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Cherry Cola

I need the cherries to pray for me please
As most of you know I have been clearing things out of Mother's and Daddy's house since December.  Mother died in 1993 and Daddy died in December 2006 at the age of 87.  They were the most wonderful and loving parents in the world and I miss them more than words can express.  It's taken me two years to muster up the strength to take on this task of going through their things.  Not a day goes by that I don't cry.  Going through all of their things and knowing they are gone makes me miss them even more.  I have no brothers or sisters; however, I do have a very supportive hubby.  He has been trying his best to help me through this, but I feel myself slipping deeper and deeper into this depression that is giving me a feeling of no hope and no joy in my life.  It's like I've given up and got me to thinking that I don't want my children to have to go through this after we're gone.  I've started getting rid of a lot of my things and little treasures I've had for years.  My husband said he has been really worried about me, especially for the past 3 weeks because of things I have said and the way I'm acting. I have diabetes and haven't been taking care of myself like I should.  I'm at a very low point in my life and can't seem to pull out of it. It's like, what is the point in it all?  Really, the only thing that is keeping me going is my cherry friends.  I look forward to this time I get to spend with all of you. This is my time to escapse from my life for at little while.  I hope I haven't bored you with this, but with that being said, I do really need your prayers.  I've always been a happy and outgoing person, but not anymore.   
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I need the cherries to pray for me please
 Sending many warm thoughts and prayers your way!  Just remember you have children who love you and all your cherry friends who are pulling for you!
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Cherry Addict

Re: I need the cherries to pray for me please
Image maybe you should share your feelings with your dr, and he could recommed something mild that could help make you feel better.  And of course we are here for you.  That is what friends are for!  But don't just get rid of everything; you may regret it later when you are feeling better, and you may have some things that are special to your children.  Right now as I type this, I am sitting at the desk that used to be my grandmother's.  It is not an antique, or anything, but it was hers and every time I sit here I see her and feel closer to her.  She was one of the most wonderful women in the world and I love having a few precious mementos of hers.  I don't know what I would do without these special gifts to remember her by!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Wild Cherry

Re: I need the cherries to pray for me please
 ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) Please go to your dr!! He can give you something temporarily to help you through this. And trust me, as someone who's been there many times, waiting to do that is just going to make it harder to pull out of it. What you're feeling is totally normal and understandable, but don't punish yourself by letting this go by one more day without doing something about it. Promise me!!

I wouldn't go through any of your own things while you're in this state of mind, and it might be best to stop going through Mother and Daddy's things for a bit. Give yourself a little break, maybe you tried to take too much of it on right now. As heartbreaking as it has been going through these things, you've also had some joy in the them (like the quilts and the movies you found) and your children will want to have the things you've treasured when you're gone, so please don't get rid of them.

We're all here for you and it's great that your husband is so supportive of you. That's an important ingredient in the recipe for getting through this.

PM me ANYTIME ok? I know how it feels to be in such deep despair. Sometimes talking to someone who understands is really helpful. (((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))

ETA: If you don't feel up to calling the dr ask your husband to, and make sure to take him with you so he can explain the changes he's seen in you recently. That will help your dr get you back to feeling like your old self!!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I need the cherries to pray for me please
 More (((((HUGS))))) and another plead for you to go see your Dr. I agree with Tracy that going through your things right now isn't the best idea. We are here with lots of (((((HUGS))))) and prayers for you anytime you need them. Please get yourself the help you need and deserve and then tackle things when you have a clearer head

(((((BIG HUGS)))))
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: I need the cherries to pray for me please
 (((hugs))) and prayers.

And yes, go see your dr.  Many people need help sooner or later in their lives!
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