comes up. Big HUGS!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Please say a prayer....
Sharron you are in my thoughts and prayers and I am wishing you safe and troublefree travels. Like Britt said, remember the good times and the memories...I still miss my grandparents great ly and my grandfather has been gone 9 years this year and my grandmother will be gone 4 years this year....thinking of you and your family {{HUGS}}}
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Cherry Cola

Re: Please say a prayer....
Sharron, big (((hugs))). Just remember, thing, one moment at a time. Don't let it get you all crazy. Just do one thing at a time. And delegate. You are not taking care of your siblings, you all need to take care of each other, so don't feel like you have to do everything, okay? Allow yourself to be where you are emotionally, just like you are allowing everyone else to be where they are. And here's another (((hug))) to keep you safe through the airport!
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